If you have any questions, please contact one of us by e-mail:
Dirk Pauly
Johannes Kraus

important dates
• dead-line for registration and abstract submission: March 31, 2016
• acceptance of presentations: April 30, 2016
• workshop: July 4-8, 2016, bifeb)
• special session: July 8-9, 2016, Schafberg

To register please write an e-mail to us.
The workshop fee is 80 Euros and can be paid in Strobl. Please let us know if you want to participate the special event on the Schafberg.
The deadline for registration is March 31, 2016. The participants who would like to give a talk should submit a short abstract of their presentation by e-mail, also not later than March 31, 2016. Their abstract should contain a title, the author's name, the names of co-authors, their affiliation, their e-mail address and a short description of their presentation.

We have reserved single and double rooms at the conference site (for about 60 people in total). Booking of rooms must be done by the participants themselves and is processed by bifeb) on 'first-come, first served' policy. Rooms are to be paid at bifeb) during the conference. For booking a room, please click.