Predation is a major cause of mortality.
An understanding of predation is necessary to interpret simultaneous data of, e.g., phyto- and zooplankton and trophic pyramids in general.
Predation may be linked to oscillations of species abundances (see classical examples).
We study predation of the heterotrophic flagellate Poteriospumella lacustris on Pseudomonas putida.
Several parameters were adopted this case study.
We neglect predation defense or predator-prey co-evolution for simplicity.
name | unit | description | default |
R | µg / mL | resource for bacterial growth | 1e+00 |
B | cells / mL | abundance of prey bacteria | 1e+06 |
F | cells / mL | abundance of flagellates | 1e+03 |
description | rate | R | B | F |
growth of bacteria | muB * (R / (R+hR)) * B | -R_per_B | 1 | 0 |
growth of flagellates | muF * max(0, (B-minB) / (B-minB+hB)) * F | 0 | -B_per_F | 1 |
export of resources | 1/tau * R | -1 | 0 | 0 |
export of bacteria | 1/tau * B | 0 | -1 | 0 |
export of flagellates | 1/tau * F | 0 | 0 | -1 |
import of resources | 1/tau * Rin | 1 | 0 | 0 |
name | unit | description | default |
muB | 1 / h | max. growth rate constant of bacteria | 1.0e+00 |
muF | 1 / h | max. growth rate constant of flagellates | 1.0e-01 |
hR | µg / mL | half saturation const. in bacterial growth | 5.0e-01 |
hB | cells / mL | half saturation const. in flagellate growth | 1.0e+05 |
R_per_B | µg / cell | R consumed in bacterial reproduction | 1.0e-06 |
B_per_F | cells / cell | B consumed per flagellate reproduction | 3.0e+02 |
Rin | µg / mL | resource concentration in inflow | 1.0e+00 |
tau | h | residence time | 4.8e+01 |
minB | cells / mL | min. bacterial density for flagellate growth | 1.0e+03 |
max | - | intrinsic function | NA |
Comparison of scenarios for a particular variable
color.scen <- function(scen) { c(`very low`="steelblue4",
`low`="steelblue1", `moderate`="olivedrab", `high`="orange",
`very high`="firebrick")[scen] }
plot.scenarios <- function(x, varname) {
plot(range(x[,"time"]), range(x[,varname]), type="n",
ann=F, yaxt="n", log="y")
mtext(side=3, varname, cex=par("cex"))
axis(2, las=2)
fn <- function(x) {
lines(x[,"time"], x[,varname], col=color.scen(x[,"scenario"]))
by(x, x[,"scenario"], fn)
State variables and legend arranged in 2 x 2 layout
plot.all <- function(x) {
oma <- par("mar")
par(mfrow=c(2,2), cex=1.3)
plot.scenarios(x, "B")
plot.scenarios(x, "F")
plot.scenarios(x, "R")
plot(0, 0, type="n", ann=F, axes=F)
legend("center", bty="n", lty=1,
legend=unique(x[,"scenario"]), title="Scenario")
par(mfrow=c(1,1), cex=1)
Very low R supply: Even bacteria go extinct
Low R supply: Predator still does not survive
Moderate R supply: Classic steady-state
High & beyond: Stable oscillations
# long-term simulation
x <- m$scenarios(times=c(0, 10^seq(0, 4, 0.01)), plot.vars=FALSE)
# state-space plot with color coding for time
col <- colorRampPalette(c("cyan","steelblue"))(nrow(x))
omar <- par("mar"); par(mar=c(4,4,1,1))
plot(x$B, x$F, ylim=range(x$F)*c(0.7,1),
type="p", pch=20, col=col, log="xy",
xlab="Bacteria (cells/mL)", ylab="Flagellates (cells/mL)")
legend("bottomleft", bty="n", pch=20, col=c("cyan","steelblue"),
legend=c("Initial state", "Steady state"), horiz=TRUE)
The attractor is no longer a fixed point.
The closed trajectory corresponding to the steady state is known as a limit cycle.