Progressive Polygonal Meshes (bibtex)
In this work we build a progressive polygonal mesh based on face clustering. The basic simplification operations are the edge-removal and the edge-join operations. There is no need to tessellate non-triangular models as the proposed representation is fully polygonal. We investigate three different error measures to build the progressive representation based on a priority queue based face clustering algorithm. The progressive polygonal mesh representation is built with the inverse refinement operations - the edge-insert and edge-split operations, which can be implemented very efficiently within a newly proposed half-edge data structure. We suggest a progressive file format that allows to read a polygonal model faster than with the standard binary file formats. Finally, we extend the proposed half-edge data structure to a progressive representation that does not consume any further storage space and allows for very fast changes in the mesh resolution.
Progressive Polygonal Meshes (Stefan Gumhold), Technical report WSI-2004-4, Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut für Informatik, University of Tübingen, Germany, 2004.
Bibtex Entry:
   AUTHOR = {Stefan Gumhold},
   INSTITUTION = {Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut f{\"u}r Informatik, University of T{\"u}bingen, Germany},
   NUMBER = {WSI-2004-4},
   AREAS = {areagp},
   TITLE = {Progressive Polygonal Meshes},
   URL = {},
   YEAR = {2004},
   ABSTRACT = {In this work we build a progressive polygonal mesh based on face clustering. The basic
	  simplification operations are the edge-removal and the edge-join operations. There is no need to
	  tessellate non-triangular models as the proposed representation is fully polygonal. We investigate
	  three different error measures to build the progressive representation based on a priority queue
	  based face clustering algorithm.
	  The progressive polygonal mesh representation is built with the inverse refinement operations
	  - the edge-insert and edge-split operations, which can be implemented very efficiently within a
	  newly proposed half-edge data structure. We suggest a progressive file format that allows to read a
	  polygonal model faster than with the standard binary file formats. Finally, we extend the proposed
	  half-edge data structure to a progressive representation that does not consume any further storage
	  space and allows for very fast changes in the mesh resolution.}
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