AANMPDE 10: October 2-6, 2017
Paleochora, Crete, Greece

10th Workshop on Analysis and Advanced Numerical Methods
for Partial Differential Equations (not only) for Junior Scientists
In Memoriam Of Our Dear Friend Professor Karl-Josef (Charlie) Witsch


The registration for the workshop is now open. Please note the following dates:


The 10th Workshop on 'Analysis and Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (not only) for Junior Scientists' (AANMPDE 10) will take place on October 2-6, 2017 in Paleochora, Crete, Greece, and is organized by seven mathematical institutes from five countries:

Aims and scopes

The goal of the workshop is to bring together (young) researchers and internationally well known scientists working on mathematical and numerical analysis for mathematical models based on partial differential equations within a nice and friendly atmosphere.

Main topics

Key-Note Speakers

A special lecture on Euclidean geometry (using his program EucliDraw) will be given by


The workshop belongs to a sequence of nine previous events:

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