Meshing of Diffusion Surfaces for Point-Based Tensor Field Visualization (bibtex)
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The visualization of 3D vector and tensor fields in a 2D image is challenging because the large amount of information will either be mixed during projection to 2D or lead to severe occlusion problems. In this work we segment from the symmetric 3D tensor field regions dominated by stream tubes and regions dominated by diffusion surfaces. The diffusion surfaces are integrated with a higher order Runge–Kutta scheme and approximated with a triangle mesh. Our main contribution is to steer the integration with a face-based coding scheme, that allows direct compression of the integrated diffusion surfaces and ensures that diffusion surfaces of any topology can be created. Finally we sample the stream tubes and diffusion surfaces with points. The points from different entities are colored with different colors. We lit the points during rendering with a lighting model adapted to the tensor field. The resulting visualization of symmetric 3D tensor fields is sparse because of the sampling on points and allows for a deeper view inside the volumetric tensor field but also allows the simultaneous visualization of a dense set of tubes and surfaces.
Meshing of Diffusion Surfaces for Point-Based Tensor Field Visualization (Ralf Sondershaus, Stefan Gumhold), In Proceedings of International Meshing Roundtable, 2003.
Bibtex Entry:
	AUTHOR = {Ralf Sondershaus and Stefan Gumhold},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of International Meshing Roundtable},
	AREAS = {areagp},
	TITLE = {Meshing of Diffusion Surfaces for Point-Based Tensor Field Visualization},
  PAGES = {177--188},
  MONTH = {September},
  YEAR = {2003},
	URL = {},
	KEYWORDS = {Tensor Field, Surface Integration, Surface Meshing, Visualization, Point Rendering, Diffusion Surfaces},
	ABSTRACT = {The visualization of 3D vector and tensor fields in a 2D image is challenging because the 
		large amount of information will either be mixed during projection to 2D or lead to severe occlusion 
		problems. In this work we segment from the symmetric 3D tensor field regions dominated by stream tubes 
		and regions dominated by diffusion surfaces. The diffusion surfaces are integrated with a higher order 
		Runge–Kutta scheme and approximated with a triangle mesh. Our main contribution is to steer the 
		integration with a face-based coding scheme, that allows direct compression of the integrated 
		diffusion surfaces and ensures that diffusion surfaces of any topology can be created. Finally we 
		sample the stream tubes and diffusion surfaces with points. The points from different entities are 
		colored with different colors. We lit the points during rendering with a lighting model adapted to the 
		tensor field. The resulting visualization of symmetric 3D tensor fields is sparse because of the 
		sampling on points and allows for a deeper view inside the volumetric tensor field but also allows the 
		simultaneous visualization of a dense set of tubes and surfaces.}
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