FD4 Manual
User Documentation of the Four-Dimensional Distributed Dynamic Data structures.
Version fd4-2014-11-05
Developed at ZIH, TU Dresden, Germany
This work was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Matthias Lieber (matthias.lieber@tu-dresden.de)
The Four-Dimensional Distributed Dynamic Data structures (FD4) is a framework originally developed for the parallelization of spectral bin cloud models and their coupling to atmospheric models. Thus, the data structures are optimized for these kinds of model systems. To use FD4, models must basically meet the following requirements:
FD4 consists of several Fortran95 modules each providing different data structures and services. The basic data structure is constituted by the Variable Table, the Block, and the Domain:
The Variable Table is a user-provided table of all variables that should be managed by FD4. It contains entries for several variable properties:
Based on the Variable Table, FD4 allocates the arrays holding the variables in each Block. The Blocks provide a 3D decomposition of the grid. Blocks are allowed to be of different size. The block decomposition is defined by one vector of block start indexes for each dimension, or, for convenience, by specifying a number of blocks for each dimension.
The Blocks are contained in two data structures:
Note that not all Blocks may be present at a time: In a parallel run (which is the intended use of FD4!), the Blocks are distributed to the processes. For more details about parallelization, refer to Section 3. Additionally, when running in Adaptive Block Mode, only a specific subset of the Blocks are present globally, refer to Section 2.7. Thus, a Neighbor Block may be: locally present, on a remote process, or not present on any process.
The Domain is the central object in FD4. It contains all data to describe the numerical grid and the data structure of the allocated Blocks. The Iterator object allows iterating through the local list of Blocks associated with the Domain and offers subroutines to access ghost cells, see Section 2.6.
Cell-centered variables are located in the center of a 3D grid cell, whereas face-centered variables are centered on the grid cell's surfaces that correspond a specified spatial dimension. Thus, three types of face-centered variables are possible. Note, that the grid for face variables is extended by one in the face dimension - for the global domain as well as for each Block:
One feature of FD4 is that the data arrays are allocated without ghost cells (helo zones), which saves memory when small Blocks are used.
The variables are allocated in the Blocks as one 4D array per discretization type (cell-centered, x-face, y-face, z-face). The variables, their time steps, and their bins are mapped on the first dimension. The three other dimensions are used for the spatial indexes.
A specific variable item of one Block is accessed as block%sdata(f)%l(b,x,y,z) with
The Iterator object contains the subroutine fd4_iter_get_ghost to access variables of the current Block including the boundaries of the 6 Neighbor Blocks (ghost cells). The variables are copied to a buffer array, which can than be used for stencil computations. The number of ghost cell rows is defined for each dimension when creating the domain. It is the same for all cell-centered variables. Access to face-centered variables of Neighbor Blocks is not implemented.
This figure shows an example in 2D:
FD4 allows the dynamic adaption of the block allocation to spatial structures. It is useful for special multiphase applications when neither computations nor data are required for certain regions of the spatial grid. In this case, memory can be saved by not allocating the unused (empty) blocks. This mode, the so-called Adaptive Block Mode, is only enabled if any of the variables in the Variable Table are threshold-variables, i.e. these variables have a threshold value. A Block is considered empty if in all its grid cells the values of all threshold-variables are less or equal than their corresponding threshold value. Based on this definition, FD4 decides which blocks to deallocate from the global block structure. Additionally, FD4 ensures that appropriate data are provided for the numerical stencil around non-empty cells. This mechanism also triggers the allocation of new blocks:
Periodic boundary conditions are implemented straightforward in FD4 by periodic Neighbor Pointers. For non-periodic boundary conditions, Boundary Ghost Blocks are added for Blocks at the domain boundary. The Boundary Ghost Blocks have to be filled by the user, except for zero gradient boundary conditions, which are implemented in FD4. This figure shows the concept for periodic (left) and non-periodic (right) boundary conditions for an exemplary 2D domain (in Adaptive Block Mode):
Parallelization of the FD4 grid is achieved by distributing the Blocks to the processes. Consequently, the total number of Blocks should be greater or equal than the number of processes.
Before performing stencil computations in parallel runs (which require the boundary of Neighbor Blocks, see Section 2.6), the boundaries have to be transferred between the processes. So-called Communication Ghost Blocks are allocated at process borders in the block decomposition to store the boundary of remote Neighbor Blocks. The Ghost Communicator object handles the update of the Communication Ghost Blocks. The Ghost Communicator is created for a specified set of variables and respective time steps and can be executed whenever necessary. Optionally, it is possible to restrict the spatial dimensions of the ghost exchange to one or two specified dimensions. The number of ghost cells that are exchanged is fixed for the domain. The ghost communication is only possible for cell-centered variables and not for face-centered variables.
This figure shows an exemplary block decomposition for two processes and the Communication Ghost Blocks:
The dynamic load balancing in FD4 performs 3 major steps:
Basically there are two situations for which load balancing is necessary: Firstly, when running in Adaptive Block Mode, Blocks may be added or removed from the global domain, which requires a new mapping of Blocks to processes. Secondly, if the workload of the Blocks changes non-uniformly, the load balance of the processes declines and more time is lost at synchronization points of the program. Of course, both reasons may also appear at the same time.
The workload of the Blocks is described by the Block Weight. The default value is the number of grid cells of the Block. If the workload does not exclusively depend on the number of grid cells, the Block Weight should be set to the actual computation time for each Block. If no Blocks were added or removed from the global domain, the decision whether load balancing is necessary or not depends on the load balance of the last time step (based on the Block Weight) and a specified load balance tolerance. Thus, it is possible to control how sensitive FD4 should react on emerging load imbalances. Instead of specifying a fixed tolerance, FD4 can also automatically decide whether load balancing is beneficial or not. FD4 weighs the time lost due to imbalance against the time required for load balancing. This Auto Mode requires that the Block Weights are set to the computation time in microseconds since the last call to the load balancing subroutine.
Two different methods for the calculation of the new partitioning are implemented in FD4: A graph-based approach using the ParMETIS library and a geometric approach using the Hilbert space-filling curve (SFC). Both methods are incremental, which means that the difference of successive partitionings is low to reduce migration costs. SFC partitioning is preferred since it executes much faster compared to ParMETIS. This figure shows a 2D Hilbert SFC and an exemplary partitioning derived from the curve:
FD4 allows coupling models based on FD4 to external models, i.e. transferring variables between these models. The coupling interface has the following assumptions:
The Couple Context concept allows coupling multiple external models to multiple FD4-based models. However, the direct coupling between two models based on FD4 is not implemented.
Compiling and running FD4 requires:
Optional features of FD4 require additional external packages:
To visualize data from NetCDF files you can use tools such as Visit (https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit/) or Ncview (http://meteora.ucsd.edu/~pierce/ncview_home_page.html).
This chapter shows the user interface subroutines of FD4 by means of small examples. The example programs are contained in the FD4 package in the directory tutorial. They are numbered in the same order as the following sections. The complete FD4 API documentation of the user routines can be found in the FD4 package in doc/index.html.
Include the module fd4_mod to your Fortran95 source to make the FD4 interface available. FD4 defines kind type parameters for integer and real variables in util/kinds.F90:
Name | Data type | Remarks |
i4k | 4 byte integer | |
i8k | 8 byte integer | |
i_k | 4 byte integer | default integer type in FD4 |
r4k | 4 byte real | |
r8k | 8 byte real | |
r_k | 8 byte real | type for grid variables, can be changed to r4k |
One of the basic utility functions is gettime, which returns the microseconds since 1970
as an 8 byte integer.
It can be used to clock parts of the program.
program fd4_demo_basics use fd4_mod implicit none integer(i8k) :: time_now_us, t0, t1 real(r8k) :: time_now_s ! initialize the timing routines ! (normally, this routine is called when creating an FD4 domain) call gettime_init() ! gettime is part of the FD4 utilities, calls C system function gettimeofday call gettime(time_now_us) time_now_s = real(time_now_us,r8k) / 1.e6_r8k write(*,'(A,F16.4)') 'seconds since 1970: ', time_now_s call gettime(t0) call gettime(t1) do while(t1<=t0) call gettime(t1) end do write(*,'(A,I7,A)') ' gettime resolution: ',t1-t0,' us' ! FD4 also supports using getrusage (ru_utime) as timer ! (this is the time the process has run in user mode) call gettime_rusage(t0) call gettime_rusage(t1) do while(t1<=t0) call gettime_rusage(t1) end do write(*,'(A,I7,A)') 'gettime_rusage resolution: ',t1-t0,' us' ! If compiled with PAPI, FD4 can make use of PAPIF_get_virt_cyc ! (this is the time the process has run in user mode) call gettime_papi(t0) if(t0/=TIMING_MOD_NO_PAPI .and. t0>0) then call gettime_papi(t0) call gettime_papi(t1) do while(t1<=t0) call gettime_papi(t1) end do write(*,'(A,I7,A)') ' gettime_papi resolution: ',t1-t0,' us' end if end program fd4_demo_basics
Each variable that should be managed by FD4 is defined by an entry in the Variable Table,
an array of type fd4_vartab.
See Section 2.1 for a description.
program fd4_demo_vartab use fd4_mod implicit none ! these paramters are the indexes of the variables in the variable table integer, parameter :: varTmp = 1, varRho = 2, varQC = 3, varU = 4, varV = 5 integer, parameter :: number_of_variables = 5 ! this is the variable table type(fd4_vartab) :: vartab(number_of_variables) ! fill the variable table for varTemp vartab(varTmp)%name = 'Temperature' ! name of the variable, at most 64 characters vartab(varTmp)%nbins = 1 ! number of bins = size of the 4th dimension vartab(varTmp)%nsteps = 2 ! number of time steps to allocate vartab(varTmp)%dynamic = .false. ! currently unused vartab(varTmp)%vnull = 0.0_r8k ! initial/default value vartab(varTmp)%vthres = FD4_NOTHRES ! threshold value or FD4_NOTHRES vartab(varTmp)%facevar = FD4_CELLC ! discretization type ! since the type fd4_vartab has default values for all components but the name, ! you can left out some definitions vartab(varRho)%name = 'Densitiy' vartab(varRho)%nsteps = 2 ! but the clearest method is to use the derived type constructors and ! arrange them as table with one variable per row ! name, nb, st, unused, ini, vthres, discret. vartab(varQC) = fd4_vartab('Droplets', 12, 2, .false., 0.0, 0.0, FD4_CELLC ) vartab(varU) = fd4_vartab( 'u Wind', 1, 1, .false., 0.0, FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_FACEX ) vartab(varV) = fd4_vartab( 'v Wind', 1, 1, .false., 0.0, FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_FACEY ) write(*,'(5(A24,I4,I4,L3,E11.3,E11.3,I3,/))') vartab end program fd4_demo_vartab
The Domain is described by the derived type fd4_domain. Note, that the type fd4_domain must be declared with the target attribute, though compilers will also accept code without the attribute. A Domain is created by calling fd4_domain_create, which needs the following inputs:
program fd4_demo_domain use fd4_mod implicit none include 'mpif.h' ! FD4 variable table integer, parameter :: varTmp = 1, varRho = 2, varQC = 3, varU = 4, varV = 5 integer, parameter :: number_of_variables = 5 type(fd4_vartab) :: vartab(number_of_variables) ! FD4 domain integer :: dsize(3,2), bnum(3), nghosts(3) logical :: periodic(3) type(fd4_domain), target :: domain ! misc integer :: rank, err !! Create the variable table ! name, nb, st, unused, ini, vthres, discret. vartab(varTmp) = fd4_vartab('Temperature', 1, 2, .false., 0.0, FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_CELLC ) vartab(varRho) = fd4_vartab( 'Densitiy', 1, 2, .false., 0.0, FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_CELLC ) vartab(varQC) = fd4_vartab( 'Droplets', 12, 2, .false., 0.0, FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_CELLC ) vartab(varU) = fd4_vartab( 'u Wind', 1, 1, .false., 0.0, FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_FACEX ) vartab(varV) = fd4_vartab( 'v Wind', 1, 1, .false., 0.0, FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_FACEY ) !! MPI Initialization call MPI_Init(err) call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,rank ,err) !! Create the FD4 domain dsize(1:3,1) = (/ 1, 1, 1/) ! grid start indices dsize(1:3,2) = (/ 16, 16, 16/) ! grid end indices bnum(1:3) = (/ 4, 4, 4/) ! number of blocks in each dimension nghosts(1:3) = (/ 2, 2, 2/) ! number of ghost cells in each dimension periodic(1:3) = .true. ! periodic boundaries call fd4_domain_create(domain, bnum, dsize, vartab, nghosts, periodic, MPI_COMM_WORLD, err) if(err/=0) then write(*,*) 'fd4_domain_create failed' call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1, err) end if if(rank==0) write(*,'(A,I5)') 'number of allocated blocks: ', domain%blockcount !! Allocate the blocks call fd4_util_allocate_all_blocks(domain, err) if(rank==0) write(*,'(A,I5)') 'number of allocated blocks: ', domain%blockcount !! Delete the domain and finalize MPI call fd4_domain_delete(domain) call MPI_Finalize(err) end program fd4_demo_domain
If you have compiled FD4 with FD4_VERBOSE_LEVEL 2 or higher, FD4 should print something like this:
[FD4:0000] created new fd4_domain: [FD4:0000] dim start end blocks blksz ghosts per.bd [FD4:0000] x 1 16 4 4.00 2 T [FD4:0000] y 1 16 4 4.00 2 T [FD4:0000] z 1 16 4 4.00 2 T [FD4:0000] max. number of blocks: 64 [FD4:0000] Hilbert SFC level: 2 [FD4:0000] number of MPI processes: 2 [FD4:0000] block pool lists: 4 [FD4:0000] block pool max. size: 152 [FD4:0000] adaptive block mode: F [FD4:0000] variable table: [FD4:0000] id nbins nsteps dyn vnull threshld face name [FD4:0000] 1 1 2 F 0.0E+00 - - Temperature [FD4:0000] 2 1 2 F 0.0E+00 - - Densitiy [FD4:0000] 3 12 2 F 0.0E+00 - - Droplets [FD4:0000] 4 1 1 F 0.0E+00 - x u Wind [FD4:0000] 5 1 1 F 0.0E+00 - y v Wind number of allocated blocks: 0 number of allocated blocks: 64 [FD4:0000] FD4 Statistics min max avg sum [FD4:0000] Balance check us 66 606 336 672 [FD4:0000] Balance part us 143 143 143 286 [FD4:0000] Balance mig us 2838 2946 2892 5784 [FD4:0000] Balance recv Blocks 0 0 0 0 [FD4:0000] Balance recv Bytes 0 0 0 0 [FD4:0000] Domain block alloc 32 32 32 64 [FD4:0000] Domain block free 0 0 0 0 [FD4:0000] Domain ghost alloc 32 32 32 64 [FD4:0000] Domain ghost free 0 0 0 0
To access the Blocks a process owns, FD4 provides an Iterator, which iterates
over all Blocks of the Domain in unspecified order.
To read or write the data fields of a Block, use the block%fields(idx,st)%l(b,x,y,z) approach
as described in Section 2.5.
Note that you cannot access the ghost cells in this way, see Section 5.5.
A Block iteration loop looks as follows:
!! Loop over all blocks of the domain and initialize the temperature call fd4_iter_init(domain, iter) do while(associated(iter%cur)) write(*,'(A,I4,A,3(I3))') 'rank ',rank,' iterates to block at (x, y, z) ',iter%cur%pos ! get offset from domain indexes to block-local indexes call fd4_iter_offset(iter, offset) ! loop over block's grid cells do z=1,iter%cur%ext(3) do y=1,iter%cur%ext(2) do x=1,iter%cur%ext(1) ! get z coordinate of this grid cell in global coordinates gz = offset(3) + z ! set temperature depending on global z coordinate iter%cur%fields(varTmp,1)%l(1,x,y,z) = 295.0 + f * REAL(gz) end do end do end do ! go to next block call fd4_iter_next(iter) end do
To get variables from a Block with ghost cells from the six Neighbor Blocks, use the subroutine
It copies the current Block's data and the boundary of Neighbor Blocks to a 4D buffer array.
See Section 2.6 for more details about accessing ghost cells.
The buffer array must be large enough to hold the spatial bounds of the Block and the 4th dimension
of the variables.
Note that the 4th dimension is in fact the 0th dimension: it comes first.
To get the bounds of the largest Block in the Domain, use the subroutine
This example shows how to allocate a buffer array for a variable with a 4th dimension and how to
read the ghost cells:
!! Allocate the buffer array for a single block with ghost cells ! get the max block extent (bext) including ghost cells call fd4_domain_max_bext(domain, bext(1:3), .true.) bext(0) = vartab(varQC)%nbins ! 4th dimension ! allocate the buffer array with interior grid cells starting at 1 allocate( buffer(bext(0),-1:bext(1)-2,-1:bext(2)-2,-1:bext(3)-2) ) buffer = 0.0_r_k !! Initialize time step indicators now = 1 new = 2 !! Loop over all blocks of the domain and do some sort of computations call fd4_iter_init(domain, iter) do while(associated(iter%cur)) ! get droplets with ghost cells from current block at time step 'now' call fd4_iter_get_ghost(iter, varQC, now, bext, buffer) ! loop over block's grid cells do z=1,iter%cur%ext(3) do y=1,iter%cur%ext(2) do x=1,iter%cur%ext(1) ! do some stencil computations, update 'new' values iter%cur%fields(varQC,new)%l(:,x,y,z) = buffer(:,x,y,z) + & ( f(-2) * buffer(:,x-2,y,z) + f(-1) * buffer(:,x-1,y,z) + f(0) * buffer(:,x,y,z) & + f( 1) * buffer(:,x+1,y,z) + f( 2) * buffer(:,x+1,y,z) ) * dt ! ... end do end do end do call fd4_iter_next(iter) end do
Three functions are required to perform ghost communication (3.1): fd4_ghostcomm_create, fd4_ghostcomm_exch, and fd4_ghostcomm_delete.
Here is a complete demo application.
It solves the heat conduction equation in 3D.
program fd4_demo_heat use fd4_mod implicit none include 'mpif.h' !! Setup parameters real, parameter :: radius = 0.5 ! rel. radius of initial heat bubble integer, parameter :: grid(3) = 32 ! number of grid cells for x, y, z real(r_k), parameter :: ds(3) = 1.0 ! grid cell size for x, y, z real(r_k), parameter :: dt = 0.1 ! time step size integer, parameter :: nsteps = 1000 ! number of time steps to compute ! FD4 variable table type(fd4_vartab) :: vartab(1) integer, parameter :: THETA = 1 ! FD4 domain type(fd4_domain), target :: domain integer :: dsize(3,2), bnum(3), nghosts(3) logical :: periodic(3) ! FD4 iterator type(fd4_iter) :: iter ! FD4 ghost communication type(fd4_ghostcomm) :: ghostcomm(2) ! misc integer :: rank, err, bext(0:3) integer :: offset(3), x, y, z, now, new, step real(r_k), allocatable :: buf(:,:,:,:) real(r_k) :: dtheta real :: global_pos(3), cr !! MPI Initialization call MPI_Init(err) call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,rank ,err) !! Create the FD4 variable table !! (only one cell-centered variable 'theta' with 2 time steps) ! name, nb, st, unused, ini, vthres, discret. vartab(THETA) = fd4_vartab('theta', 1, 2, .false., 0.0, FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_CELLC ) !! Create the FD4 domain dsize(1:3,1) = (/1, 1, 1/) ! grid start indices dsize(1:3,2) = grid(1:3) ! grid end indices bnum(1:3) = grid(1:3) / 4 ! number of blocks in each dimension nghosts(1:3) = (/1, 1, 1/) ! number of ghost cells in each dimension periodic(1:3) = .true. ! periodic boundaries call fd4_domain_create(domain, bnum, dsize, vartab, nghosts, periodic, MPI_COMM_WORLD, err) if(err/=0) then write(*,*) rank, ': fd4_domain_create failed' call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1, err) end if !! Allocate the blocks of the domain call fd4_util_allocate_all_blocks(domain, err) !! Allocate the buffer array for a single block with ghost cells call fd4_domain_max_bext(domain, bext(1:3), .true.) bext(0) = 1 ! 4th dimension not used here allocate( buf(bext(0),0:bext(1)-1,0:bext(2)-1,0:bext(3)-1) ) buf = 0.0_r_k !! Initialize time step indicators now = 1 new = 2 !! Initialize theta with a spherical heat bubble call fd4_iter_init(domain, iter) do while(associated(iter%cur)) ! offset from domain indexes to block-local indexes call fd4_iter_offset(iter, offset) ! loop over block's grid cells do z=1,iter%cur%ext(3) do y=1,iter%cur%ext(2) do x=1,iter%cur%ext(1) ! get global coordinates of this grid cell and scale to [0,1] global_pos(1:3) = REAL( offset(1:3) + (/x,y,z/) - 1 ) / REAL(dsize(1:3,2) - 1) ! distance from domain center to current grid cell cr = sqrt( (global_pos(1)-0.5)**2+(global_pos(2)-0.5)**2+(global_pos(3)-0.5)**2 ) if(cr < radius) then iter%cur%fields(THETA,now)%l(1,x,y,z) = 2.0_r_k * cos(3.14159*cr/(2*radius)) end if end do end do end do call fd4_iter_next(iter) end do !! Create ghost communicator for variable THETA (one for each time level) call fd4_ghostcomm_create(ghostcomm(1), domain, 1, (/THETA/), (/1/), err) call fd4_ghostcomm_create(ghostcomm(2), domain, 1, (/THETA/), (/2/), err) !! Time stepping loop do step=1,nsteps ! exchange ghost cells for time level 'now' call fd4_ghostcomm_exch(ghostcomm(now), err) ! iterate over all local blocks call fd4_iter_init(domain, iter) do while(associated(iter%cur)) ! get theta with ghost cells from current block call fd4_iter_get_ghost(iter, THETA, now, bext, buf) ! loop over block's grid cells do z=1,iter%cur%ext(3) do y=1,iter%cur%ext(2) do x=1,iter%cur%ext(1) ! ( d2T d2T d2T ) ! theta_new = theta_now + ( --- + --- + --- ) * dt ! ( dx2 dy2 dz2 ) ! calculate dtheta dtheta = ( buf(1,x-1,y,z) + buf(1,x+1,y,z) - 2*buf(1,x,y,z) ) / (ds(1) * ds(1)) & + ( buf(1,x,y-1,z) + buf(1,x,y+1,z) - 2*buf(1,x,y,z) ) / (ds(2) * ds(2)) & + ( buf(1,x,y,z-1) + buf(1,x,y,z+1) - 2*buf(1,x,y,z) ) / (ds(3) * ds(3)) ! set updated theta value iter%cur%fields(THETA,new)%l(1,x,y,z) = buf(1,x,y,z) + dtheta * dt end do end do end do call fd4_iter_next(iter) end do if(rank==0 .and. mod(step,100)==0) write(*,'(A,I5)') 'step ',step ! swap time step indicators now = 3 - now new = 3 - new end do !! Delete the ghost communicator and the domain, finalize MPI call fd4_ghostcomm_delete(ghostcomm(1)) call fd4_ghostcomm_delete(ghostcomm(2)) call fd4_domain_delete(domain) call MPI_Finalize(err) end program fd4_demo_heat
Simple output of grid data to Vis5D files is supported in FD4. The work sequence is quiet simple: open - write - write - ... - close where each write call writes data from a different time step of the simulation. In comparison to FD4's NetCDF output, there are two limitations which originate from Vis5D's simple interface: Only one of such work sequences can be active at any time during the whole program run and when opening the Vis5D file you must already know how many write calls you will issue.
To add Vis5D output to the demo application in 5.6,
three code snippets need to be added to the code.
The first snippet defines the output file's name, the number of write calls,
and the variables with their corresponding time steps.
It must be called once before the time stepping loop.
fd4_vis5d_open has additional optional parameters to define grid cell
size and map projection, see the API documentation.
After this, the first write call writes initial data to the file.
!! Initialize Vis5D output and write initial data call fd4_vis5d_open(domain, 'out.v5d', nsteps/100+1, 1, (/THETA/), (/now/), err) call fd4_vis5d_write(err)
The following snippet writes data during time stepping to the Vis5D file (every 100th step only).
The optional parameter st_opt is used to tell FD4 to write the data
of the current step.
!! Write Vis5D output if(mod(step,100)==0) then if(rank==0) write(*,'(A,I5)') 'step ',step call fd4_vis5d_write(err, st_opt=(/new/)) end if
And finally the Vis5D file needs to be closed before terminating the program:
!! Close Vis5D call fd4_vis5d_close(err)
NetCDF output is working quiet similar to Vis5D output.
But here, multiple NetCDF communicators can be defined to
create independent output contexts.
Thus, a new variable needs to be defined:
! FD4 netcdf communicator type(fd4_netcdf4_comm) :: nfcomm
When opening a NetCDF file, the NetCDF communicator is initialized.
This handle is parameter of all NetCDF output routines.
Thus, opening the file and writing the initial data before the time stepping
loop looks like this:
!! Initialize NetCDF output and write initial data call fd4_netcdf4_open(nfcomm, domain, 'out.nc', 1, (/THETA/), (/now/), err) call fd4_netcdf4_write(nfcomm,err)
Writing to NetCDF during the time stepping looks quiet similar to the Vis5D version.
There is also an optional parameter st_opt to set change the time step to write for all variables.
!! Write NetCDF output if(mod(step,100)==0) then if(rank==0) write(*,'(A,I5)') 'step ',step call fd4_netcdf4_write(nfcomm, err, st_opt=(/new/)) end if
And this is how an NetCDF file is closed.
The NetCDF communicator can be re-used (by calling fd4_netcdf4_open) after this call:
!! Close NetCDF call fd4_netcdf4_close(nfcomm, err)
Note, that there are two ways of integrating NetCDF in FD4:
FD4 supports three types of boundary conditions, see 2.8 for more information
! set (fixed) boundary conditions for lower z call fd4_boundary_spec (domain, (/THETA,THETA/), (/now,new/), 3, 1, (/0.0_r_k/)) ! iterate over all local blocks to add some position-dependent boundary conditions call fd4_iter_init(domain, iter) do while(associated(iter%cur)) ! block is at lower boundary in z dimension if(iter%cur%pos(3)==1) then ! get offset from block-local to global coordinates call fd4_iter_offset(iter, offset) ! loop over grid cells in x and y do y=1,iter%cur%ext(2) do x=1,iter%cur%ext(1) ! set boundary conditions for specific grid cells if(x+offset(1)>grid(1)/4 .and. x+offset(1)<3*grid(1)/4 .and. & y+offset(2)>grid(1)/4 .and. y+offset(2)<3*grid(1)/4) then iter%cur%neigh(3,1)%l%fields(THETA,now)%l(:,x,y,1) = 2.0_r_k iter%cur%neigh(3,1)%l%fields(THETA,new)%l(:,x,y,1) = 2.0_r_k end if end do end do end if call fd4_iter_next(iter) end do
The other boundaries (x, y, upper z) are initialized with zero-gradient boundary conditions
at the beginning of each iteration for each single Block:
! set zero-gradient boundary conditions for x, y, and upper z for this block call fd4_boundary_zerograd_block(domain, iter%cur, (/THETA/), (/now/), FD4_XY) call fd4_boundary_zerograd_block(domain, iter%cur, (/THETA/), (/now/), FD4_Z, opt_dir=2)
The example demonstrates how the heat expands from the lower z boundary into the domain.
This example extends 08_heat_netcdf.F90 by using the coupling interface of FD4 (3.3) to initialize the grid variable theta. Seven FD4 routines are required to achieve this:
!! Create couple context to put initial data to the FD4 domain call fd4_couple_create(couple_init, domain, err, opt_cpldir=FD4_CPL_PUT) ! add one couple array per rank for theta do irank = 0, nproc-1 ! Set cabnd(:,:) to the bounds of the coupling arrays of current rank. ! (here we simply calculate bounds for an 1D-partitioning) cabnd(1:3,1) = (/ 1+(irank*dsize(1,2))/nproc, 1, 1 /) cabnd(1:3,2) = (/ ((irank+1)*dsize(1,2))/nproc, dsize(2,2), dsize(3,2) /) ! Add a couple array of current rank with given bounds. call fd4_couple_add_partition(couple_init, irank, cabnd, err) end do ! Add the variable THETA to the couple context. ! FD4 returns the identifier caidxTheta for the local couple array. call fd4_couple_add_var(couple_init, THETA, now, err, caidxTheta) ! allocate the local couple array and add it to the couple context allocate(iniTheta(cabnd(1,1):cabnd(1,2),cabnd(2,1):cabnd(2,2),cabnd(3,1):cabnd(3,2))) iniTheta = 0.0_r_k arraypointer => iniTheta(:,:,:) call fd4_couple_set_local_3D_array(couple_init, caidxTheta, arraypointer, (/1,1,1/), err) ! commit the couple context, FD4 now checks the couple arrays and prepares MPI data types call fd4_couple_commit(couple_init, err) ! fill the couple array with initial data do z=cabnd(3,1),cabnd(3,2) do y=cabnd(2,1),cabnd(2,2) do x=cabnd(1,1),cabnd(1,2) ! get global coordinates of this grid cell and scale to [0,1] global_pos(1:3) = REAL( (/x,y,z/) - 1 ) / REAL(dsize(1:3,2) - 1) ! distance from domain center to current grid cell cr = sqrt( (global_pos(1)-0.5)**2+(global_pos(2)-0.5)**2+(global_pos(3)-0.5)**2 ) if(cr < radius) then iniTheta(x,y,z) = 2.0_r_k * cos(3.14159*cr/(2*radius)) end if end do end do end do ! finally put data to FD4's data structures call fd4_couple_put(couple_init, err) ! delete couple context and deallocate couple array call fd4_couple_delete(couple_init, err) deallocate(iniTheta)
The reverse action of fd4_couple_put is performed by fd4_couple_get: It transfers data from the FD4 data structures to distributed coupling arrays. You can also add 4D Couple Arrays (for variables with bins) to the Couple Context using fd4_couple_set_local_4D_array. It is allowed to change the coupling arrays of a committed Couple Context (as long as the size of the array fits) using fd4_couple_chg_local_3D_array and fd4_couple_chg_local_4D_array.
This is a completely new example program to demonstrate how to use the coupling interface not only for initialization, but for its main purpose: to exchange data between the FD4 data structures and differently distributed data regularly during iteration.
The program computes the concentration of some tracer c under a changing wind field
by a very simple advection scheme.
The horizontal winds u and v and the vertical wind w
are computed
externally (which stands
for some external model coupled to the tracer model) and transferred to the
FD4 data structures at the beginning of every time step using the coupling interface.
Here is the main program with the time stepping loop.
Note the call to advection_set_vortex at program initialization and during time stepping,
which sets the wind fields in the Couple Arrays.
The actual coupling is carried out by the following call to fd4_couple_put.
program fd4_demo_advection use fd4_mod use advection implicit none include 'mpif.h' !! Setup parameters integer, parameter :: grid(3) = 32 ! number of grid cells for x, y, z real(r_k), parameter :: dt = 0.1 ! time step size integer, parameter :: nsteps = 2000 ! number of time steps to compute integer, parameter :: omod = 100 ! number of steps between output ! FD4 variable table type(fd4_vartab) :: vartab(4) ! FD4 domain type(fd4_domain), target :: domain integer :: dsize(3,2), bnum(3), nghosts(3) logical :: periodic(3) ! FD4 iterator type(fd4_iter) :: iter ! FD4 ghost communication type(fd4_ghostcomm) :: ghostcomm(2) ! FD4 netcdf communicator type(fd4_netcdf4_comm) :: nfcomm ! FD4 coupling context type(fd4_couple) :: couple ! misc integer :: rank, err, now, new, step !! MPI Initialization call MPI_Init(err) call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,rank ,err) !! Create the FD4 variable table ! name, nb, st, unused, ini, vthres, discret. vartab(varU) = fd4_vartab( 'u', 1, 1, .false., .0 , FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_FACEX ) vartab(varV) = fd4_vartab( 'v', 1, 1, .false., .0 , FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_FACEY ) vartab(varW) = fd4_vartab( 'w', 1, 1, .false., .0 , FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_FACEZ ) vartab(varC) = fd4_vartab( 'c', 1, 2, .false., .0 , FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_CELLC ) !! Create the FD4 domain dsize(1:3,1) = (/1, 1, 1/) ! grid start indices dsize(1:3,2) = grid(1:3) ! grid end indices bnum(1:3) = grid(1:3) / 8 ! number of blocks in each dimension nghosts(1:3) = (/1, 1, 1/) ! number of ghost cells in each dimension periodic(1:3) = .true. ! periodic boundaries call fd4_domain_create(domain, bnum, dsize, vartab, nghosts, periodic, MPI_COMM_WORLD, err) if(err/=0) then write(*,*) rank, ': fd4_domain_create failed' call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1, err) end if !! Allocate the blocks of the domain call fd4_util_allocate_all_blocks(domain, err) !! Initialize time step indicators now = 1 new = 2 !! Allocate buffer array and initialize the concentration field varC call advection_init(domain, now) !! Initialize coupling with wind fields call advection_init_coupling(domain, couple) !! Set wind fields and perform first coupling call advection_set_vortex(0.0) call fd4_couple_put(couple, err) !! Create ghost communicator for variable varC (one for each time level of varC) call fd4_ghostcomm_create(ghostcomm(1), domain, 1, (/varC/), (/1/), err) call fd4_ghostcomm_create(ghostcomm(2), domain, 1, (/varC/), (/2/), err) !! Initialize output and write initial data call fd4_netcdf4_open(nfcomm, domain, 'out.nc', 4, (/varU,varV,varW,varC/), & (/1,1,1,now/), err) call fd4_netcdf4_write(nfcomm,err) call fd4_vis5d_open(domain, 'out.v5d', nsteps/omod+1, 4, (/varU,varV,varW,varC/), & (/1,1,1,now/), err) call fd4_vis5d_write(err) !! Time stepping loop do step=1,nsteps !! Set wind fields in the couple arrays and perform coupling call advection_set_vortex((step-1.0)/nsteps) call fd4_couple_put(couple, err) ! exchange ghost cells for time level 'now' call fd4_ghostcomm_exch(ghostcomm(now), err) ! iterate over all local blocks call fd4_iter_init(domain, iter) do while(associated(iter%cur)) ! compute simplistic advection scheme on current block call advection_compute(iter, now, new, dt) call fd4_iter_next(iter) end do ! write output if(mod(step,omod)==0) then if(rank==0) write(*,'(A,I5)') 'step ',step call fd4_netcdf4_write(nfcomm, err, st_opt=(/1,1,1,new/)) call fd4_vis5d_write(err, st_opt=(/1,1,1,new/)) end if ! swap time step indicators now = 3 - now new = 3 - new end do !! Close output files call fd4_netcdf4_close(nfcomm, err) call fd4_vis5d_close(err) !! Delete couple context, ghost communicator, and domain, finalize MPI call fd4_couple_delete(couple, err) call fd4_ghostcomm_delete(ghostcomm(1)) call fd4_ghostcomm_delete(ghostcomm(2)) call fd4_domain_delete(domain) call MPI_Finalize(err) end program fd4_demo_advection
The subroutine advection_init_coupling allocates the Couple Arrays
cplU, cplV, and cplW and initializes the Couple Context.
The Couple Arrays are distributed in the same way as in the previous example,
but since the winds are defined as face variables, the size of the arrays in extended by
one row in the dimension of the face.
subroutine advection_init_coupling(domain, couple) type(fd4_domain), intent(inout), target :: domain type(fd4_couple), intent(inout) :: couple integer :: irank, err, caidxU, caidxV, caidxW real(r_k), pointer :: arraypointer(:,:,:) !! Create couple context to put initial data to the FD4 domain call fd4_couple_create(couple, domain, err, opt_cpldir=FD4_CPL_PUT) !! Add couple arrays of all processes to the couple context do irank = 0, nproc-1 ! Set cabnd(:,:) to the bounds of the coupling arrays of current rank cabnd(1:3,1) = (/ 1+(irank*dsize(1,2))/nproc, 1, 1 /) cabnd(1:3,2) = (/ ((irank+1)*dsize(1,2))/nproc, dsize(2,2), dsize(3,2) /) ! Add a couple array of current rank with given bounds. call fd4_couple_add_partition(couple, irank, cabnd, err) end do ! Add the variables varU, varV, and varW to the couple context. ! FD4 returns the identifiers for the local couple array. call fd4_couple_add_var(couple, varU, 1, err, caidxU) call fd4_couple_add_var(couple, varV, 1, err, caidxV) call fd4_couple_add_var(couple, varW, 1, err, caidxW) ! set this process' couple array bounds cabnd(1:3,1) = (/ 1+(rank*dsize(1,2))/nproc, 1, 1 /) cabnd(1:3,2) = (/ ((rank+1)*dsize(1,2))/nproc, dsize(2,2), dsize(3,2) /) ! x-face variable cplU has one additional cell row in x dimension allocate(cplU(cabnd(1,1):cabnd(1,2)+1,cabnd(2,1):cabnd(2,2),cabnd(3,1):cabnd(3,2))) cplU = 0.0_r_k arraypointer => cplU(:,:,:) call fd4_couple_set_local_3D_array(couple, caidxU, arraypointer, (/1,1,1/), err) ! y-face variable cplV has one additional cell row in y dimension allocate(cplV(cabnd(1,1):cabnd(1,2),cabnd(2,1):cabnd(2,2)+1,cabnd(3,1):cabnd(3,2))) cplV = 0.0_r_k arraypointer => cplV(:,:,:) call fd4_couple_set_local_3D_array(couple, caidxV, arraypointer, (/1,1,1/), err) ! z-face variable cplW has one additional cell row in z dimension allocate(cplW(cabnd(1,1):cabnd(1,2),cabnd(2,1):cabnd(2,2),cabnd(3,1):cabnd(3,2)+1)) cplW = 0.0_r_k arraypointer => cplW(:,:,:) call fd4_couple_set_local_3D_array(couple, caidxW, arraypointer, (/1,1,1/), err) ! commit the couple context, FD4 now checks the couple arrays and prepares MPI data types call fd4_couple_commit(couple, err) end subroutine advection_init_coupling
The advection scheme in 11_advection_couple.F90 causes some small load
imbalances, since it requires less computation time in grid cells where the concentration is zero.
These code snippets add dynamic load balancing (3.2) to the previous example.
Firstly, in the initialization part of the program after creating the Domain, we
can set some load balancing parameters:
!! Set some load balancing parameters call fd4_balance_params (domain, method=FD4_BALANCE_HSFC2_PARALLEL, opt_lbtol=0.95)
Setting parameters is not required, but it may be useful to override the defaults. These parameters choose space-filling curve load balancing with an threshold of 0.95. This means that load balancing is only invoked, if the balance falls below this value, where load balance is defined as the average partition load divided by the maximum partition load. Thus, a value of 1.0 for opt_lbtol is the strictest and 0.0 disables load balancing. There are more parameters, refer to the API documentation.
The following modifications are necessary at the time stepping loop for dynamic load balancing:
do step=1,nsteps !! Set wind fields in the couple arrays and perform coupling call advection_set_vortex((step-1.0)/nsteps) call fd4_couple_put(couple, err) ! exchange ghost cells for time level 'now' call fd4_ghostcomm_exch(ghostcomm(now), err) ! iterate over all local blocks call fd4_iter_init(domain, iter) do while(associated(iter%cur)) ! time the start of computations on current block call fd4_iter_start_clock(iter) ! compute simplistic advection scheme on current block call advection_compute(iter, now, new, dt) ! time the end of computations on current block, set block weight call fd4_iter_stop_clock(iter, 0.0) call fd4_iter_next(iter) end do ! rebalance the workload based on the measured block weights call fd4_balance_readjust(domain, err, opt_stats=stats) ! write output if(mod(step,omod)==0) then if(rank==0) write(*,'(A,I5,A,F6.3)') 'step ',step,' bal:',stats%last_measured_balance call fd4_netcdf4_write(nfcomm, err, st_opt=(/1,1,1,new/)) call fd4_vis5d_write(err, st_opt=(/1,1,1,new/)) end if ! swap time step indicators now = 3 - now new = 3 - new end do
The load is measured with the routines fd4_iter_start_clock and fd4_iter_stop_clock that time the computation of one Block. This measurement is used to determine the load balance and acts as weight for rebalancing the load. Every computation on a Block should be enclosed by these calls. The actual load balancing is invoked by fd4_balance_readjust. The optional parameter opt_stats returns a type that contains some statistical information about the load balancing such as the number of migrated Blocks, measured load balance and so on - see API documentation.
Now we can apply the Adaptive Block Mode (2.7) to the previous example.
Only small modifications are necessary.
Firstly, a threshold value (vthres) must be defined for the concentration
field variable c in the Variable Table.
FD4 will remove all Blocks where c is smaller than this threshold.
!! Create the FD4 variable table ! name, nb, st, unused, ini, vthres, discret. vartab(varU) = fd4_vartab( 'u', 1, 1, .false., .0 , FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_FACEX ) vartab(varV) = fd4_vartab( 'v', 1, 1, .false., .0 , FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_FACEY ) vartab(varW) = fd4_vartab( 'w', 1, 1, .false., .0 , FD4_NOTHRES, FD4_FACEZ ) vartab(varC) = fd4_vartab( 'c', 1, 2, .false., .0 , 1.d-10, FD4_CELLC )
Then, the call to fd4_util_allocate_all_blocks must be removed in the initialization part of the main program. Instead of allocating all Blocks, only those Blocks where the initial values of c are greater than the threshold should be allocated. This is achieved by a 2-step procedure in subroutine advection_init prior to calling fd4_couple_put to transfer the initial data to FD4 (which has not allocated any Blocks yet):
requiredwhich contain c greater than the threshold in the Couple Arrays of the Couple Context.
! mark all FD4 blocks which contain varC > threshold call fd4_couple_mark_blocks(couple_init, err) ! this actually allocates these blocks in a load-balanced way call fd4_balance_readjust(domain, err) ! finally put data to FD4's data structures call fd4_couple_put(couple_init, err)
Finally, an additional call to FD4 is required in the Block loop during time stepping.
After the computations of a Block are done, fd4_iter_empty must be called
so that FD4 checks if the Block is now empty or not.
! iterate over all local blocks call fd4_iter_init(domain, iter) do while(associated(iter%cur)) ! time the start of computations on current block call fd4_iter_start_clock(iter) ! compute simplistic advection scheme on current block call advection_compute(iter, now, new, dt) ! check if the block is empty call fd4_iter_empty(iter, varC, new) ! time the end of computations on current block, set block weight call fd4_iter_stop_clock(iter, 0.0) call fd4_iter_next(iter) end do
This information is used in fd4_balance_readjust to find not any longer required Blocks and to identify Blocks that need to be allocated because c moves near the boundary of an existing Neighbor Block.
These utility subroutines are not optimized for performance and should be used during development and for debug purpuses only, but not for large-scale runs.
Face variable utilities: As described in 2.4 the Blocks share the same copy of face variables at the boundaries in the face variable's direction. To check the consistency of face variables between Neighbor Blocks for a given variable, FD4 offers fd4_util_check_facevar. Errors are reported on stdout. The implementation is very simple: All Blocks are migrated to rank 0 which performs the checks, than the Blocks are distributed again over all ranks. Therefore, you should use fd4_util_check_facevar only for small debug runs!
The routine fd4_util_propagate_facevar
enforces the consistency of the given face variable in all Blocks.
It copies face values at the boundary to the corresponding Neighbor Block.
! generate an inconsistency in varV call fd4_iter_init(domain, iter) if(rank==0 .and. associated(iter%cur)) iter%cur%fields(varV,1)%l = 0.1701_r_k ! check the 3 wind vectors for consistency between neighbor blocks if(rank==0) write(*,'(A)') 'Checking varU for consistency' call fd4_util_check_facevar(domain, varU, 1, err) if(rank==0) write(*,'(A)') 'Checking varV for consistency' call fd4_util_check_facevar(domain, varV, 1, err) if(rank==0) write(*,'(A)') 'Checking varW for consistency' call fd4_util_check_facevar(domain, varW, 1, err) ! make face variables consistent call fd4_util_propagate_facevar(domain, (/varV/), (/1/), .false., err) ! check varV again if(rank==0) write(*,'(A)') 'Checking varV for consistency' call fd4_util_check_facevar(domain, varV, 1, err) ! should not report a problem
Data utilities:
To quickly access the data at a certain point in the grid, you can use
the subroutine fd4_util_get_value.
The subroutine fd4_util_get_array gathers the grid for a single variable
on a given rank.
The array passed to this routine must match the size of the domain.
! print value at given position value = fd4_util_get_value(domain, varC, now, (/1,16,16,8/), 0) if(rank==0) write(*,'(A,F8.3)') 'varC at (16,16,8) = ',value ! let rank 0 collect the complete varC data abnd(1:3,1:2) = domain%dbnd abnd(0,1:2) = 1 allocate(array(1,abnd(1,1):abnd(1,2),abnd(2,1):abnd(2,2),abnd(3,1):abnd(3,2))) call fd4_util_get_array(domain, varC, now, abnd, array, err, 0) ! print sum over each k-column in ascii-art if(rank==0) then do j=abnd(2,2),abnd(2,1),-1 do i=abnd(1,1),abnd(1,2) if(SUM(array(1,i,j,:))>1.0_r_k) then write(*,'(A2)',advance='no') '#' elseif(SUM(array(1,i,j,:))>0.0_r_k) then write(*,'(A2)',advance='no') '+' else write(*,'(A2)',advance='no') ' ' end if end do write(*,*) end do end if
The output of the demo program 14_advection_utils should look like this
when running on 2 processes:
[FD4:0000] created new fd4_domain: [FD4:0000] dim start end blocks blksz ghosts per.bd [FD4:0000] x 1 32 8 4.00 1 T [FD4:0000] y 1 32 8 4.00 1 T [FD4:0000] z 1 32 8 4.00 1 T [FD4:0000] max. number of blocks: 512 [FD4:0000] Hilbert SFC level: 3 [FD4:0000] number of MPI processes: 2 [FD4:0000] block pool lists: 4 [FD4:0000] block pool max. size: 739 [FD4:0000] adaptive block mode: T [FD4:0000] variable table: [FD4:0000] id nbins nsteps dyn vnull threshld face name [FD4:0000] 1 1 1 F 0.0E+00 - x u [FD4:0000] 2 1 1 F 0.0E+00 - y v [FD4:0000] 3 1 1 F 0.0E+00 - z w [FD4:0000] 4 1 2 F 0.0E+00 1.0E-10 - c Checking varU for consistency Checking varV for consistency [FD4:0000] face 2 of block at 4 4 2 is not consistent! Checking varW for consistency Checking varV for consistency varC at (16,16,8) = 1.469 + # # + # # # # # # # # + # # + step 100 bal: 0.953 blocks: 14 step 200 bal: 0.906 blocks: 20 step 300 bal: 0.981 blocks: 33 step 400 bal: 0.957 blocks: 42 step 500 bal: 0.989 blocks: 54 step 600 bal: 0.977 blocks: 66 step 700 bal: 0.983 blocks: 74 step 800 bal: 0.650 blocks: 77 step 900 bal: 0.982 blocks: 87 step 1000 bal: 0.938 blocks: 92 step 1100 bal: 0.969 blocks: 102 step 1200 bal: 0.954 blocks: 112 step 1300 bal:-1.000 blocks: 121 step 1400 bal: 0.966 blocks: 131 step 1500 bal: 0.985 blocks: 143 step 1600 bal: 0.986 blocks: 153 step 1700 bal: 0.972 blocks: 162 step 1800 bal: 0.800 blocks: 167 step 1900 bal: 0.981 blocks: 175 step 2000 bal: 0.976 blocks: 186 varC at (16,16,8) = 0.000 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # # # + + + + + + + # # # # # + + + + + + + + # # # + + + + + + + + + + [FD4:0000] FD4 Statistics min max avg sum [FD4:0000] Balance check us 168288 262888 215588 431176 [FD4:0000] Balance part us 27410 28679 28044 56089 [FD4:0000] Balance mig us 86703 87278 86990 173981 [FD4:0000] Balance recv Blocks 2769 2793 2781 5562 [FD4:0000] Balance recv Bytes 8251620 8323140 8287380 16574760 [FD4:0000] Domain block alloc 108 143 125 251 [FD4:0000] Domain block free 0 0 0 0 [FD4:0000] Domain ghost alloc 66 66 66 132 [FD4:0000] Domain ghost free 0 0 0 0 [FD4:0000] Couple put Bytes 47999104 99516544 73757824 147515648 [FD4:0000] Couple get Bytes 0 0 0 0 [FD4:0000] Ghostcomm Bytes 7142528 7142528 7142528 14285056