In the ancient Kingdom of Kaffa, Princess Mersabel mourns the loss of her brother in battle.
Her father, the King, undeterred by his loss, prepares for a fresh war. Meanwhile,
the Princess's mother is desperate to secure her position within the kingdom and dreams of
marrying the princess to a prominent man. But the princess is not in love.
Great excitement breaks forth in the court as a caravan of merchants arrives at the palace,
bringing the King an English scholar. They claim that he is an expert in making rifles.
The King purchases the Englishman with eight castrated slaves. Powerful and consequential
people demand a lot from the unfortunate man. Without the help of the young princess,
his life is in great peril...
Read a Forward to PRINCESS MERSABEL by the late Professor Richard Pankhurst (OBE) -- a leading scholar on Ethiopian
History and the son of Sylvia Pankhurst here:
You can read the first chapter by clicking on the link:
You can order the book from AMAZON: PRINCESS MERSABEL
Many young people and their families sacrifice a lot for the sake of pursuing a good education.
Some leave their loved ones and dear friends behind to cross boundaries and even oceans,
besides footing the bill for college education.
But what if, in spite of apparent academic success, and with it improved career prospects,
you still wonder where your life is headed? What if your new reality doesn't match your expectations,
and instead of mere homesickness, you succumb to loneliness, instead of fulfilling your dreams, you flounder for want of direction and wholeness?
ERMIAS is a story about a young African student who comes to Europe in pursuit of a higher education,
but along the way struggles to determine what differentiates his primary desire from all other desires,
including the desire to fall in love with a married woman...
You can read the first chapter by clicking on the link: Ermias
You can order the book from Amazon
Danny is a sickly and frail boy of twelve. Fed up of leading a life full of worry and anxiety, he stows away to a border town to visit his father. On the fourth night with his father, he accidentally overhears his father confessing to his adoptive sister that Danny will soon die. Stunned by this revelation, he is unable to sleep that night. He sneaks out of the house and spends the night on a nearby hilltop. Very early in the morning, he witnesses an enemy jet bombing his father's living quarters. Shortly thereafter he meets Samuel, who persuades him to escape into the wilderness with him as the country is on the brink of war. They determine to cross the wilderness on foot in the hope of reaching the next city, which is about three hundred kilometers away. However, the boys are forced to interrupt their journey frequently on account of Danny's repeated and violent coughing fits. Samuel, who gradually realizes that Danny's primary illness is psychological rather than physical, has to first coax Danny into forgiving the past as well as the present in order to redeem their future.
You can purchase the book from Amazon
Amazon's Bestseller
What do some of the brightest and most original scientists and writers believed about the meaning and purpose of human strive?
Very few twenty-century scientists made as a lasting influence on modern society as Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud. Physicists routinely use the theories Einstein developed a century ago to analyse and comprehend cosmological and quantum phenomena. Similarly, some of the vital models contemporary psychologists routinely apply in order to explain psychosexual developments and human psyches are credited to Freud. Perhaps less known to the general public is the magnitude of influence Fyodor Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy had on both Einstein and Freud. Einstein once declared: "Dostoevsky gives me more than any scientist, more than Gauss." Freud too ranked Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov alongside the works of Shakespeare in terms of its literary significance. Tolstoy had likewise influenced Einstein and Freud.
Two of the subjects, in which they held a common interested with comparable magnitude, were God and the purpose of human life. All of them, without exception, had passionately been occupied by and written and talked extensively about these subjects. The purpose of this book is to closely examine the beliefs of the quartet based on the books and articles they produced over a span of many years. The author has made a great effort to make their views as comprehensible as possible for the general reader without diluting or oversimplifying them.
As of 25 November 2020, THE REASON FOR LIFE was #5 on AMAZON GERMANY's BESTSELLER RANK under Religious Philosophy category.
You can order the book from Amazon
Current PhD Students
Sajad Farrokhi -- A joint supervision with Prof. Christian Poellabauer at FIU li>
Zegeye Mekasha Kidane (MSc)
Former PhD Students
Dr. Jannis Lilienthal, summa cum laude (2021)
Dr. Markus Haehnel (2018)
Dr. Zishan Ansar, Research Project Manager SYSGO (2018)
Dr. Jianjun Wen, summa cum laude (2018)
Dr. Kateryna Rybina (2015)
Dr. Christoph Moebius (2015)
Dr. Qian Dong, Associate Professor, Zhongshan University (2013)
If you are a PhD candidate and wish to submit your dissertation as a cummulative thesis (a collection of peer-revied journal papers), you may wish to read an article I composed for my doctoral students:
For the full list of my publications, refer to my Google Scholar profile.
W. Dargie. 2017. Principles and Applications of Ubiquitous Sensing. John Wiley & Sons, 2017.
W. Dargie and C. Poellabauer. Fundamentals of wireless sensor networks: theory and practice. John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
W. Dargie. Context Aware Computing and Self-Managing Systems. Chapman & Hall/CRC Studies in Informatics Series, USA. March 2009.
W. Dargie, " Prediction of Received Power in Low-Power and Lossy Networks, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2025).
Z. Kidane and W. Dargie, "Cross-Technology Interference: Detection, Avoidance, and Coexistence Mechanisms in the ISM Bands, " Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction, Springer Nature (2025).
W. Dargie, P. Padrao, L. Bobadilla, and C. Poellabauer, "Link Quality Fluctuation in Wireless Networks Deployed on the Surface of Different Water Bodies ", IEEE Sensors Journal (2024).
W. Dargie, " Estimation of Motion Statistics from Statistics of Received Power in Low-Power IoT Sensing Nodes". IEEE Sensors Letters (2024).
S. Farrokhi, W. Dargie, and C. Poellabauer, "Human Activity Recognition Based on Wireless Electrocardiogram and Inertial Sensors", IEEE Sensors Journal (2024).
W. Dargie, J, Wen, L. A. Panes-Ruiz, L. Riemenschneider, B. Ibarlucea and G. Cuniberti, "Monitoring Toxic Gases Using Nanotechnology and Wireless Sensor Networks", in IEEE Sensors Journal (2023).
J. Wen and W. Dargie, ``Dynamic Topology Construction in a Joint Deployment'', in IEEE Sensors Journal (2022).
L. Martinovic, M. Haehnel, G. Scheithauer, and W. Dargie. An introduction to stochastic bin packing-based server consolidation with conflicts, TOP, 1-36, 2021.
J. Wen and W. Dargie, "Characterization of Link Quality Fluctuation in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks," ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 5(3), 2021.
J. Wen and W. Dargie, "Evaluation of the Quality of Aerial Links in Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks," in IEEE Sensors Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3069298.
W. Dargie, "Quantification of Node Significance Based on Overall Connectivity and Relative Position," in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 8705-8715, 15 March15, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3049550.
W. Dargie and J. Wen, "A Simple Clustering Strategy for Wireless Sensor Networks," in IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 1-4, June 2020, Art no. 7500804, doi: 10.1109/LSENS.2020.2991221.
W. Dargie, "A Quantitative Measure of Reliability for Wireless Sensor Networks," in IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 1-4, Aug. 2019, Art no. 7500904, doi: 10.1109/LSENS.2019.2931888.
M. Haehnel, J. Martinovic, G. Scheithauer, A. Fischer, A. Schill and W. Dargie, "Extending the Cutting Stock Problem for Consolidating Services with Stochastic Workloads," in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 2478-2488, 1 Nov. 2018, doi: 10.1109/TPDS.2018.2819680.
Martinovic, J., Haehnel, M., Scheithauer, G. et al. Cutting stock problems with nondeterministic item lengths: a new approach to server consolidation. 4OR-Q J Oper Res 17, 173--200 (2019).
W. Dargie. 2015. A Stochastic Model for Estimating the Power Consumption of a Processor. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 64(5), 1311 - 1322.
C. Moebius, W. Dargie, and A. Schill. 2013. Power Estimation Models for Processors, Virtual Machines, and Servers. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(6), 1600 - 1614.
Q. Dong and W. Dargie. 2012. A Survey on Mobility and Mobility-Aware MAC Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 15(1): 88-100.
W. Dargie. 2012. Dynamic power management in wireless sensor networks: State-of-the-Art. IEEE Sensors Journal, 12(5), 2012.
W. Dargie. 2012. A Medium Access Control Protocol that Supports a Seamless Handover in Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier), 35(2), pages 778-86.
W. Dargie and A. Schill. 2012. Building an Intelligent Sensing System: A case study. International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, 5(1), 2012.
L. Guan, X. Wang, I. Awan, W. Dargie. 2011. Performance modeling and evaluation of heterogeneous computer networks. Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software, 77(5), Pages 835-836.
W. Dargie, R. Mochaourab, A. Schill and L. Guan. 2011. A Topology Control Protocol based on Eligibility and Efficiency Metrics. Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software, 77(5).
W. Dargie and A. Schill. 2010. Stability and performance analysis of randomly deployed wireless networks. Elsevier journal of computer and system science, 77(5), 2011, 852-860.
W. Dargie and M. K. Denko. Analysis of Error-agnostic Time and Frequency Domain Features Extracted from Measurements of 3D Accelerometer Sensors. IEEE Systems Journal 4(1) 2010.
W. Dargie. 2009. Adaptive Audio-Based Context Recognition. IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Part A: System and Humans, 39(3), 2009.
W. Dargie, C. Xiaojuan, and M. K. Denko. 2009. Modelling the Energy Cost of a Fully Operational Wireless Sensor Network. Springer Journal of Telecommunication Systems, 44(1), 2010.
Guan, L., I. U. Awan, M. E. Woodward, X. G. Wang, I. Phillips, W. Dargie. 2008. Performance Analysis of Threshold Based Queue Using Maximum Entropy. Elsevier journal of Simulation, Modelling Practice and Theory 17 (3), 2009, 558-568.
W. Dargie and T. Tersch. 2008. Recognition of Complex Settings by Aggregating Atomic Scenes. IEEE Journal of Intelligent Systems, 23(5), September 2008.
A. Behring, M. Heinrich, M. Winkler and W. Dargie. 2008. EMODE: Model-driven Development of Multimodal, Context Sensitive Applications. Journal of communication and cooperation media, 6(3). 2008.
W. Dargie. 2006. Dynamic generation of context rules. 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Volume 3996, Jun 2006, Pages 102--115
Postal Address
Dr. Waltenegus Dargie
Technische Universitaet Dresden
Faculty of Computer Science
Chair of Computer Networks
01062 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 463 38352
Fax: +49 351 463 38251
Visiting Address
TU Dresden, Faculty of Computer Science
Andreas-Pfitzman Building
Room 3086
Noethnitzer Str. 46
01187 Dresden