Large Mesh Simplification using Processing Sequences (bibtex)
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In this paper we show how out-of-core mesh processing techniques can be adapted to perform their computations based on the new processing sequence paradigm (Isenburg, et al., 2003), using mesh simplification as an example. We believe that this processing concept will also prove useful for other tasks, such a parameterization, remeshing, or smoothing, for which currently only in-core solutions exist. A processing sequence represents a mesh as a particular interleaved ordering of indexed triangles and vertices. This representation allows streaming very large meshes through main memory while maintaining information about the visitation status of edges and vertices. At any time, only a small portion of the mesh is kept in-core, with the bulk of the mesh data residing on disk. Mesh access is restricted to a fixed traversal order, but full connectivity and geometry information is available for the active elements of the traversal. This provides seamless and highly efficient out-of-core access to very large meshes for algorithms that can adapt their computations to this fixed ordering. The two abstractions that are naturally supported by this representation are boundary-based and buffer-based processing. We illustrate both abstractions by adapting two different simplification methods to perform their computation using a prototype of our mesh processing sequence API. Both algorithms benefit from using processing sequences in terms of improved quality, more efficient execution, and smaller memory footprints.
Large Mesh Simplification using Processing Sequences (M. Isenburg, P. Lindstrom, S. Gumhold, J. Snoeyink), In Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003. IEEE, 2003.
Bibtex Entry:
	AUTHOR = {Isenburg, M. and Lindstrom, P. and Gumhold, S. and Snoeyink, J.},
	AREAS = {areagp},
	BOOKTITLE = {Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003. IEEE},
	TITLE = {Large Mesh Simplification using Processing Sequences}, 
	YEAR = {2003},
	MONTH = {October},
	PAGES = {465--472},
	ABSTRACT = {In this paper we show how out-of-core mesh processing techniques can be adapted to 
		perform their computations based on the new processing sequence paradigm (Isenburg, et al., 2003), 
		using mesh simplification as an example. We believe that this processing concept will also prove 
		useful for other tasks, such a parameterization, remeshing, or smoothing, for which currently only 
		in-core solutions exist. A processing sequence represents a mesh as a particular interleaved 
		ordering of indexed triangles and vertices. This representation allows streaming very large meshes 
		through main memory while maintaining information about the visitation status of edges and 
		vertices. At any time, only a small portion of the mesh is kept in-core, with the bulk of the mesh 
		data residing on disk. Mesh access is restricted to a fixed traversal order, but full connectivity 
		and geometry information is available for the active elements of the traversal. This provides 
		seamless and highly efficient out-of-core access to very large meshes for algorithms that can adapt 
		their computations to this fixed ordering. The two abstractions that are naturally supported by 
		this representation are boundary-based and buffer-based processing. We illustrate both abstractions 
		by adapting two different simplification methods to perform their computation using a prototype of 
		our mesh processing sequence API. Both algorithms benefit from using processing sequences in terms 
		of improved quality, more efficient execution, and smaller memory footprints.},
	KEYWORDS = {Out-of-core algorithms, processing sequences, mesh simplification, large meshes},
	DOI = {10.1109/VISUAL.2003.1250408},
	URL = {}
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