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BOD - The Digital Magnitude Optimum

The Magnitude Optimum was deduced for continuous systems originally. The basic idea is to achieve as large frequency range of closed loop gain identically to unity as possible. This aim may be mathematically defined for discontinuous systems likewise avoiding any approximation and defining a closed formula. Thus the use of the Digital Magnitude Optimum generally makes it possible to avoid quasicontinuous methods for optimization of discontinuous control loops based on the Magnitude Optimum:

*** Book "Design of digital controllers for electric drives" (in German); Geitner, G.-H. ***
*** Paper containing the basic equation system and examples: BOD_Eng.doc.Z ***

Applying MATLAB - freeware toolbox BOD is at disposal containing m-files and demo's: current >>>Version 3.1<<<

The versions differ in following features to version 1.0:

General advantages of the Magnitude Optimum - already available for continuous systems:

More general advantages only available applying the Digital Magnitude Optimum for discontinuous systems:

As valid for continuous systems it is valid for discontinuous systems likewise:

The results of the Digital Magnitude Optimum are prepared as well as for computer-aided and manual use - see book above. The latter reconfigurations are an important base for on-line adaptation algorithms also. Computer-aided computations of z-transformed plants and controller parameters advantageously may be executed via mathematical software packages like MATLAB, for instance using above mentioned toolbox BOD.

Dr. G.-H. Geitner
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Chair electrical machines
and drives - TU Dresden