Many systems have a tendency to return to a well-known steady state after perturbation.
But this is not necessarily so. Non-linear systems sometimes change dramatically and irreversibly in response to even minor perturbations.
Dramatic changes like system collapses are typically the result of positive feedback.
Reservoirs are equipped with special outlet structures to safely handle extreme inflow rates.
These structures are typically designed for floods with a return period of 1000 to 10000 years.
What if …
name | unit | description | default |
V | m3 | reservoir volume | 9500000 |
H_crest | m above lake bottom | height of dam | 10 |
name | unit | description | rate | V | H_crest |
inflow | m³ / s | inflow to reservoir | q_in | 1 | 0 |
flow_weir | m³ / s | controlled outflow over the weir structure | overflow(mu, w_weir, V/area - h_weir) | -1 | 0 |
flow_crest | m³ / s | uncontrolled flow over the dam’s crest | overflow(mu, w_crest, V/area - H_crest) | -1 | 0 |
erosion | m / s | erosion of the dam in response to uncontrolled overflow | ke * max(0, V/area - H_crest) * H_crest | 0 | -1 |
name | code |
max | # intrinsic function |
overflow | # classical formula to compute the flow rate over a weir |
overflow | # mu: coefficient for energy dissipation, depends on weir shape |
overflow | # width: width of the weir crest (m) |
overflow | # flow depth over the weir crest (m) |
overflow | overflow <- function (mu, width, depth) { |
overflow | 2/3 * mu * sqrt(2 * 9.81) * width * max(0, depth)^(3/2) |
overflow | } |
name | unit | description | default |
area | m2 | lake surface area | 1e+06 |
mu | - | weir overflow coefficient | 7e-01 |
h_weir | m above lake bottom | height of weir base | 9e+00 |
w_weir | m | width of weir | 5e+00 |
w_crest | m | width of dam crest | 1e+02 |
q_in | m3 / s | inflow rate | 5e+00 |
ke | 1 / m / s | erosion rate constant | 1e-02 |
scen <- list( # inflow scenarios
low= c(q_in= 1),
moderate= c(q_in= 10),
high= c(q_in= 20)
x <- run.scenarios(m, # simulations
times=seq(0, 24, .1) * 3600,
scenarios=scen, plot.vars=F)
x[,"time"] <- x[,"time"] / 3600 # let time be in hours
x <- cbind(x, total_outflow=with(x, # add total outflow rate
flow_weir + flow_crest))
oma <- par("mar")
par(mar=c(4,4,1,1), mfrow=c(2,2), cex=1.2)
key <- show.scenarios(x, "V", xlab="time (hours)")
key <- show.scenarios(x, "H_crest")
key <- show.scenarios(x, "total_outflow", ylog=TRUE)
plot(0, 0, type="n", ann=F, axes=F)
legend("center", bty="n", lty=1, col=key,
legend=names(key), title="Inflow rate")
par(mfrow=c(1,1), cex=1, mar=oma)