The numbers correspond to the state-numbers used in the tables, given in the appendix of Ref. [2].
The first two lines give the quantum numbers used to differ the eigenstates,
i.e. the electron occupation, the total spin of the state, the total spin projection,
and the irreducible representation of the tetrahedral group.
The next line gives the energy eigenvalue.
The third line indicates the ket-vector again by the quantum numbers.
It follows the eigenvector given in local Hubbard basis states.
To get it in human-readable form I abbreviated the coefficients.
These local abbreviations and the normalization constant of the eigenvectors
are given separately at the end of every page.
The local abbreviations contain global abbreviationsAi
and Θi,
which are given here or, alternatively, in the appendix B.2 of Ref. [1].
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