Companies and Climate Change - An Informational website of the Chair of Environmental Management and Accounting

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      Influence Analysis

Influence Analysis Tool

If the adaptation to the effects of climate change does not take place as desired within a company, specific causes can be identified. By means of the impact analysis tool, which was developed by the Chair of Environmental Management and Accounting, companies can identify factors which might hinder the adaptation process. An inhibiting factor is a disruptive factor which can delay, affect, or completely stop the adaptation process to the effects of climate change. But those obstacles are surmountable by an appropriate strategy. It is therefore important to know those obstacles and to consider them within the adaptation process.

The impact tool delivers the results to the companies in the form of an obstacle profile as well as an obstacle portfolio. The aim of the obstacle profile is to identify the perceived and unperceived obstacles, such as from individual departments, and simultaneously evaluate them on the basis of their relevance. A perceived obstacle is more relevant the higher its average is. Furthermore, the span of the given responses can be directly read off within the obstacle profile. The differences within the perception of an obstacle are bigger the greater the span is. With the help of the obstacle portfolio the obstacles can be classified and one of the following strategies can be derived: best practice sharing, decision analysis, problem analysis, and selection.

The tool can be found here



Prof. Dr.
Edeltraud Guenther
Phone: +49 (0) 351 463-34313
Fax: +49 (0) 351 463-37764

Muenchner Platz 1/3,
Schumannbau B 246
01187 Dresden

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TU Dresden
01062 Dresden

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