Dirk Pauly @ TUDD


Dirk Pauly
  1. Ciarlet60: Workshop on numerical analysis and scientific computing for electromagnetics in honor of Patrick Ciarlet's 60th birthday, Institut Henri Poincaré
    Plenary Talk,

    Paris, June 2025,
    host: IHP,
    ``Traces for Hilbert Complexes´´, talk
  2. WaVes: Conference on Mathematics of Wave Phenomena, KIT,
    Minisymposium Talk,

    Karlsruhe, February 2025,
    host: Martin Halla,
    ``Traces for Hilbert Complexes´´, talk
  3. ZHACM Colloquium: Zurich Colloquium in Applied and Computational Mathematics, ETH Zürich,
    Colloquium Talk,

    Zürich, December 2024,
    host: Ralf Hiptmair and Stefan Kurz,
    ``Traces for Hilbert Complexes´´, talk
  4. n-Städte-Seminar@TUDD, Institut für Analysis, TU Dresden,
    Dresden, January 2024,
    host: Ralph Chill,
    ``Traces for Hilbert Complexes´´, talk
  5. Forschungsseminar Numerische Mathematik, Institut für Mathematik, FSU Jena,
    Jena, Oktober 2023,
    host: Dietmar Gallistl,
    ``Hilbert Complexes and PDEs´´, talk
  6. Oberseminar Analysis, Institut für Mathematik, MLU Halle-Wittenberg,
    Halle, January 2023,
    host: Tomas Dohnal,
    ``Hilbert Complexes and PDEs´´, talk
  7. Dresdner Mathematisches Seminar, Fakultät Mathematik, TU Dresden,
    Dresden, December 2022,
    host: Ralph Chill und Andreas Thom,
    ``Hilbert Complexes and PDEs´´, talk
  8. HilCom-MFO-2225: MFO-Full-Workshop: Hilbert Complexes: Analysis, Applications, and Discretizations,
    Oberwolfach, June 2022,
    organizers: Ana Alonso Rodriguez, Douglas Arnold, Dirk Pauly, Francesca Rapetti
  9. ANADay 2022: Austrian Numerical Analysis Day 2022,
    Talk in Colloquium session (retirement of Ulrich Langer and Walter Zulehner),

    Linz, May 2022,
    hosts: Herbert Egger, Clemens Hofreither, Stefan Takacs,
    ``Hilbert Complexes and PDEs´´, talk
  10. Online Seminar on the Mathematical Methods in the Theory of Electromagnetism", University of Padova, Italy,
    Key Note Talk,

    Zoom, (almost) Padova, December 2020,
    host: Pier Domenico Lamberti,
    ``FA-ToolBox: Solving PDEs with Hilbert Complexes´´, talk (abstract), talk (notes), talk (slides), talk (video)
  11. ZHACM Colloquium: Zurich Colloquium in Applied and Computational Mathematics", ETH Zürich,
    Colloquium Talk,

    Zoom, (almost) Zürich, November 2020,
    host: Ralf Hiptmair,
    ``FA-ToolBox: Solving PDEs with Hilbert Complexes´´, talk (abstract), talk (notes), talk (slides), talk (video)
  12. Vorstellungsvortrag W3 Angewandte Mathematik, BU Weimar,
    BBB, (almost) Weimar, July 2020,
    host: Conrad Völker,
    ``Solving PDEs with Hilbert Complexes: Analysis and Numerical Applications´´
  13. ISem23: 23rd Internet Seminar "Evolutionary Equations",
    Plenary Talk,

    Zoom, (almost) Wuppertal, June 2020,
    hosts: Christian Seifert (Hamburg), Sascha Trostorff (Kiel), Marcus Waurick (Strathclyde),
    ``Static Solution Theory (or: Solving PDEs with Hilbert Complexes)´´, talk (notes), talk (slides), talk (video)
  14. Oberseminar Analysis, Fakultät Mathematik, Institut für Analysis, TU Dresden,
    Dresden, March 2020,
    hosts: Ralph Chill, Rainer Picard, Marcus Waurick,
    ``On Some Hilbert Complexes and Applications (or: Solving PDEs with Hilbert Complexes)´´, talk
  15. Kalvåg Workshop: Analysis and Computation of Coupled Problems,
    Invited Key Note Talk,

    Kalvag, November 2019,
    host: Jan Nordbotten,
    ``Solving PDEs with Hilbert Complexes - On some Hilbert complexes, related compact embeddings, the div-curl lemma, ... and more, ... even some numerics ;-)´´, talk
  16. ICIAM 2019: 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
    Talk in Minisymposium ``Modeling, Simulation and Optimization in Electrical Engineering'',

    Valencia, July 2019,
    hosts: Stefan Kurz, Sebastian Schöps,
    ``Solution Theory and A Posteriori Error Estimates for Maxwell Type Problems´´, talk
  17. ICIAM 2019: 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
    Talk in Minisymposium ``Finite element exterior calculus and applications'',

    Valencia, July 2019,
    hosts: Snorre Christiansen, Kaibo Hu, Shuo Zhang,
    ``The divDiv-Complex: Analytical Foundations´´, talk
  18. AANMPDE 12: 12th Workshop on Analysis and Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (not only) for Junior Scientists,
    Bürglstein, Austria, July 2019,
    hosts: Johannes Kraus, Ulrich Langer, Pekka Neittaanmäki, Dirk Pauly, Sergey Repin, Marcus Waurick, Walter Zulehner,
    ``FA-Toolbox: On some Hilbert complexes, related compact embeddings, ... and more´´, talk
  19. SFB 65, PDE Afternoon, University of Vienna,
    Vienna , June 2019,
    host: Dirk Praetorius,
    ``On some Hilbert complexes, related compact embeddings, and the div-curl lemma´´, talk
  20. Colloquium Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo
    Oslo, March 2019,
    hosts: Nils Henrik Risebro, Ragnar Winther,
    ``On some Hilbert complexes, related compact embeddings, ... and more´´, talk
  21. Oberseminar Johannes Kepler Universität Linz / RICAM,
    Linz, Austria, March 2019,
    hosts: Ulrich Langer, Walter Zulehner,
    ``The Elasticity Complex´´
  22. W3-Vorstellungsvortrag, Universität Hamburg,
    Hamburg, February 2019,
    host: Armin Iske,
    ``Optimalsteuerung Magnetostatischer Felder mit einer FA-ToolBox: Analysis und Numerik´´
  23. MaNAMax-MFO-1851c: MFO-Mini-Workshop: Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Maxwell's Equations,
    Oberwolfach, December 2018,
    organizers: Monique Dauge, Ulrich Langer, Peter Monk, Dirk Pauly
  24. AANMPDE-11: 11th Workshop on Analysis and Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (not only) for Junior Scientists,
    Särkisaari, Finland, August 2018,
    hosts: Johannes Kraus, Ulrich Langer, Pekka Neittaanmäki, Dirk Pauly, Sergey Repin
  25. WaVe-18: Wave Phenomena - Analysis and Numerics,
    KIT, Karlsruhe, July 2018,
    host: Willy Dörfler,
    contributed talk: ``A Global div-curl-Lemma for Mixed Boundary Conditions in Weak Lipschitz Domains and a Corresponding Generalized A0*-A1-Lemma in Hilbert Spaces´´, talk
  26. CMAM-8: Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics,
    Minsk, Belarus, July 2018,
    host: Jun Zou,
    special minisymposium talk: ``Solution Theory, Variational Formulations, and Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for General First Order Systems with Applications to Electro-Magneto Statics and more...´´
  27. CMAM-8: Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics,
    Minsk, Belarus, July 2018,
    hosts: Carsten Carstensen, Piotr Matus, ...
    plenary talk: ``Old and New Results for Hilbert Complexes and First Order Systems´´, talk
  28. NWDFAK-40: 40. Nordwestdeutsches Funktionalanalysis Kolloquium,
    Wuppertal, Juni 2018,
    host: Birgit Jacob,
    ``The div-curl-Lemma by the FA-Toolbox´´, talk
  29. Research Seminar POEMS Group,
    UMA (Dept. of Appl. Math., UMR 7231 CNRS-INRIA-ENSTA), Palaiseau, France, March 2018
    host: Marc Bonnet,
    ``Low-Frequency Asymptotics for Maxwell Equations in Exterior Domains´´, talk, abstract
  30. Department Colloquium,
    University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, January 2018,
    hosts: Marcus Waurick, Matthias Langer,
    ``Electro-Magneto Statics and (Much) More by a (Linear) Functional Analysis Toolbox´´, talk
  31. AANMPDE-10: 10th Workshop on Analysis and Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (not only) for Junior Scientists,
    Paleochora, Crete, Greece, October 2017,
    hosts: Ulrich Langer, Dirk Pauly, Sergey Repin,
    ``A Global div-curl-Lemma for Mixed Boundary Conditions in Weak Lipschitz Domains and a Corresponding Generalized A0*-A1-Lemma in Hilbert Spaces´´
  32. RMMM-8: Reliable Methods of Mathematical Modeling ,
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, August 2017,
    host: Carsten Carstensen,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates (FAPEE) for Electro-Magneto Statics (EMS) ... and more´´, talk
  33. Research Seminar Analysis,
    University of Crete, Irakleio, Greece, May 2017,
    hosts: Paris Pamfilos, Achilles Tertikas, Alkis Tersenov,
    ``Maxwell Equations and Their Solutions. Some Characteristic Examples.´´
  34. GAMM-88,
    Ilmenau@Weimar, Germany, March 2017,
    hosts: Rainer Picard, Sascha Trostorff,
    ``On Grad-grad, div-Div, and Rot-Rot complexes for problems related to the biharmonic equation and elasticity´´, talk
  35. Special Semester on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering - School 1: Analysis and Numerics of Acoustic and Electromagnetic Problems,
    RICAM, Linz, Austria, October 2016,
    organizers: Ulrich Langer, Dirk Pauly, Sergey Repin
    ``Introduction to Maxwell's equations´´, program
  36. Special Semester on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering - Workshop 1: Analysis and Numerics of Acoustic and Electromagnetic Problems,
    RICAM, Linz, Austria, October 2016,
    hosts: Ulrich Langer, Dirk Pauly, Sergey Repin
    ``On the Gradgrad and divDiv Complexes, and a Related Decomposition Result for Biharmonic Problems in 3D: Part 2´´, talk, and part 1 by Walter Zulehner, talk
  37. CMAM-7: Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics,
    Jyväskylä, Finland, August 2016,
    hosts: Ulrich Langer, Jun Zou,
    ``Non-Standard Partial Integration: Implications to Maxwell and Korn Inequalities´´, talk
  38. AANMPDE(JS)-9: 9th Workshop on Analysis and Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (not only) for Junior Scientists,
    Strobl, Austria, July 2016,
    hosts: Ulrich Langer, Dirk Pauly, Sergey Repin
  39. Forschungsseminar Analysis/Numerik,
    Bödefeld, April 2016,
    host: Johannes Kraus, Dirk Pauly
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates by Triangle Inequality´´
  40. Oberseminar Analysis,
    Gießen, April 2016,
    host: Thomas Bartsch
    ``On the Maxwell Constants in 3D´´
  41. Radon Group Seminar (CM),
    Linz/RICAM, Austria, March 2016,
    hosts: Ulrich Langer, Walter Zulehner
    ``Solenoidal and irrotational vector fields in H-1 and related topics´´
  42. Oberseminar,
    Konstanz, January 2016,
    host: Reinhard Racke,
    ``Non-Standard Partial Integration: Implications to Maxwell and Korn Inequalities - or - How one cannot apply the Closed Graph Theorem´´, talk
  43. Forschungsseminar,
    TU Dresden, December 2015,
    host: Rainer Picard,
    ``Der Dualraum von H_0(rot), Helmholtzzerlegungen in H-1 und einige inf-sup-Bedingungen´´
  44. MATHEON multi-scale-Seminar,
    TU Berlin, December 2015,
    hosts: Sergiy Nesenenko, Kersten Schmidt,
    ``Low-Frequency Asymptotics for Time-Harmonic Maxwell Equations in Exterior Domains´´, talk
  45. Forschungsseminar Numerische Mathematik,
    TU Freiberg, December 2015,
    host: Oliver Rheinbach,
    ``Verfeinerte partielle Integration: Auswirkungen auf die Konstanten in Maxwell- und Korn-Ungleichungen´´, talk
  46. NWDFAK: 37. Nordwestdeutsches Funktionalanalysis Kolloquium,
    Oldenburg, November 2015,
    hosts: Andreas Defant, Peter Harmand, Michael Langenbruch,
    ``Verfeinerte partielle Integration: Auswirkungen auf die Konstanten in Maxwell- und Korn-Ungleichungen´´, talk
  47. Forschungsseminar Angewandte Mathematik,
    Jyväskylä/Haapamäki, Finland, November 2015,
    host: Sergey Repin
    ``Some new inf-sup-conditions´´
  48. Radon Group Seminar (CM),
    Linz/RICAM, Austria, October 2015,
    hosts: Ulrich Langer, Walter Zulehner
    ``Non-standard partial integration: implications to Maxwell and Korn inequalities - or: How one cannot apply the closed graph theorem!´´, talk
  49. AANMPDE-8:8th Workshop on Analysis and Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations,
    Särkisaari, Finland, August 2015,
    host: Ulrich Langer, Pekka Neittaanmäki, Dirk Pauly, Sergey Repin
    ``On Korn's First Inequality for Tangential or Normal Boundary Conditions with Explicit Constant --- or --- how one cannot apply the closed graph theorem´´, talk
  50. WAVES 2015: The 12th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation",
    Karlsruhe, July 2015,
    host: Willy Dörfler
    ``Low-Frequency Asymptotics for Time-Harmonic Maxwell Equations in Exterior Domains´´, talk
  51. LSSC'15: 10th International Conference on "Large-Scale Scientific Computations",
    Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 2015,
    host: Johannes Kraus
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for First Order Systems´´, talk
  52. Oberseminar Analysis,
    Dresden, December 2014,
    host: Rainer Picard,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for First Order Systems´´
  53. CMAM-6: International Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics,
    Strobl/St. Wolfgang, Austria, September/October 2014,
    hosts: Fredi Tröltzsch, Irwin Yousept,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for First Order Systems´´, talk
  54. ANMPDEA: 7th Workshop on Analysis and Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations for (Juneor) Scientists,
    Steklov Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 2014,
    hosts: Sergey Repin, Ulrich Langer,
    ``A Posteriori Error Estimates for First Order Systems´´
  55. Forschungsseminar,
    Jyväskylä, Finland, June 2014,
    host: Sergey Repin
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for First Order Systems´´
  56. Forschungsseminar Numerische Analysis
    HU Berlin, June 2014,
    hosts: Carsten Carstensen und Lucy Weggler
    ``On the Maxwell Constants in 3D´´
  57. Oberseminar Analysis,
    Irakleio, Crete, Greece, June 2014,
    host: Achilles Tertikas
    ``On the Maxwell Constants in 3D: Part 2´´
  58. Oberseminar Analysis,
    Irakleio, Crete, Greece, June 2014,
    host: Alkis Tersenov
    ``On the Maxwell Constants in 3D: Part 1´´
  59. Forschungsseminar,
    Jyväskylä, Finland, February 2014,
    host: Sergey Repin
    ``On the Maxwell Constants in 3D´´
  60. Forschungsseminar Numerische Mathematik und Mechanik,
    Essen, December 2013,
    hosts: Jörg Schröder (und Axel Klawonn, Gerhard Starke),
    ``Analysis, Numerical Analysis and A Posteriori Error Estimates for an Optimal Control Problem for Magneto-Static Fields´´
  61. Forschungsseminar Numerische Mathematik,
    Linz, Austria, November 2013,
    host: Ulrich Langer,
    ``On an optimal control problem for a magnetic field´´
  62. JSA-2013: Journées Singulières Augmentées 2013: Conférence en l'honneur de Martin Costabel pour ses 65 ans,
    Rennes, France, August 2013,
    hosts: Monique Dauge und Serge Nicaise
    ``On the Maxwell Constants in 3D´´, talk
  63. AANMPDE-6-13: 6th Workshop on Analysis and Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations for (Juneor) Scientists,
    Strobl, Austria, July 2013,
    host: Johannes Kraus
    ``On the Maxwell Constants´´
  64. LSSC9: 9th International Conference on "Large-Scale Scientific Computations",
    Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 2013,
    host: Ulrich Langer
    ``On the Maxwell Constants´´, talk
  65. Oberseminar,
    Jyväskylä, Finland, May 2013,
    host: Tuomo Rossi
    ``On the Maxwell Constants´´
  66. IFIP TC7.2 Workshop: Electromagnetics — Modelling, Simulation, Control and Industrial Applications,
    WIAS Berlin, May 2013,
    host: Dietmar Hömberg
    ``On the Maxwell Constants´´
  67. Oberseminar,
    Darmstadt, May 2013,
    host: Hans-Dieter Alber,
    ``On the Maxwell Constants´´
  68. Forschungsseminar für Numerische Mathematik und Mechanik,
    Köln, April 2013,
    host: Axel Klawonn, Jörg Schröder, Gerhard Starke
    ``On some new inequalities and explicit constants´´
  69. Oberseminar,
    Darmstadt, April 2013,
    host: Irwin Yousept,
    ``The Maxwell constants are bounded by the Poincare constants´´
  70. RICAM Kolloquium,
    Linz, Austria, April 2013,
    host: Johannes Kraus,
    ``On some new inequalities and explicit constants´´
  71. GAMM,
    Novi Sad, Serbia, March 2013,
    host: Dorothee Knees,
    ``Poincare meets Korn via Maxwell: Extending Korn's First Inequality to Incompatible Tensor Fields´´
  72. Oberseminar Jyväskylä,
    Jyväskylä, Finland, January 2013,
    host: Sergey Repin,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Static Maxwell Type Problems´´
  73. CE Seminar,
    Darmstadt, December 2012,
    host: Irwin Yousept,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Static Maxwell Type Problems´´
  74. DK Statusseminar,
    Strobl, Austria, October 2012,
    host: Ulrich Langer,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Static and Eddy Current Maxwell Problems´´, talk
  75. ANMPDEA: 5th Workshop on Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Methods for Partial Differential Equations and Optimization for Juneor Scientists,
    Konnevesi, Finland, August 2012,
    hosts: Sergey Repin, Pekka Neittaanmäki, Tuomo Rossi, Dirk Pauly,
    ``New Results on Korn's Inequalities: Theory and Numerics´´, talk
  76. RG 75: Optimization and PDEs with Applications - Dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of Roland Glowinski,
    Jyväskylä, Finland, June 2012,
    hosts: Pekka Neittaanmäki, Tuomo Rossi, Sergey Repin, Yuri Kuznetsov, W. Fitzgibbon, O. Pironneau,
    ``Poincare meets Korn via Maxwell: Extending Korn's First Inequality to Incompatible Tensor Fields´´, talk
  77. Forschungsseminar Numerik Chemnitz,
    Chemnitz, June 2012,
    hosts: Oliver Rheinbach, Arnd Meyer,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Maxwell Type Problems´´
  78. Oberseminar Numerische Mathematik,
    Linz, Austria, June 2012,
    host: Ulrich Langer,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Maxwell Type Problems´´
  79. Kolloquium Otrava,
    Ostrava, Czech Republic, May 2012,
    host: Jan Valdman,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Static Maxwell Type Problems´´
  80. Necas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics, Karls-Universität Prag,
    Prag, Czech Republic, May 2012,
    hosts: Feistauer, Haslinger, Malek, Roubicek,
    ``Poincare meets Korn via Maxwell: Extending Korn's First Inequality to Incompatible Tensor Fields´´
  81. Kolloquium Jyväskylä,
    Jyväskylä, Finland, April 2012,
    host: Sergey Repin,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Static Maxwell Type Problems´´
  82. W3-Vorstellungstalk Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz,
    Koblenz, March 2012,
    host: Thomas Götz,
    ``Poincare meets Korn via Maxwell: Extending Korn's First Inequality for Incompatible Tensor Fields´´, talk
  83. W2-Vorstellungstalk Duisburg-Essen, Campus Duisburg,
    Duisburg, January 2012,
    host: Arnd Rösch,
    ``Poincare trifft Korn über Maxwell´´
  84. GAMM-Seminar on Microstructures,
    Essen, January 2012,
    host: Jörg Schröder,
    ``Poincare meets Korn via Maxwell: Korn's First Inequality for Incompatible Tensor Fields´´, talk
  85. SFB-Seminar Bonn,
    Bonn, December 2011,
    host: Sören Bartels,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Static Maxwell Type Problems´´
  86. W2-Vorstellungstalk Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen,
    Essen, December 2011,
    host: Patrizio Neff,
    ``Poincare trifft Korn über Maxwell´´
  87. Kolloquium Zürich (Universität Zürich),
    Zürich, Switzerland, October 2011,
    hosts: Michel Chipot, Hermbert Amann,
    ``Poincare meets Korn via Maxwell: A Canonical Extension of Poincare's and Korn's First Inequality to H(Curl)-Tensor Fields´´
  88. Kolloquium Jyväskylä,
    Jyväskylä, Finland, October 2011,
    hosts: Pekka Koskela, Xiao Zhong,
    ``Poincare meets Korn via Maxwell: A Canonical Extension of Poincare's and Korn's First Inequality to H(Curl)-Tensor Fields´´
  89. ENUMATH: 9th Conference on European Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications,
    Leicester, England, September 2011,
    host: Sergey Repin,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Electro-Magneto Static Problems´´, talk
  90. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Steklov Institute,
    St. Petersburg, Russia, August 2011,
    hosts: Nina Uraltseva, Sergey Repin,
    ``Poincare meets Korn via Maxwell: A Canonical Extension of Poincare's and Korn's First Inequality to H(Curl)-Tensor Fields´´
  91. ANMPDEA: 4th Workshop on Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equation Analysis for Juneor Scientists,
    Euler Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 2011,
    hosts: Sergey Repin, Dirk Pauly, Olli Mali,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Static Maxwell Problems´´, talk
  92. NWDFAK: 33. Nordwestdeutsches Funktionalanalysis Kolloquium,
    Wuppertal, July 2011,
    hosts: Birgit Jacob, Wolfgang Rueß,
    ``Eine gemeinsame Verallgemeinerung der fundamentalen Ungleichungen von Poincare und Korn´´
  93. Kolloquium Kassel,
    Kassel, July 2011,
    host: Werner Varnhorn,
    ``A Korn’s Inequality for Incompatible Tensor Fields´´
  94. ANMPDEA: 3rd Workshop on Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equation Analysis for Juneor Scientists,
    Koivuniemi, Finland, August/September 2010,
    hosts: Sergey Repin, Pekka Neittaanmäki, Dirk Pauly,
    ``Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Non-Conforming Approximations of Solutions to Elliptic Problems in Exterior Domains´´
  95. AIMS: The 8th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Special Session 32: Evolutionary Partial Differential Equations: Theory and Applications,
    Dresden, May 2010,
    host: Rainer Picard,
    ``Hodge-Helmholtz Decompositions of Weighted Sobolev Spaces´´, talk
  96. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Steklov Institute,
    St. Petersburg, Russia, November 2009,
    hosts: Nina Uraltseva, Sergey Repin,
    ``Low Frequency Asymptotics for Time-Harmonic Generalized Maxwell Equations in Nonsmooth Exterior Domains´´
  97. SOUMO: Workshop on Reliable Simulations and Robust Design Methods and Tools in Multiphysics Applications,
    INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France, October 2009,
    hosts: Jean-Antoine Desideri, Jacques Periaux,
    ``Theoretical Considerations on the Computation of Generalized Time-Periodic Waves´´
  98. ACE: 5th Workshop on Advanced Computational Electromagnetics,
    Rom, September 2008,
    hosts: Lauri Kettunen, Ralf HiptMayr,
    ``Computation of Time-Periodic Waves´´
  99. ACE: 4th Workshop on Advanced Computational Electromagnetics,
    Aachen, June 2007,
    hosts: Lauri Kettunen, Ralf HiptMayr,
    ``Complete Low Frequency Asymptotics for Time-Harmonic Generalized Maxwell Equations in Nonsmooth Exterior Domains´´
  100. RG 70: Conference on Scientific Computing in Simulation, Optimization and Control and its Multidisciplinary Applications - On the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of Roland Glowinski,
    Jyväskylä, Finland, June 2007,
    hosts: Pekka Neittaanmäki, Tuomo Rossi,
    ``A Controllability Approach for the Computation of Time-Periodic Solutions of Generalized Maxwell-Type Equations Using the Framework of Alternating Differential Forms´´
  101. DMV-Jahrestagung,
    Berlin, March 2007,
    ``Niederfrequenzasymptotik zur Maxwell-Gleichung im Außengebiet´´
  102. DMV-Jahrestagung,
    Klagenfurt, September 2005,
    ``Hodge-Helmholtz Zerlegungen gewichteter Sobolev-Räume irregulärer Außengebiete´´
  103. Kolloquium Jyväskylä,
    Jyväskylä, Finland, August 2005,
    host: Pekka Neittaanmäki,
    ``Hodge-Helmholtz Decompositions of Weighted Sobolev Spaces of Exterior Domains´´
  104. DMV-Jahrestagung,
    Heidelberg, September 2004,
    ``Gewichtete Hodge-Helmholtz-Zerlegungen in irregulären Außengebieten´´
  105. Eccomas,
    Jyväskylä, Finland, July 2004,
    hosts: Pekka Neittaanmäki, Tuomo Rossi,
    ``Low Frequency Asymptotics for Maxwell's Equations in Exterior Domains´´
  106. Eccomas,
    Jyväskylä, Finland, July 2004,
    hosts: Pekka Neittaanmäki, Tuomo Rossi,
    ``Electro-Magneto Statics in Exterior Domains´´
  107. Disputation,
    Essen, March 2003,
    ``Niederfrequenzasymptotik zur Maxwell-Gleichung im Außengebiet´´
  108. DMV-Jahrestagung,
    Halle-Wittenberg, September 2002,
    ``Niederfrequenzasymptotik zur Maxwell-Gleichung im inhomogenen und anisotropen Außengebiet´´
  109. DMV-Jahrestagung,
    Dresden, September 2000,
    host: Rainer Picard,
    ``Elektro-Magneto-Statik in gewichteten L2–Räumen von Außengebieten des RN´´
Dirk Pauly
Dirk Pauly

Institut für Analysis
TU Dresden

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