For given parameters and forcings, we usually expect a system to converge to a unique steady state, independent of the system’s initial state.
But this is not necessarily so. If the (steady) state of a system exhibits a particular dependence on history, this is called hysteresis.
We use an example from Marten Scheffer’s book Ecology of Shallow Lakes, p. 107/108 to demonstrate hysteresis.
The example considers green algae and cyanobacteria competing for two resources: light and phosphorus.
name | unit | description | default |
G | mg C / L | green algae | 10.0 |
B | mg C / L | bluegreen algae | 10.0 |
DIP | mg P / L | dissolved inorganic phosphorus | 0.1 |
name | unit | description | rate | G | B | DIP |
grw_G | mg C / L / h | growth of green algae | rg * G * hsg / (hsg + D * (eg * G + eb * B)) * DIP / (DIP + hpg) | 1 | 0 | -1/cpg |
grw_B | mg C / L / h | growth of blue-green algae | rb * B * hsb / (hsb + D * (eg * G + eb * B)) * DIP / (DIP + hpb) | 0 | 1 | -1/cpb |
loss_G | mg C / L / h | loss of green algae | xg * G | -1 | 0 | 1/cpg |
loss_B | mg C / L / h | loss of blue-green algae | xb * B | 0 | -1 | 1/cpb |
flush | mg / L / h | flushing | 1/tau | -G | -B | DIPin - DIP |
\(\frac{DIP}{DIP + h}\)
\(1 - \frac{S}{S + h} = \frac{S + h}{S + h} - \frac{S}{S + h} = \frac{h}{h + S}\)
Differences between the two groups of algae are reflected by different parameter values.
Green algae have a higher intrinsic growth rate than cyanobacteria,
Green algae suffer from higher mortality (e.g. due to grazing and settling),
Cyanobacteria have a higher shade tolerance than green algae but also cause more shade (represented by a higher specific extinction coefficient).
name | unit | description | default |
rg | 1 / h | growth rate constant of green algae | 1.2 |
rb | 1 / h | growth rate constant of blue-green algae | 0.6 |
xg | 1 / h | loss rate constant of green algae | 0.12 |
xb | 1 / h | loss rate constant of blue-green algae | 0.06 |
hsg | dimenionless | controls shade tolerance of green algae | 1.5 |
hsb | dimenionless | controls shade tolerance of blue-green algae | 3 |
hpg | mg P / L | controls P limitation of green algae | 0.01 |
hpb | mg P / L | controls P limitation of blue-green algae | 0.01 |
eg | 1 / m / (mg C / L) | specific light attenuation const. for green algae | 0.5 |
eb | 1 / m / (mg C / L) | specific light attenuation const. for blue-green algae | 1 |
name | unit | description | default |
cpg | mass ratio | C:P ratio in green algae | 41.03 |
cpb | mass ratio | C:P ratio in blue-green algae | 41.03 |
tau | days | residence time | 7 |
DIPin | mg P / L | phosphorus in inflow | 0.02 |
D | m | water depth | 3 |
We try two distinct initial value scenarios: oligotrophic vs. hypertrophic. This represents the system’s history.
For each initial value scenario, we consider a gradient of phosphorus inputs.
scen <- list(
oligo = c(DIPin = 0.005),
hyper = c(DIPin = 0.22)
x <- run.scenarios(m, times=c(0, 1e7), # long-term sim.
scenarios=scen, plot.vars=F)
x <- x[x[,"time"] == max(x[,"time"]),] # final values as matrix
rownames(x) <- x[,"scenario"]
x <- as.matrix(x[,c("G","B")])
x[x <= 1e-6] <- 1e-6 # ensure small inoculum
oligo 0.07827241 0.000001
hyper 0.00000100 1.798862
# scenarios as a data frame
scen <- rbind(
data.frame(as.list(x["oligo",c("G","B")]), # clear initial state
DIPin=seq(0.005, 0.22, 0.005)), # gradient of P supply
data.frame(as.list(x["hyper",c("G","B")]), # turbid initial state
DIPin=seq(0.005, 0.22, 0.005)) # same gradient
# turn scenario data frame into suitable list
scen <- apply(scen, 1, unlist, simplify=FALSE)
names(scen) <- paste0("s",1:length(scen))
# simulation of steady states
x <- run.scenarios(m, times=c(0, 1e7),
scenarios=scen, plot.vars=FALSE)
x <- data.frame(
G.std=x[x[,"time"] > 0, "G"],
B.std=x[x[,"time"] > 0, "B"],
G.ini=x[x[,"time"] == 0, "G"],
B.ini=x[x[,"time"] == 0, "B"],
DIPin=sapply(scen, function(z) {z[["DIPin"]]})
G.std B.std G.ini B.ini DIPin
s1 0.07827241 8.330422e-44 0.07827241 1e-06 0.005
s2 0.25478077 4.774641e-43 0.07827241 1e-06 0.010
s3 0.42857921 7.740739e-43 0.07827241 1e-06 0.015
s4 0.59934579 -2.019687e-40 0.07827241 1e-06 0.020
s5 0.76672276 1.635046e-41 0.07827241 1e-06 0.025
s6 0.93031616 3.157966e-39 0.07827241 1e-06 0.030
omar <- par("mar"); par(mar=c(4,4,1,1))
with(x, {
plot(range(DIPin), c(-0.1, max(G.std,B.std)), type="n",
xlab="Phosphorus input (DIPin) in mg / L",
ylab="Algae in steady state (mg C / L)")
points(DIPin, G.std, col="olivedrab",
pch=ifelse(G.ini > B.ini, 3, 0))
points(DIPin, B.std, col="steelblue4",
pch=ifelse(G.ini > B.ini, 4, 5))
legend(x=0.11, y=1.5, bty="n", title="Initially clear state",
col=c("olivedrab", "steelblue4"), pch=c(3, 4),
legend=c("Green algae", "Blue-greens"))
legend(x=0.11, y=0.8, bty="n", title="Initially turbid state",
col=c("steelblue4", "olivedrab"), pch=c(0, 5),
legend=c("Blue-greens", "Green algae"))
Steady states are exclusive: Green algae dominate at low P input, otherwise cyanobacteria take over
There is a range of P inputs where the system can take one of two alternative steady states. This is known as bi-stability.
Within the range of bi-stability, real-world ecosystems tend to be sensitive to perturbations (switch between alternatives).
The predicted steady state obviously depends on the system’s history (represented by the initial state).
# initial state scenarios as data frame
scen <- expand.grid(
DIPin=0.065, # fixed within the critical range
G=c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3),
B=c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3)
# cast scenarios as suitable list
scen <- apply(scen, 1, unlist, simplify=FALSE)
names(scen) <- paste0("s",1:length(scen))
# long-term simulation with sparse output
x <- run.scenarios(m, times=c(0, 10^seq(0,7,0.1)),
scenarios=scen, plot.vars=FALSE)
# start with empty plot
omar <- par("mar"); par(mar=c(4,4,2,1))
with(x, plot(range(G), range(B), type="n",
xlab="Green algae", ylab="Blue-greens"))
# draw trajectories, end points highlighted
fn <- function(x) {
last <- nrow(x)
lines(x$G, x$B, col="grey")
points(x$G[last], x$B[last], pch=20, cex=2,
col=if(x$G[last] > x$B[last]) "olivedrab" else "steelblue4")
points(x$G[1], x$B[1], col="grey")
by(x, x[,"scenario"], fn)
legend(0, 3.5, xpd=TRUE, bty="n", horiz=TRUE, pch=c(1,20),
pt.cex=1:2, legend=c("Initial states", "Steady-states"))
Eutrophication (increased P input) will, at some point, leads to a re-structuring of the phytoplankton community from green algae to cyanobacteria.
More on critical thresholds can be found in this paper by M. Scheffer et al..
To restore a cyanobacteria-dominated system and make it switch back to a green algae state, we need to decrease P input beyond the intuitive threshold (hysteresis).
In reality, further mechanisms impede lake restoration, most notably internal phosphorus loading.
Hysteresis effects also occur in other contexts. The phenomenon is not necessarily limited to steady states.
For example, there is no unique relationship between flow rate (Q) and water level (H).
For a given value of Q, the corresponding H is lower during the onset of a flood wave while it is higher when water levels are falling.
This results in loop-shaped rating curves.