R/rodeo examples

Hacking limnology workshop 2024


Technical aspects

Open presentation in your browser


  • Access to links, downloads, source code



Basic software

  • Statistical computing software “R”

  • RStudio or a good text editor like geany

  • Spreadsheet software to edit workbooks in “.xlsx” format (e.g., LibreOffice “calc”)

  • gfortran compiler (part of the RTools for Windows)

Is gfortran installed?

Add-on packages for R

  • We will primarily use one package: rodeo

  • Dependencies on other packages (e.g., deSolve) are resolved automatically upon installation

  • We will install the latest version of rodeo in a moment

How run code from the presentation

Copying code

  • Select / create a working directory

  • Therein, create a text file ending with “.r” or “.R”)

  • Copy & paste R code in given order

# to copy this code to the clipboard, place
# the mouse over the box & click the icon in
# the top-right corner
print("I'm a piece of R code. Copy me!")

Executing code


  • Have file with R code open

  • Session \(\rightarrow\) Set work. dir. \(\rightarrow\) To source file loc.

  • Hit source button or press Ctrl + Shift + S

Using a terminal

  • Rscript --vanilla myscript.r

  • Graphics will appear in Rplots.pdf

Using stop() and print()

  • Do NOT run scripts line by line but execute all statements from top of the file!

  • Inspect intermediate results by print() & stop()

myData <- runif(999)

stop("let me check if data is good")

myOutputs <- sample(myData, size=5)

To disable the stop(), just put a # in front.

‘rodeo’ in a nutshell

Notation for simultaneous ODE

Conventional writing

\[ \begin{align} \tfrac{d}{dt} B & = & & \mu \cdot B \cdot \left( \tfrac{R}{R+h} \right) & - \tfrac{1}{\tau} \cdot B \\ \tfrac{d}{dt} R & = & -\tfrac{1}{y} \cdot & \mu \cdot B \cdot \left( \tfrac{R}{R+h} \right) & + \tfrac{1}{\tau} \cdot (R_{in} - R) \end{align} \]

… and in vector format

\[ \begin{align} \begin{bmatrix} \tfrac{d}{dt}B \\ \tfrac{d}{dt}R \end{bmatrix} ^T & = & \begin{bmatrix} \mu \cdot B \cdot \tfrac{R}{R+h} \\ \tfrac{1}{\tau} \end{bmatrix} ^T & \cdot & \begin{bmatrix} 1, & -\tfrac{1}{y} \\ -B, & R_{in}-R \end{bmatrix} \end{align} \]

Tables for eqn.s & metadata

\[ \begin{align} \begin{bmatrix} \tfrac{d}{dt}B \\ \tfrac{d}{dt}R \end{bmatrix} ^T & = & \color{teal}{ \begin{bmatrix} \mu \cdot B \cdot \tfrac{R}{R+h} \\ \tfrac{1}{\tau} \end{bmatrix} ^T } & \cdot & \color{brown}{ \begin{bmatrix} 1, & -\tfrac{1}{y} \\ -B, & R_{in}-R \end{bmatrix} } \end{align} \]

Code generation


  • Less coding, more time for science behind

  • Language-independence & documentation

  • Interoperability and reusability

Installing the latest ‘rodeo’

# paste into R console or run as part of script

if (! "remotes" %in% installed.packages()[,1])


Example 1: Bioreactor

Objectives & study system


  • Simplest approach to a rodeo-based model

  • Learn how to extend an existing model

  • Learn how to update model inputs

  • Understand the use of dynamic forcings

Continuous transfer culture


\[ \begin{align} \tfrac{d}{dt} B & = & & \color{teal}{\mu \cdot B \cdot \left( \tfrac{R}{R+h} \right)} & \color{blue}{- \tfrac{1}{\tau} \cdot B} \\ \tfrac{d}{dt} R & = & \color{red}{-\tfrac{1}{y}} \cdot & \color{teal}{\mu \cdot B \cdot \left( \tfrac{R}{R+h} \right)} & \color{blue}{+ \tfrac{1}{\tau} \cdot (R_{in} - R)} \end{align} \]

B: Bacteria

R: Resource

Resource limited growth

Yield term

Renewal of medium (mass balance)

Representation as tables

  • Choose / create a working directory

  • Download the workbook reactor_eqns_v1.xlsx into that directory

  • Inspect contents using spreadsheet software

Declarations (variables)

name unit description default
B cells / ml Bacterial density 100000
R mg / ml Concentration of resource 21

Declarations (parameters)

name unit description default
tau h residence time of reactor 2.4e+01
mu 1 / h growth rate constant 1.0e+00
y cells / mg yield coefficient 1.0e+07
h mg / ml half saturation const. f. resource 2.1e+00
Rin mg / ml resource conc. in inflow 2.1e+01


\[ \begin{align} \tfrac{d}{dt} B & = & & \color{teal}{\mu \cdot B \cdot \left( \tfrac{R}{R+h} \right)} & \color{blue}{- \tfrac{1}{\tau} \cdot B} \\ \tfrac{d}{dt} R & = & \color{red}{-\tfrac{1}{y}} \cdot & \color{teal}{\mu \cdot B \cdot \left( \tfrac{R}{R+h} \right)} & \color{blue}{+ \tfrac{1}{\tau} \cdot (R_{in} - R)} \end{align} \]

name rate B R
growth mu * B * R / (R + h) 1 -1 / y
renewal 1 / tau -B Rin - R

Implementation in R/rodeo

Overview of steps

  • Build model object

  • Set / check input data

  • Perform integration

  • Inspect results

Building the model

  1. Go to the folder with the downloaded workbook

  2. Create & open a new script file there (e.g. “reactor.r”)

  3. Adjust R’s working directory (if needed)


m <- buildFromWorkbook("reactor_eqns_v1.xlsx")
[1] "rodeo" "R6"   


Usual R code

y <- fun( x, args )    # don't run !
  • x is a variable passed to function fun

Using R6 classes

y <- x$fun( args )     # don't run !
  • x is an object having a member function fun

Check attached data

print("Current initial values:")
print( m$getVars() )
[1] "Current initial values:"
     B      R 
100000     21 

print("Current values of parameters:")
print( m$getPars() )
[1] "Current values of parameters:"
    tau      mu       y       h     Rin 
2.4e+01 1.0e+00 1.0e+07 2.1e+00 2.1e+01 

Running a simulation

x <- m$dynamics(times=0:24, fortran=F)

     time        B        R    growth    renewal
[1,]    0 100000.0 21.00000  90909.09 0.04166667
[2,]    1 238071.7 20.98578 216415.47 0.04166667
[3,]    2 566731.0 20.95253 515103.91 0.04166667
      time         B          R  growth    renewal
[23,]   22 209127187 0.09128602 8711957 0.04166667
[24,]   23 209125546 0.09128677 8711957 0.04166667
[25,]   24 209123971 0.09128748 8711957 0.04166667


plt <- function(x, m) { # x: data, m: model obj.
  vn <- m$namesVars()   # variable names
  nv <- m$lenVars()     # number of variables
  matplot(x[,"time"], x[,vn], log="y", type="l",
    lty=1:nv, col=1:nv, xlab="Hour", ylab="Value")
  legend("right", bty="n", lty=1:nv,
    col=1:nv, legend=vn)

plt(x, m)


Extending the model


Modifications needed

  • Add drug resistant bacteria as new state variable \(BR\)

  • Add antibiotic as new state variable \(A\)

  • Account for input of antibiotic (\(Ain\)) & removal of \(A\)

  • Account for growth of \(BR\) and the “cost” of resistance implying \(\mu(BR) < \mu(B)\)

  • Account for drug susceptibility of strain \(B\)

  • Consider removal of \(BR\) during transfer

Modifying the workbook

Usual procedure

  • Make a copy of “reactor_eqns_v1.xlsx”

  • Save as “reactor_eqns_v2.xlsx”

  • Implement the modifications


Declarations (variables)

name unit description default
B cells / ml Susceptible bacterial strain 100000
BR cells / ml Drug-resistant bacterial strain 100000
R mg / ml Concentration of resource 21
A mg / ml Concentration of antibiotic 0

Declarations (parameters)

name unit description default
tau h residence time of reactor 2.4e+01
mu 1 / h growth rate const. of B 1.0e+00
cost - cost of drug resistance in BR 1.0e-01
y cells / mg yield coefficient 1.0e+07
h mg / ml half saturation const. f. resource 2.1e+00
Rin mg / ml resource conc. in inflow 2.1e+01
Ain mg / ml drug conc. in inflow 0.0e+00
mic mg / ml minimum inhibitory drug conc. 5.0e+00


name rate B BR R A
growth_B mu * B * R / (R + h) * max(0, 1 - A / mic) 1 0 -1 / y 0
growth_BR mu * (1 - cost) * BR * R / (R + h) 0 1 -1 / y 0
renewal 1 / tau -B -BR Rin - R Ain - A

Re-build & simulate

m <- buildFromWorkbook("reactor_eqns_v2.xlsx")

x <- m$dynamics(times=0:48, fortran=F)

print(x[1:3, 1:6])
     time        B       BR        R A  growth_B
[1,]    0 100000.0 100000.0 21.00000 0  90909.09
[2,]    1 238066.7 217379.7 20.97364 0 216399.53
[3,]    2 566666.6 472471.2 20.91449 0 514960.05


We reuse the previously defined function

plt(x, m)


Changing model inputs

  • Option 1: Modify defaults in worksheet

  • Option 2: Modify through rodeo methods

p <- m$getPars()    # current settings
p["Ain"] <- 10      # now with antibiotic
m$setPars(p)        # update settings

# no need to rebuild/recompile the model
x <- m$dynamics(times=0:48, fortran=F)
plt(x, m)

Changing model inputs

Accounting for variable forcing

Example: Varying drug exposure

  1. Declare Ain as a function, not as a parameter

  2. Replace Ain by Ain(time) in expressions (time is a reserved word)

  3. Implement the function in R (or Fortran)

Modifying the workbook

Usual procedure

  • Make a copy of “reactor_eqns_v2.xlsx”

  • Save as “reactor_eqns_v3.xlsx”

  • Modify as necessary


Declarations (functions)

name unit description
max - intrinsic
Ain mg / ml drug conc. in inflow

Declarations (parameters)

name unit description default
tau h residence time of reactor 2.4e+01
mu 1 / h growth rate const. of B 1.0e+00
cost - cost of drug resistance in BR 1.0e-01
y cells / mg yield coefficient 1.0e+07
h mg / ml half saturation const. f. resource 2.1e+00
Rin mg / ml resource conc. in inflow 2.1e+01
mic mg / ml minimum inhibitory drug conc. 5.0e+00


name rate B BR R A
growth_B mu * B * R / (R + h) * max(0, 1 - A / mic) 1 0 -1 / y 0
growth_BR mu * (1 - cost) * BR * R / (R + h) 0 1 -1 / y 0
renewal 1 / tau -B -BR Rin - R Ain(time) - A

Function implementation in R

Ain <- function(time) {
  h <- floor((time/24 - floor(time/24)) * 24)
  if (h %in% c(0:5))

\(\rightarrow\) Antibiotic added from midnight till 6 am

Re-build & simulate

m <- buildFromWorkbook("reactor_eqns_v3.xlsx")

x <- m$dynamics(times=0:240, fortran=F)

plt(x, m)

Re-build & simulate

Example 2: Reactive transport

About this example


  • Solution of PDE problems with ODE strategies

  • Use of Fortran for improved performance

Streeter & Phelps-like model

This particular version

  • Allows for multiple sources & time-varying inputs

  • Treats bacteria as a dynamic state variable

  • Purely advective transport

  • Neglects hyporheic or benthic processes

  • Other shortcomings …

Solution strategy

Reactive transport is a PDE problem

For lateral & vertical mixing, a 1D model may fit

\[ \frac{\partial c}{\partial t} = \color{teal}{-u \cdot \frac{\partial c}{\partial x}} + \color{blue}{\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left( D \cdot \frac{\partial c}{\partial x} \right)} + \color{red}{r(c, p)} + \color{grey}{s} \]

\(\partial c / \partial t\) Change in concentration

\(\partial c / \partial x\) Longitudinal gradient





Method of Lines (MOL)

  • Spatial dimension gets discretized

  • Spatial derivatives \(\rightarrow\) Finite differences

Method of Lines (MOL)

Original advection term

\[\frac{\partial c}{\partial t} = -u \cdot \frac{\partial c}{\partial x}\]


\[\frac{\partial c_i}{\partial t} = -u \cdot \frac{c_i - c_{i-1}}{x_i - x_{i-1}}\]

Method of Lines (MOL)

\[\frac{\partial c_{\color{red}i}}{\partial t} = -u \cdot \frac{c_{\color{red}{i}} - c_{\color{blue}{i-1}}}{x_{\color{red}{i}} - x_{\color{blue}{i-1}}}\]

  • Semi-discretization transforms PDE into a set of ODE

  • The ODE for any cell \(\color{red}{i}\) references the state of neighboring cells (here: \(\color{blue}{i-1}\))

  • ODE are simultaneous across cells (at least)

Method of Lines (MOL)

Finite difference schemes

  • Backward, forward, central schemes

  • Schemes differ w.r.t. stability, accuracy, and numerical dispersion

  • See the documentation of function ‘fiadeiro’ in the ReacTran package

Representation as tables

Representation as tables

  • Choose / create a working directory

  • Download the workbook river_eqns_v1.xlsx into that directory

  • Inspect contents using spreadsheet software

Note that the ODE are specified for a single cell only, no matter how many cells the model consists of.

Declaration (variables)

name unit description default
B mol / m3 bacteria (as carbon) 0.0003
S mol / m3 substrate (as carbon) 0.0000
X mol / m3 dissolved oxygen 0.3125

Declarations (biological param.)

name unit description
mu 1 / hour growth rate constant
hs mol S / m3 controls limitation of growth by S
hx mol X / m3 controls limitation of growth by X
f mol B / mol S carbon conversion efficiency

Declarations (hydraulic param.)

name unit description
q m3 / h flow rate
a m2 cross-section area
h m sub-section length

Declarations (hydraulic param.)

Declarations (boundary cond. param.)

name unit description
Bin mol / m3 bacteria in inflow
Sin mol / m3 substrate in inflow
Xin mol / m3 oxygen in inflow
Sload mol / h lateral input of substrate
Xsat mol / m3 oxygen saturation level
k 1 / hour rate constant of aeration

Declarations (mask param.)

name unit description
is_upstr 0 or 1 mask to select upstr. boundary
is_centr 0 or 1 mask to select central cells
has_src 0 or 1 mask to assign external source


name rate B S X
growth mu * B * S/(S+hs) * X/(X+hx) 1 -1/f 1 - 1/f
aeration k * (Xsat - X) 0 0 1
adv_in is_centr * q / (a * h) left(B) left(S) left(X)
adv_out q / (a* h) -B -S -X
bc_upstr is_upstr * q / (a * h) Bin Sin Xin
bc_lateral has_src / (a * h) 0 Sload 0

columns ‘unit’ and ‘description’ omitted for clarity


name rate B S X
growth mu * B * S/(S+hs) * X/(X+hx) 1 -1/f 1 - 1/f
aeration k * (Xsat - X) 0 0 1
adv_in is_centr * q / (a * h) left(B) left(S) left(X)
adv_out q / (a* h) -B -S -X
bc_upstr is_upstr * q / (a * h) Bin Sin Xin
bc_lateral has_src / (a * h) 0 Sload 0

red: pseudo functions pointing to adjacent cells

blue: 0/1 masks to (de)activate processes in particular cells

Implementation in R/rodeo

Overview of steps

  • Build model object

  • Set input data

  • Perform integration

  • Inspect results

Building the model


ncells <- 100     # number of cells
fortran <- TRUE   # TRUE requires compiler !

# import equations and declarations,
# translate into source code, and compile
m <- buildFromWorkbook("river_eqns_v1.xlsx",
  dim=ncells, fortran=fortran, na="NA")

Setting input data

Preparation of parameters

# retrieve defaults from workbook
p <- m$getParsTable()
# save as vector 
p <- setNames(p$default, p$name)
# copy to all cells (vector -> matrix)
p <- sapply(p, rep, length.out=ncells)

print(p[1:2, 1:5])
      mu   hs       hx   f   q
[1,] 0.1 0.01 0.015625 0.1 100
[2,] 0.1 0.01 0.015625 0.1 100

Setting input data

Preparation of parameters (cont.)

# adjust mask parameters
p[,"is_upstr"] <- c(1, rep(0, ncells-1))
p[,"is_centr"] <- c(0, rep(1, ncells-1))
p[,"has_src"] <- rep(0, ncells)
p[round(ncells) / 10, "has_src"] <- 1

# assign parameters to model object

Setting input data

Similar procedure for initial values

v <- m$getVarsTable()
v <- setNames(v$default, v$name)
v <- sapply(v, rep, length.out=ncells)


Running the simulation

times <- c(0, 12, 24, 48, 96, 120)
x <- m$dynamics(times=times, fortran=fortran)

print(x[ ,1:7])
     time   B.1   B.2   B.3   B.4   B.5   B.6
[1,]    0 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04
[2,]   12 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04
[3,]   24 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04
[4,]   48 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04
[5,]   96 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04
[6,]  120 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04 3e-04

Transform results into 3D array

# dimension 1: time
# dimension 2: cell
# dimension 3: variables and process rates
a <- array(x[,colnames(x) != "time"],
  dim=c(nrow(x), ncells, sum(m$lenVars(),
  dimnames=list(time=x[,"time"], cell=1:ncells,
    variable=c(m$namesVars(), m$namesPros()))

print(a["48", "10", "X"])
[1] 0.3122861

Longitudinal profiles

plot_longit <- function(v, a, leg) {
  nc <- dim(a)[names(dimnames(a)) == "cell"]
  plot(c(1, nc), range(a[,,v]),
    type="n", xlab="Cell", ylab="")
  times <- dimnames(a)[["time"]]
  for (t in times)
    lines(1:nc, a[t, , v], col=match(t, times))
  if (leg) legend("right", bty="n", title="Time",
    lty=1, col=1:length(times), legend=times)
  abline(v=which(p[,"has_src"] == 1), lty=2)
  mtext(side=3, paste("Var.:",v), cex=par("cex"))

Longitudinal profiles

layout(matrix(1:3, nrow=1))

for (v in c("S", "X", "B")) {
  plot_longit(v, a, leg=(v=="S"))


Longitudinal profiles


  • ODEs may involve complicated expressions

  • These can be wrapped into functions for clarity

  • Let’s try with the Monod term …

Original expression
\[X / (X + hx)\]

Wrapped as a function
\[monod(X, hx)\]

Steps required

  1. Declare the new function

  2. Use the new function in equations

  3. Implement the function (now in Fortran)

  4. Rebuild / recompile the model

Step 1

  • Make a copy of the workbook “river_eqns_v1.xlsx” and save as “river_eqns_v2.xlsx”

  • On sheet “declarations”, declare the new function:

type name unit description
function monod - Monod model

Step 2

On worksheet “equations” …



\(S / (S + hs)\)

\(X / (X + hx)\)



\(monod(S, hs)\)

\(monod(X, hx)\)

Step 3

Create a file “river_func.f95” and enter the following piece of Fortran

module functions
implicit none

double precision function monod (x, h)
  double precision, intent(in):: x, h
  monod = x / (x + h)
end function

end module

Step 4

Rebuild / compile the model object using …

  • the name of the modified workbook

  • the “sources” argument to pass Fortran code

m <- buildFromWorkbook(
  dim=ncells, fortran=fortran, na="NA",

Summary on PDE-based models

  • Can be solved by MOL

  • Pseudo-functions ‘left’ and ‘right’ give access to quantities of neighboring cells

  • Only 1D models are currently supported

  • Use Fortran for performance

Getting help

In that order

  • Use shown examples as guidance

  • Look at the package vignette for more examples

  • Provide me with a fully self-contained minimum working example, including …

    • Brief description of problem

    • Worksheets as tab-delimited text files (not .xlsx)

    • R / Fortran code