This is the complete list of members for cgv::render::texture, including all inherited members.
align(unsigned int v, unsigned int a) | cgv::data::packing_info | static |
clear() | cgv::data::component_format | |
component_format(const std::string &description) | cgv::data::component_format | explicit |
component_format(TypeId _component_type=TI_UNDEF, const std::string &_component_name_list="", unsigned int align=1, unsigned int d0=0, unsigned int d1=0, unsigned int d2=0, unsigned int d3=0) | cgv::data::component_format | |
component_format(TypeId _component_type, ComponentFormat cf, unsigned int align=1, unsigned int d0=0, unsigned int d1=0, unsigned int d2=0, unsigned int d3=0) | cgv::data::component_format | |
component_interpretation | cgv::data::component_format | protected |
component_positions | cgv::data::component_format | protected |
component_string | cgv::data::component_format | protected |
component_type | cgv::data::component_format | protected |
create(const context &ctx, TextureType _tt=TT_UNDEF, unsigned width=-1, unsigned height=-1, unsigned depth=-1) | cgv::render::texture | |
create(const context &ctx, const cgv::data::const_data_view &data, int level=-1, int cube_side=-1, int num_array_layers=0, const std::vector< cgv::data::data_view > *palettes=0) | cgv::render::texture | |
create_from_buffer(const context &ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height, int level=-1) | cgv::render::texture | |
create_from_image(const context &ctx, const std::string &file_name="", int *image_width_ptr=0, int *image_height_ptr=0, unsigned char *clear_color_ptr=0, int level=-1, int cube_side=-1) | cgv::render::texture | |
create_from_image(cgv::data::data_format &df, cgv::data::data_view &dv, const context &ctx, const std::string &file_name="", unsigned char *clear_color_ptr=0, int level=-1, int cube_side=-1) | cgv::render::texture | |
create_from_images(const context &ctx, const std::string &file_names, int level=-1) | cgv::render::texture | |
ctx_ptr | cgv::render::render_component | |
data_format() | cgv::data::data_format | |
data_format(const std::string &description) | cgv::data::data_format | explicit |
data_format(unsigned int _width, TypeId _component_type, const std::string &_component_name_list, unsigned int align=1, unsigned int d0=0, unsigned int d1=0, unsigned int d2=0, unsigned int d3=0) | cgv::data::data_format | |
data_format(unsigned int _width, TypeId _component_type, ComponentFormat _cf, unsigned int align=1, unsigned int d0=0, unsigned int d1=0, unsigned int d2=0, unsigned int d3=0) | cgv::data::data_format | |
data_format(unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, TypeId _component_type, const std::string &_component_name_list, unsigned int align=1, unsigned int d0=0, unsigned int d1=0, unsigned int d2=0, unsigned int d3=0) | cgv::data::data_format | |
data_format(unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, TypeId _component_type, ComponentFormat _cf, unsigned int align=1, unsigned int d0=0, unsigned int d1=0, unsigned int d2=0, unsigned int d3=0) | cgv::data::data_format | |
data_format(unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, unsigned int _depth, TypeId _component_type, const std::string &_component_name_list, unsigned int align=1, unsigned int d0=0, unsigned int d1=0, unsigned int d2=0, unsigned int d3=0) | cgv::data::data_format | |
data_format(unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, unsigned int _depth, TypeId _component_type, ComponentFormat _cf, unsigned int align=1, unsigned int d0=0, unsigned int d1=0, unsigned int d2=0, unsigned int d3=0) | cgv::data::data_format | |
data_format(unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, unsigned int _depth, unsigned int _count, TypeId _component_type, const std::string &_component_name_list, unsigned int align=1, unsigned int d0=0, unsigned int d1=0, unsigned int d2=0, unsigned int d3=0) | cgv::data::data_format | |
data_format(unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height, unsigned int _depth, unsigned int _count, TypeId _component_type, ComponentFormat _cf, unsigned int align=1, unsigned int d0=0, unsigned int d1=0, unsigned int d2=0, unsigned int d3=0) | cgv::data::data_format | |
deduce_file_names(const std::string &file_names, std::vector< std::string > &deduced_names) | cgv::render::texture | static |
destruct(const context &ctx) | cgv::render::texture | |
dimensions | cgv::data::data_format | protected |
disable(const context &ctx) | cgv::render::texture | |
empty() const | cgv::data::component_format | |
enable(const context &ctx, int tex_unit=-1) | cgv::render::texture | |
ensure_state(const context &ctx) const | cgv::render::texture | |
extract_components() | cgv::data::component_format | protected |
find_best_format(const context &ctx, const std::vector< cgv::data::data_view > *palettes=0) | cgv::render::texture | |
generate_mipmaps(const context &ctx) | cgv::render::texture | |
get(int ci, const void *ptr) const | cgv::data::component_format | inline |
get_alignment(unsigned int i) const | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_anisotropy() const | cgv::render::texture | |
get_bit_depth(unsigned int ci) const | cgv::data::packing_info | |
get_compare_function() const | cgv::render::texture | |
get_compare_mode() const | cgv::render::texture | |
get_component_alignment() const | cgv::data::packing_info | |
get_component_format() const | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_component_index(const std::string &name) const | cgv::data::component_format | |
get_component_name(unsigned int i) const | cgv::data::component_format | |
get_component_type() const | cgv::data::component_format | |
get_depth() const | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_entry_alignment() const | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_entry_size() const | cgv::data::component_format | |
get_height() const | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_integer_interpretation() const | cgv::data::component_format | |
get_last_error() | cgv::data::component_format | static |
get_layout_dimension(unsigned int dim) const | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_layout_dimension(unsigned int dim, unsigned int layout_dim) | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_mag_filter() const | cgv::render::texture | |
get_min_filter() const | cgv::render::texture | |
get_nr_bytes() const | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_nr_components() const | cgv::data::component_format | |
get_nr_dimensions() const | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_nr_entries() const | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_nr_time_steps() const | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_packing_info() const | cgv::data::component_format | |
get_priority() const | cgv::render::texture | |
get_resolution(unsigned int i) const | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_signed(unsigned int ci, const void *ptr) const | cgv::data::packing_info | |
get_standard_component_format() const | cgv::data::component_format | |
get_tex_unit() const | cgv::render::texture | |
get_unsigned(unsigned int ci, const void *ptr) const | cgv::data::packing_info | |
get_width() const | cgv::data::data_format | |
get_wrap_r() const | cgv::render::texture | |
get_wrap_s() const | cgv::render::texture | |
get_wrap_t() const | cgv::render::texture | |
is_created() const | cgv::render::render_component | virtual |
is_enabled() const | cgv::render::texture | |
is_packing() const | cgv::data::packing_info | |
last_error | cgv::render::texture | mutable |
mipmaps_created() const | cgv::render::texture | |
operator!=(const data_format &df) const | cgv::data::data_format | |
cgv::data::component_format::operator!=(const component_format &cf) const | cgv::data::component_format | |
cgv::data::packing_info::operator!=(const packing_info &pi) const | cgv::data::packing_info | |
operator==(const data_format &df) const | cgv::data::data_format | |
cgv::data::component_format::operator==(const component_format &cf) const | cgv::data::component_format | |
cgv::data::packing_info::operator==(const packing_info &pi) const | cgv::data::packing_info | |
packing_info(unsigned int align=1, unsigned int d0=0, unsigned int d1=0, unsigned int d2=0, unsigned int d3=0) | cgv::data::packing_info | |
put_id(T &id) const | cgv::render::render_component | inline |
put_id_void(void *ptr) const | cgv::render::render_component | |
render_component() | cgv::render::render_component | |
replace(const context &ctx, int x, const cgv::data::const_data_view &data, int level=-1, const std::vector< cgv::data::data_view > *palettes=0) | cgv::render::texture | |
replace(const context &ctx, int x, int y, const cgv::data::const_data_view &data, int level=-1, const std::vector< cgv::data::data_view > *palettes=0) | cgv::render::texture | |
replace(const context &ctx, int x, int y, int z_or_cube_side, const cgv::data::const_data_view &data, int level=-1, const std::vector< cgv::data::data_view > *palettes=0) | cgv::render::texture | |
replace_from_buffer(const context &ctx, int x, int y, int x_buffer, int y_buffer, int width, int height, int level=-1) | cgv::render::texture | |
replace_from_buffer(const context &ctx, int x, int y, int z_or_cube_side, int x_buffer, int y_buffer, int width, int height, int level) | cgv::render::texture | |
replace_from_image(const context &ctx, const std::string &file_name, int x, int y, int z_or_cube_side, int level) | cgv::render::texture | |
replace_from_image(cgv::data::data_format &df, cgv::data::data_view &dv, const context &ctx, const std::string &file_name, int x, int y, int z_or_cube_side, int level) | cgv::render::texture | |
set(int ci, void *ptr, const T &v) const | cgv::data::component_format | inline |
set_alignment(unsigned int i, unsigned int _a) | cgv::data::data_format | |
set_bit_depth(unsigned int ci, unsigned int depth) | cgv::data::packing_info | |
set_border_color(const float *rgba) | cgv::render::texture | inline |
set_border_color(float r, float g, float b, float a=1.0f) | cgv::render::texture | |
set_compare_function(CompareFunction compare_function) | cgv::render::texture | |
set_compare_mode(bool use_compare_function) | cgv::render::texture | |
set_component_alignment(unsigned int a) | cgv::data::packing_info | |
set_component_format(const component_format &cf) | cgv::render::texture | |
set_component_format(const std::string &description) | cgv::render::texture | |
cgv::data::data_format::set_component_format(const component_format &cf) | cgv::data::data_format | |
cgv::data::component_format::set_component_format(ComponentFormat _cf) | cgv::data::component_format | |
set_component_names(const std::string &_component_name_list) | cgv::data::component_format | |
set_component_type(TypeId _type_id) | cgv::data::component_format | |
set_components(const std::string &_components) | cgv::data::component_format | |
set_data_format(const std::string &description) | cgv::render::texture | |
set_depth(unsigned int _depth) | cgv::data::data_format | |
set_dimensions(unsigned _d0, unsigned _d1=-1, unsigned _d2=-1, unsigned _d3=-1) | cgv::data::data_format | |
set_entry_alignment(unsigned int _a) | cgv::data::data_format | |
set_height(unsigned int _height) | cgv::data::data_format | |
set_integer_interpretation(ComponentIntegerInterpretation cii) | cgv::data::component_format | |
set_mag_filter(TextureFilter _mag_filter) | cgv::render::texture | |
set_min_filter(TextureFilter _min_filter, float _anisotropy=2.0f) | cgv::render::texture | |
set_nr_dimensions(unsigned int _d) | cgv::data::data_format | |
set_nr_time_steps(unsigned int _nr_time_steps) | cgv::data::data_format | |
set_packing(bool enable=true) | cgv::data::packing_info | |
set_packing_info(const packing_info &pi) | cgv::data::component_format | |
set_priority(float _priority) | cgv::render::texture | |
set_resolution(unsigned int i, unsigned int resolution) | cgv::data::data_format | |
set_signed(unsigned int ci, void *ptr, int v) const | cgv::data::packing_info | |
set_unsigned(unsigned int ci, void *ptr, unsigned int v) const | cgv::data::packing_info | |
set_width(unsigned int _width) | cgv::data::data_format | |
set_wrap_r(TextureWrap _wrap_r) | cgv::render::texture | |
set_wrap_s(TextureWrap _wrap_s) | cgv::render::texture | |
set_wrap_t(TextureWrap _wrap_t) | cgv::render::texture | |
texture(const std::string &description="uint8[R,G,B,A]", TextureFilter _mag_filter=TF_LINEAR, TextureFilter _min_filter=TF_LINEAR, TextureWrap _wrap_s=TW_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, TextureWrap _wrap_t=TW_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, TextureWrap _wrap_r=TW_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) | cgv::render::texture | |
texture_base(TextureType _tt=TT_UNDEF) | cgv::render::texture_base | |
write_to_file(context &ctx, const std::string &file_name, unsigned int z_or_cube_side=-1, float depth_map_gamma=1.0f) const | cgv::render::texture | |
~texture() | cgv::render::texture |