Eva Stahlheber
Lecturer, English Department
Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies
Dresden University of Technology
Wiener Str. 48, Raum 306
Phone: +49 351 46338723
D - 01069 Dresden

E-Mail: eva.stahlheber@tu-dresden.de

EVAComputerlab        I am a linguist.


English (US, bilingual), Latin (C2), Italian (C1.1), French (B2.1), Spanish (B1.2), Dutch (B1.1), Russian (A2), Czech (A1), Old English (B2.2), Gothic (B2.1), Old and Middle High German (A2), Icelandic (A2), German (native, bilingual), Schwyzer Dütsch (B1.2)

                         "In a 100 years, we have gone from teaching Latin and Greek in high school to teaching Remedial English in college." - Joseph Sobran

1992- present  English Department, TU Dresden: 
Grammar, Creative Writing, CALL (Computer-Aided Language Learning. Projects I am particularly proud of  in this seminar:
                           Jonas Schlüter, Anika Goldhahn, Richard Reinhold, Margarita Schleglova, and Mariia Kniazeva), University Reading, Writing,
                           English in Cinema Studies,  English in Gender Studies, Academic Writing, American English Phonetics, English in Linguistics, The Language of
                           Psychology, English in Science & Ecology, Translation, Vocabulary Enhancement

1996-present   TUDIAS (LSP Center), LSK (Lehrzentrum Sprachen & Kulturen): English for Chemists, English for Physicists
1990-1992       Sektion Fremdsprachen, Universiy of Leipzig: Lecture "USA Culture, Geography, Political System"; Phonetics of American English,
                           Fachübersetzungen: Translating chemistry texts German -> English, Conversation course
1984-1990       English Department, German Department, E.L.I. (English Language Institute), Program in Linguistics, Program in Technical Communication,
                           University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Introductory English Composition, Scientific Writing, Introduction to Linguistics, 236 Scientific German,
                           German101, 102, 231, 232)

1980-81           California State University, Chico, California, USA: Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry (lecture assistant)


8/2015-now   Lecturer ("L.f.b.A.") at English Department, Dresden University of Technology (TUD)
Translator for the Dean's Office, Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
1992-2013     Lecturer at English Department, Dresden University of Technology
1990-1992     Lecturer at Sektion Fremdsprachen, Leipzig University
1988-1990     Research Assistant and Lecturer
, Program in Linguistics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mi., USA
Writing tutor Program in Technical Communication
and at E.L.I. (English Language Institute), The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
1984-1988     Lecturer, English Composition, English Department, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Graduate Teaching Assistant German 101, 102, 231, 232, and 236 "Scientific German", German Department, The University of Michigan        
1983              M.A. & State Exam, Chemistry and English, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
                         Thesis (in English, 123 pages, Grade 1.0/A+):
                         "The Language of Inorganic Chemistry - Its History, Syntax, and Word Formation" (Prof. Dr. Klaus Faiß/Prof.Dr. Winfried Herget)
1981-1983     Graduate Studies Chemistry and English, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
1980-1981     Graduate Teaching Assistant, Inorganic Chemistry, California State University, Chico, California, USA
1980-1981     Graduate Work in English and Applied Linguistics, English Department, California State University, Chico, California, USA
1979              B.A. equivalent (Zwischenprüfung) English and Chemistry
1977-1979     Undergraduate Studies in Chemistry and English, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
1977              High School Diploma with a German grade point average of 1.6 (approx. 3.8 on an American 4-point scale)
                      Wilhelm-Hoffmann Gymnasium (grammar school) St. Goarshausen on the Rhine (Rhineland Palatinate)

Research Experience (mainly in linguistics, Fachsprachenforschung (LSP Research), dialectology, and Old English / Latin
1977 - 2014    Extensive research experience in scientific writing, languages for specific purposes (ESP), Fachsprachenforschung, and dialectology
1992                 Structural analysis of condom usage instructions, comparative studies Germany - USA
1990                 Corpus research: corpus establishment for scientific texts
1988, 1990  
   Diachronic and Statistical Approach to the Analysis of Syntactic Phenomena in Scientific Texts
1987                 Transcription of Old English texts (Prof. Tom Toon, English Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
1988 & 1990   Empirical dialectology study with residents of Frankenmuth, Michigan (1986) (with Visiting Professor Klaus Mattheier, Ann Arbor)

Publications (in chronological order and in accordance with the style sheet of the Linguistic Society of America, LSA)

Stahlheber, Eva. 1987. "Sprachbetrachtungen am Nastätter Platt." Nastätten in alten Bildern, Vol. II. Bad Horb: Geiger. 82-84.

Stahlheber, Eva, Lyn Coffin und Barbara Walker (Übersetzerinnen). 1987. "A Selection from Uwe Kolbe's Poetry." Cross Currents 6. (A Yearbook of
           Central European Culture.)

Stahlheber, Eva. 1988. "A Reception Theory of Women Scientists: The Cases of Marie Sklodowska-Curie and Lise Meitner." Proceedings of the Second
           SLS Convention in Albany, New York
. Worcester, Massachusetts: Worcester Polytechnic Institute Press. 133-141.

Stahlheber, Eva. 1989. "Linguistic Diachrony of a Genre: The Quantum Theoretical 'Originalbeitrag' in Die Naturwissenschaften 1913-87." Proceedings of
          the Third SLS Convention in Ann Arbor, Michigan
. Worcester, MA: Worcester Polytechnic Institute Press. 53-60.

Stahlheber, Eva und Larry Selinker. 1991a. "Rhetorical Consciousness Raising and Applied Discourse Analysis: Evaluating an EAP Writing Center / Clinic / Lab
         / Workshop via the Case Study Method." Papers in Applied Linguistics, Michigan, Vol. 6, Spring 1991. 60-68.

Stahlheber, Eva. 1991b. "The Changing Corporate Image (CI) of two Cutting Edge Interdisciplinary Scientific Journals as Reflected in their Texts." Konzepte zur
        Unternehmenskommunikation, Unternehmenskultur & Unternehmensidentität, herausgegeben von Theo Bungarten
. Tostedt: Attikon. 152-155 und 297-299.

Stahlheber, Eva. 1991c. "LSP Text Corpus Establishment." Neue Fragen der Linguistik. Akten des 25. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Paderborn 1990,
         herausgegeben von Feldbusch, Elisabeth et. al.
Tübingen: Niemeyer, 419-430.

Stahlheber, Eva. 1992a. "Das Textgenre 'Beipackzettel' bei nichtrezeptpflichtigen medizinischen Artikeln: 'Pariser in Amerika' ." SALUS, 11 .
       (=Saarbrücker Schriften zur Angewandten Linguistik und Sprachlehrforschung, 11.), Kurzfassungen der Kongreßbeiträge, 23. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft
       für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL), 30.9.-2.10.1992
. 99.

Stahlheber, Eva. 1992b. "Review of Second International Hamburg Congress on Business Communication (2. IHCW), September 30 - October 4, 1991."
      Fachsprache 3/4
. 163-165. 

Stahlheber, Eva. 1992c. "Die Fachtextsorte 'Zeitschriftenartikel' im Deutschen und 'Address/Article' im Amerikanischen. Popularisierungsgrad und Diachronie von
      Funktionen und Strukturen." Forum für Fachsprachenforschung 20, edited by Hartwig Kalverkämper. Tübingen: Narr.

Stahlheber, Eva. 1992d. "What you always wanted to know about LSP Text Corpus Establishment but never Dared to Ask." Akten des 25.
       Linguistischen Kolloquiums
. Paderborn.

Stahlheber, Eva. 1992e. "Review of the Second International Congress on Business Communication in Hamburg, Sept. 30 - Oct. 5, 1991." Kielikeskusuutisia
      1992/1. (Jyväskylä Language Centre News 1992/1993)

Stahlheber, Eva. 1993a. "Interactive versus Batch Machine Translation. The Relevance of Computer Workstations. A Comparison via three Case Studies: IBM,
      Xerox, University Project of Universiti Sains Malaysia." Proceedings of the V. International Translators' Conference in Leipzig, June 25-26, 1991. Kent, Ohio:
      Kent State University Press.

Stahlheber, Eva. 1993b. "The Changing Corporate Identities of two Interdisciplinary Scientific Journals: Science (1893 - 1988) versus Die
      Naturwissenschaften (1913 - 1987)." Corporate Identities and Business Communication, herausgegeben von Theo Bungarten. Tostedt: Attikon. 257- 283.

Stahlheber, Eva. 1993c. "Popular Science: Degrees of Popularization, Diachrony, and Contrastivity." 10th World Congress of the International Association
       of Applied Linguistics
. Amsterdam: Ridderprint Offsetdrukkerij B.V., Ridderkerk. p. 262.

Stahlheber, Eva. 1993d. "Pariser in Amerika,'die zweite', oder ein (=1?) Pariser in Leipzig." Abstracts zur 24. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für
       Angewandte Linguistik (GAL)
. Leipzig: Universitätsdruckerei. S. 121.

Stahlheber, Eva. 1993e. "The History of a Scientific Genre in Two Languages." Meeting of the Society for Literature and Science (=SLS), Boston and Cambridge,
       Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
. Cambridge: MIT press. p. 135.

Stahlheber, Eva. 1994. "Fachtextanalyse: Auf dem Weg zu praktikablen Methoden, oder: 'Wo fängt ein Teiltext an, wo hört er auf?'" Konferenzakten der
       6. Göttinger Fachtagung "Fremdsprachenausbildung an der Universität vom 2.3.bis 4.3.1995 in Göttingen

Stahlheber, Eva. 1996. "The Language of Science - System, Speech Act, Instrument?" Festschrift für Günter Weise, edited by Rudolf Beier. Bern: Peter Lang.

Stahlheber, Eva and Bernd Voss, Herausgeber. 2002. Fremdsprachen auf dem Prüfstand. Innovation - Qualität - Evaluation. Dokumentation zum 19. Kongress für
        Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF) Dresden 2001
. Berlin: Pädagogischer Zeitschriftenverlag.

Creative Writing
1980                 Co-Editor of "Watershed" (Booklet of the Graduate Seminar "Creative Writing", English Department, California State University, Chico,1980
1996 - 2013    Editor of "Three Sheets to the Wind" ™ (TU Dresden 1996-2013)
                          Last printed version of Three Sheets to the Wind™ WS 2009/2010

CALL (Computer-Aided Language Learning) / E-Learning
Students' websites designed and implemented with software such as SeaMonkey include exercises created by means of the freeware program HotPotatoes
Work with Platforms MOODLE and OPAL

*learning and teaching foreign languages (Italian, French, Dutch, Latin, Spanish, Russian, Czech, etc)
*going for walks *the movies *reading *art *science and philosophy *the development of Catholicism
*linguistics *primitive maths *psychology *medicine *computers
*dancing (ballroom dancing, disco) *tennis *soccer (Sportschau, Aktuelles Sportstudio) *jogging
*designs & engines of cars *art *photography *jewelry
*political & scientific TV programs like "Presseclub" or "nano"

           Wissen-schaft Brücken - an der richtigen Stelle

Laubegast Brücke