Block library Function Chart: library icon

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Application of the add-on block library Function Chart
- all rights reserved - Dr. Geitner ETI/TU Dresden

Example 8 - function chart

FUP-example 8: function chart

ES_1timer ZG0 elapsed ES_5timer ZG2 elapsed
ES_2actual speed drive 1 pre-break value 1 direction 1 over-ranged ES_6actual speed drive 1 pre-break value 1 direction 2 under-ranged
ES_3timer ZG1 elapsed ES_7timer ZG3 elapsed
ES_4actual speed drive 1 pre-break value 2 direction 1 under-ranged ES_8actual speed drive 1 pre-break value 2 direction 2 over-ranged
Event table: progression conditions for the function chart

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