Digital Amplitude Optimum [Digitales Betragsoptimum (BOD)] with symbolic definition of plant and control structure. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The use of the symbolic definition of the structure is based on the definitions by MATLAB m-file connect.m (MATLAB Control System Toolbox). Additionally there are a few further definitions necessary only. This definitions are included as comments in struc000.m. The m-File struc999.m is prepared as "blank" for the definition of user structures. The optimization has to be started by bod_es.m. Using symbolic structure definition there are the following m-files necessary for computation: Directory SYMDEF: bod_es.m, bod_esg.m; bod_esp.m (in special case). The Toolboxes Control System and Optimization have to be installed and the BOD-Toolbox m-Files minreal.m, trans.m have to be present. The following table lists some example m-files with structure definition and attached simulation models: Structure Function SIMULINK definition model Directory DIRECTORY SYMDEFS SYMDEFM struc000.m Cascade structure 1; 3-loops sist000.m struc001.m Cascade structure 2a; 2-loops sist001.m struc002.m Cascade structure 2b; as 2a but pol-compensation sist001.m struc010.m Single control structure 1a PI-controller; undelayded input signal sist010.m struc011.m Single control structure 1b PI-controller; delayded input signal sist010.m struc012.m Single control structure 2a PID-controller; undelayded input signal sist010.m struc013.m Single control structure 2b PID-controller; delayded input signal sist010.m struc020.m State control structure 1; computation of 3 coefficients sist020.m struc021.m State control structure 2; computation of 4 coefficients sist021.m struc030.m Single control structure 3; dead time forward sist030.m struc031.m Single control structure 4a; various dead times, undelayded input signal sist031.m struc032.m Single control structure 4b; various dead times, delayded input signal sist031.m struc041.m Single control structure 5; with switching of the computations sist041.m Alternatively the computation of controller parameters according the "Digital Amount Optimum [Digitales Betragsoptimum (BOD)]" may be done by the m-files bod.m or bod_gen.m (for single control structures), kaskade.m (for cascade control structures) or zust_au1.m (example for state control structure 1), zust_bran_2.m (example for state control structure 2). However using the possibility of symbolic structure definition forces an uniform procedure for single, cascade and state control loops. Additionally, connections between computation algorithm and user structure according example bran_au.m for state control structeres are omitted. An further advantage is the better flexibility concerning the use of switches, i.g. for control structure, pre-filters or computation sequence. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions and comments please send to: Dr. G.-H. Geitner E-Mail: Address: TU Dresden Fak. EuI, ETI D-01062 Dresden, Germany --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference: G.-H. Geitner: Entwurf digitaler Regler für elektrische Antriebe. VDE-Verlag GmbH Berlin und Offenbach 1996 ISBN 3-8007-1847-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WWW-Sites: This text in German Digitales Betragsoptimum