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Software Technology Group

The dead is coding at a computer.

Projects of Thomas Kühn

Research Projects

  • Reference Implementations for the formal Compartment Role Object Model (CROM)
    As a supplement to the published Combined Formal Model for Relational Context-Dependent Roles, Max Leuthäuser and I have developed two reference implementations for the presented formalism. One – formalCROM – is implemented in Python and one – ScalaFormalCROM – in Scala and both are publicly available on GitHub.
  • Generator for the Family of Metamodels for Role-based Modeling and Programming Languages
    This generator is a proof of concept implementation, which can generate metamodels for the various role-based modeling and programming languages. It employs both the FeatureIDE and DeltaEcore, which in turn are based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework. (more)

GitHub Projects

Project Description
RoSI CROM Generator for the Family of Metamodels for Role-based Modeling and Programming Languages. (more)
formalCROM The first reference implementation of the formal CROM. (more)
ScalaFormalCROM The second reference implementation of the formal CROM featuring generic types for all entity kinds. (more)
CROM The Compartment Role Object Metamodel (CROM) is a comprehensive model for role-based modeling and programming languages. (more)
FRaMED FRaMED is the First Role Modeling EDitor allowing the graphical specification of Role-based Software Systems by means of compartments (aka. contexts), objects, roles, and relationships. (more)
FRaMED 2.0 Reimplementation of FRaMED as a modular feature-oriented Graphical Editor Product Line. (more)
Edit Policy DSL A DSL for the simple creation of editpolicy models for the FRaMED 2.0 graphical editor. (more)
FRaMED.io Web-based reimplimentation of the FRaMED 2.0 editor for the family of role-based modeling languages. (more)
TRoML The Textual Role Modeling Language (TRoML) is a simple textual modeling language to create instances of the CROM metamodel. (more)
bibfilter Is a lightweight commandline tool to filter bibtex files. It was tailored to work together with gsresearch. (more)
gsresearch Is a collection of proof of concept tools that allows for automatically grabs bibtex entries from Google Scholar. (more)
panruby A lightweight ruby front-end for pandoc that allows the usage of ERB-style templates within mutlimarkdown files. (more)
Search Is a Java based framework for problem solving through searching. (more)

Miscellaneous Projects

  • Some of my other projects, which do neither fit into one of the previous categories will appear here.
Last modified: 2.10.2014
Author:  Thomas Kühn

Thomas Kühn
