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Software Technology Group

The dead is pointing at something.

Mentoring of Thomas Kühn

Mentored Student Projects

This includes Diploma Thesis (DA), Master Thesis (MA), Bachelor Thesis (BA), Student Projects (GB), as well as Research Project (FP).

Running Topics

  • A Family of Model Transformations for FRaMED as FP by Kevin Kassin
    Model-driven approaches to the development of graphical editors have only limited support for the generation of a software product-line of similar graphical models. FRaMED, for instance, only supports the creation of one variant of the Compartment Role Object Model Family. To overcome this shortcoming, this thesis investigates the creation of families of model transformations capable of transforming a graphical model to a variant of a semantical model family with respect to a given configuration. (more)

Completed Topics

  • Representing Roles in Virtual Machines as GB by Martin Morgenstern
    Currently, there exists no VM that is able to natively support role-based programs. Thus, the goal of this project is to develop a prototypical Role-VM, which is based on established VMs and employs a minimal instruction set for the execution of role-based programs. In particular, the instruction set encompasses the representation, manipulation and management of Roles, Compartments and Relationships at runtime. In addition to that, the provided solution must be easy to maintain and extend to enable further development. (more)
  • Rollenbasierte Modellierung Adaptiver Interaktion Mobiler Anwendungen as BA by Markus Heider
    Currently there exists no study investigating the suitability of Role-based Modeling and Programming Languages for the design of adaptive mobile Applications. Hence, this thesis aims to evaluate the suitability of roles by developing a cross-platform role-based implementation for the Bump to Exchange use case and documenting the shortcomings of the most recent role-based modeling and programming language.
  • Updating the Role-based Design Pattern Catalog as BA by Kevin Ivo Kassin
    Current role-based design pattern catalogs hide the essential constraints and intentions of the documented design patterns in their implementation. Consequently, this work updates these catalogs by using the advanced graphical notions provided by the CROM-Model, in order to make the constraints and intentions of a design pattern explicit. (more)
  • A Semi-Automatic Transformation From Object-Oriented Systems To Role-Based Systems as MA by Kay Bierzynski
    Currenttly, there exists no benchmark for role-based information systems incorporating Role Types, Relationship Types, or Compartment Types. Hence, the goal of this work is to derive such a benchmark by mapping a preexisting schema to an equivalent Role-based Data Schema. Additionally, this benchmark consists of a Schema, a Data, and a Query Generators parameterizable with respect to the number of supported types. (more)
  • Codegenerierung für das RoSI Metamodell as GB by Fabian Tolkmitt
    Zur Zeit gibt es noch keinen Codegenerator für CROM-Modelle die mit FRaMED modelliert wurden. Der Codegenerator soll im Rahmen dieser Arbeit auf Basis des CROM-Metamodells als Eclipse-Plugin erstellt werden. Dieser muss Quelltext einer geeigneten Zielsprache erstellen, welche alle Konzepte der CROM-Modelle korrekt und vollständig abbilden kann. Zusätzlich muss der Generator leicht zu erweitern und zu warten sein. (more)
  • Collaboration-Based Service-Oriented Architecture GB by Valentin Kennke
    Current SOA implementations treat services as a black box whose behavior and interface cannot be adapted to the particular needs of a particular client. This hinders the support of unforeseen context-dependent adaption. Consequently, there is a need for an approach able to design a service architecture which allows context-dependent service reconfiguration and adaption to the needs of a specific client while retaining the behavior towards all other clients. (more)
  • Towards Parallel Role-based Programming as BA by Matthias Rahne
    Current role-based applications are hard to parallelize due to the fluctuating nature of roles. Consequently, this thesis determined which constructs of parallel programming languages permit the parallel execution of role-based applications. (more)
Last modified: 6.10.2014
Author:  Thomas Kühn

Thomas Kühn
