Since 2018, I am responsible for the two lectures "Stab- und Flächentragwerke (Mechanics of Beams and Shells)" and
"Struktur, Strömung und Kopplung" (Continuum Mechanics and Fluid-Structure-Interaction).
In 2024 I also started the course "Einsatz von Sprachmodellen für das Studium der Festkörpermechanik (Application of Language Models for the study of solid mechanics)" to discover, together with the students, the role that Large Language Models can play in study and research.
Mechanics of Beams and Shells
MW-MB-SIM-08/LB-12, 6th/8th semester, "Stab- und Flächentragwerke"
- Basics of continuum mechanics for 3D bodies.
- 1D structural mechanics theories for rods and beams (Bernoulli & Timoshenko theory, warping torsion)
- 2D structural mechanics theories for disks (Airy theory) and plates (Kirchhoff & Reissner-Mindlin theory)
- Introduction to Classical Laminate Theory
- Introduction to shell theories
The lecture is aimed at 6th semester students in "Simulation Methods" and 8th semester students in "Lightweight Construction" (both specializations in Mechanical Engineering).
Continuum Mechanics and Fluid-Structure-Interaction
MW-MB-LRT-24/SIM-22, 9th semester, "Struktur, Strömung und Kopplung"
- Introduction to tensor notation
- Kinematics of large deformations and deformation speed
- Balance laws in multi-field problems
- Principles of constitutive models (assumptions and classification by Haupt)
- Application of the Finite Element Method for multi-field problems (thermo-mechanics, electro-mechanics, chemo-electrics)
The lecture is aimed at 9th semester students in "Aerospace Engineering" (specialization in Mechanical Engineering).
Demonstration model for beam bending
Haptical experience with skew bending
The system is now used in the basic course Engineering Mechanics to demonstrate this effect.