180 std::map<std::string, vr_tracking_reference_info>
VRControllerRole role
controller role
Definition: vr_info.h:124
int32_t device_class
index of device class
Definition: vr_info.h:36
float z_near
near and far clipping planes of tracking frustum in meters
Definition: vr_info.h:165
std::map< std::string, vr_tracking_reference_info > references
map from serial number to info of corresponding tracking reference
Definition: vr_info.h:180
information provided for a vr kit
Definition: vr_info.h:146
std::string mode
tracking mode string
Definition: vr_info.h:163
std::map< std::string, std::string > variable_parameters
a map from parameter name to parameter value used for all device parameters that are not explicitly d...
Definition: vr_info.h:22
float head_to_eye_distance
distance from head origin to eye centers in meters
Definition: vr_info.h:64
one flag for each vr controller button
Definition: vr_state.h:62
std::string serial_number
unique identifier of device
Definition: vr_info.h:18
bool is_wireless
whether device is wireless
Definition: vr_info.h:38
information provided for controller devices
Definition: vr_info.h:120
float fps
frame rate
Definition: vr_info.h:60
the vr namespace for virtual reality support
Definition: gl_vr_display.cxx:5
different axis types of controller inputs
Definition: vr_info.h:110
information provided for any device type
Definition: vr_info.h:16
int32_t number_cameras
number of cameras
Definition: vr_info.h:66
bool lighthouse_2_0_features
whether lighthouse 2.0 features are supported
Definition: vr_info.h:80
float ipd
interpupilar distance measured in meters
Definition: vr_info.h:62
vr_hmd_info hmd
information for head mounted display
Definition: vr_info.h:150
float seconds_vsynch_to_photons
seconds from vsynch to photons
Definition: vr_info.h:58
bool force_feedback_support
whether force feedback is supported
Definition: vr_info.h:148
int32_t nr_inputs
number of used inputs
Definition: vr_info.h:126
const unsigned max_nr_controller_axes
maximum number of axes per controller
Definition: vr_state.h:23
float battery_charge_level
battery charge level in percentage (0 .. empty, 1 .. full)
Definition: vr_info.h:42
bool provides_battery_charge_level
whether one can query battery charge level
Definition: vr_info.h:40
information provided for hmd device
Definition: vr_info.h:54
int32_t nr_axes
total number of axes provided by all inputs
Definition: vr_info.h:130
information provided for a base station / tracking reference
Definition: vr_info.h:161
std::string name
name of tracking system
Definition: vr_info.h:178
const unsigned max_nr_controllers
maximum number of attachable controller and tracker devices
Definition: vr_state.h:19
bool has_proximity_sensor
whether device has proximity sensor
Definition: vr_info.h:44
role of controller
Definition: vr_info.h:94
type of controller
Definition: vr_info.h:88
bool reports_time_since_vsynch
whether time since vsynch is reported
Definition: vr_info.h:56
std::string model_number
number describing the device type
Definition: vr_info.h:20
const unsigned max_nr_controller_inputs
maximum number of inputs per controller
Definition: vr_state.h:21
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const vr_device_info &di)
stream out operator for device infos
Definition: vr_info.cxx:10
VRButtonStateFlags supported_buttons
one flag per button telling whether it is supported
Definition: vr_info.h:137
std::string device_type
type name of device
Definition: vr_info.h:34
VRControllerType type
controller type
Definition: vr_info.h:122
different controller input types
Definition: vr_info.h:103
information provided for trackable devices
Definition: vr_info.h:32
information provided for tracking system
Definition: vr_info.h:176