class LagrangeBasis;
can be constructed from `GridView`.
**Alternative:** use factory functions
using namespace Dune::Functions::BasisFactory;
auto basis = makeBasis(gridView, lagrange());
# DUNE Functions
## DefaultLocalView
- View onto a global basis on a single element
- Must be bound to an element before it can be used
- Map local indices of DOFs to global indices
# DUNE Functions
## DefaultLocalView - Interface
Binding the `LocalView` to an element:
void bind (const Element& e); // Bind the view to a grid element
void unbind (); // Release bound element
bool isBound () const; // Check whether LocalView is bound
const Element& element() const; // Return the bound element.
Mapping indices:
size_type size () const; // Number of DOFs on the current element
size_type maxSize () const; // Maximum local size for any element on the GridView
MultiIndex index (size_type i) const; // map local index i to global Multi-Index
Local finite-element:
auto const& localFE = basis.localView().tree().finiteElement(); // later more...
# DUNE Functions
## Example - Same as in exercise 4
auto basis = makeBasis(gridView, lagrange<2>());
std::vector coefficients(basis.dimension());
auto localView = basis.localView();
for (auto const& cell : elements(gridView)) {
auto geo = cell.geometry();
auto const& localFE = localView.tree().finiteElement();
// local-function that can be evaluated in local coordinates
auto localF = [&](auto const& local) { return f(; };
std::vector localCoefficients;
localFE.localInterpolation().interpolate(localF, localCoefficients);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < localFE.size(); ++i)
coefficients[localView.index(i)] = localCoefficients[i];
# DUNE Functions
## Interpolation
- Interpolate global function into global function-space
- Utility function:
auto basis = makeBasis(gridView, lagrange<2>());
std::vector coefficients(basis.dimension());
Dune::Functions::interpolate(basis, coefficients, f);
> **AMDiS:** `interpolate(basis, coefficients, f)`
# DUNE Functions
## Basis Trees
- More complicated bases than Lagrange require composition, e.g., multiple components of the same or
mixed types of function spaces.
- Example: Taylor-Hood basis consisting of velocity and pressure components
\( \qquad \qquad V_{\text{TH}} = \underbrace{(V_x \otimes V_y \otimes V_z)}_{=: V_v} \otimes V_p \)
- composite (different components) \( V_{\text{TH}} = V_v \otimes V_p \)
- power (identical components) \( V_v = V_x^3 \)
- leaf (implementation)
- Tree nodes are indexed starting from the root node with tuple of integers
# DUNE Functions
# Example: Taylor-Hood-Basis in 2d
- composition of velocity space and pressure space
.icon-rechts[] `composite(, )`
- velocity space itself is a composition of 2 scalar components
.icon-rechts[] `power<2>()`
- we choose nodal basis of order 2 for velocity and order 1 for pressure
.icon-rechts[] `lagrange()` or `lagrange(order)`
using namespace Dune::Functions::BasisFactory;
auto factory = composite(
auto V_TH = makeBasis(gridView, factory);
# DUNE Functions
## Basis Trees
- Accessing the tree in the `DefaultLocalView`:
// Return the local ansatz tree associated to the bound entity
const Tree& tree() const;
- All nodes in the tree allow to access its childs:
auto& child (std::size_t i) [const]; // for power nodes
auto& child (Dune::index_constant) [const]; // for composite nodes
// or
Dune::TypeTree::child (, indices...);
- composite Nodes require integer constants as indices!
.icon-rechts[] shorthand `Dune::Indices::_i`
## DUNE Functions
## Basis trees
- Interface for all basis trees/nodes:
// map index of a local basis of node into the index of all local bases on the tree
size_type localIndex(size_type i) const;
// Number of all local basis functions in this node
size_type size() const;
// Get a unique index of the node in the tree
size_type treeIndex() const;
// The element the node/local view is bound to
const Element& element() const;
- If *tree* is a leaf-node, it might provide an additional interface function:
// The local finite-element
const FiniteElement& finiteElement() const
## DUNE Functions
## Basis trees
The `localIndex(i)` function can be used to arrange all the leaf node local-basis indices into all the
basis functions on the element:
localView.bind(cell); // assume cell == (simplex,2d)
auto const& tree = localView.tree(); // Taylor-Hood
auto const& node_v = tree.child(Dune::Indices::_0); // node_v.size() == 2x6 == 12
auto const& node_p = tree.child(Dune::Indices::_1); // node_p.size() == 3
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < node_p.finiteElement().size(); ++i)
coefficients[localView.index(node_p.localIndex(i))] = localCoefficients_p[i];
# DUNE Functions
## Basis Trees
- Sub-bases can be constructed using the tree accessor by node indexing.
- **Example:** view onto subspace basis
auto V_v = subspaceBasis(V_TH, Dune::Indices::_0);
auto V_x = subspaceBasis(V_TH, Dune::Indices::_0,0);
auto V_y = subspaceBasis(V_TH, Dune::Indices::_0,1);
auto V_z = subspaceBasis(V_TH, Dune::Indices::_0,2);
auto V_p = subspaceBasis(V_TH, Dune::Indices::_1);
# DUNE Functions
## Basis Trees
- Sub-bases can be constructed using the tree accessor by node indexing.
- **Example:** view onto subspace basis
auto V_v = subspaceBasis(V_TH, Dune::Indices::_0);
auto V_x = subspaceBasis(V_v, 0); // alternative
auto V_y = subspaceBasis(V_v, 1);
auto V_z = subspaceBasis(V_v, 2);
auto V_p = subspaceBasis(V_TH, Dune::Indices::_1);
Access the corresponding node directly as tree
auto localView = V_p.localView();
localView.bind(cell); // assume cell == (simplex,2d)
auto const& tree = localView.tree(); // pressure node, tree.size() == 3
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < tree.finiteElement().size(); ++i)
coefficients[localView.index(tree.localIndex(i))] = localCoefficients_p[i];
# DUNE Functions
## Index merging strategies
- `PowerNode` and `CompositeNode` combines indices of sub-bases into global contiguous indexing
- Let \(\{\phi_i\}\) be the set of basis functions of \(V_h\). A function \(u_h\in V_h\) can be
represented as
u_h(x) = \sum_i u_i \phi_i(x)
with coefficients \(\{u_i\}\).
# DUNE Functions
## Index merging strategies
- Assume we have a product space \( V = U_1\otimes U_2 \)
- How to number all the basis functions in this product space?
u_1(x) = \sum_{i\in I_1} u_i \phi^1_i(x) \\
u_2(x) = \sum_{i\in I_2} u_i \phi^2_i(x) \\
with \(u = (u_1, u_2) \) and \(I_1, I_2\) subsets of the global index set.
# DUNE Functions
## Index merging strategies
auto factory = power<2>(lagrange<1>(), flatLexicographic());
// with lexicographic index-merging strategy
// I1 = (0,1,2,3), I2 = (4,5,6,7)
.footnote1[(1) Image from: S. Müthing, *A Flexible Framework for Multi Physics and Multi Domain PDE Simulations*, 2015]
# DUNE Functions
## Index merging strategies
auto factory = power<2>(lagrange<1>(), flatInterleaved());
// with interleaved index-merging strategy
// I1 = (0,2,4,6), I2 = (1,3,5,7)
.footnote1[(1) Image from: S. Müthing, *A Flexible Framework for Multi Physics and Multi Domain PDE Simulations*, 2015]
# DUNE Functions
## Blocked Indexing
- Instead of creating one contiguous global index set, one can create multiple indexsets, e.g., for each component a
separate indexing
- This allows to use blocked/hierarchic data structures
- The `LocalView` returns not a single index but a `MultiIndex` that addresses entries in blocked containers
# DUNE Functions
## Blocked Indexing
In the example from above, if we use `blockedLexicgraphic()` index-merging strategy
auto factory = power<2>(lagrange<1>(), blockedLexicgraphic());
we get the numbering:
u_1(x) = \sum_{i\in I} u_{0,i} \phi_i(x) \\
u_2(x) = \sum_{i\in I} u_{1,i} \phi_i(x) \\
with coefficients indexed by *MultiIndices* \((0,i)\) and \((1,i)\) for \(u_1\) and \(u_2\) respectively.
std::array, 2> U; // data structure
# DUNE Functions
## Blocked Indexing
In the example from above, if we use `blockedInterleaved()` index-merging strategy
auto factory = power<2>(lagrange<1>(), blockedInterleaved());
we get the numbering:
u_1(x) = \sum_{i\in I} u_{i,0} \phi_i(x) \\
u_2(x) = \sum_{i\in I} u_{i,1} \phi_i(x) \\
with coefficients indexed by *MultiIndices* \((i,0)\) and \((i,1)\) for \(u_1\) and \(u_2\) respectively.
std::vector> U; // data structure
# DUNE Functions
## DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction
- Combination of coefficient vector and basis
- Provides evaluation function
auto fh = Dune::Functions::makeDiscreteGlobalBasisFunction(basis, coefficients);
auto localFh = localFunction(fh);
for (auto const& cell : elements(gridView)) {
auto fhAtLocal = localFh(local);
> **AMDiS:** `DiscreteFunction{coefficients, basis}`
# DUNE Functions
## DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction
- Use `subspaceBasis` to represent a component of your discrete function:
using namespace Dune::Indices;
auto V_v = subspaceBasis(V_TH, _0);
auto V_p = subspaceBasis(V_TH, _1);
using VelocityRange = FieldVector;
using PressureRange = double;
// discrete function to evaluate on a grid
auto vh = makeDiscreteGlobalBasisFunction(V_v, coefficients);
auto ph = makeDiscreteGlobalBasisFunction(V_p, coefficients);
// function interpolation
interpolate(V_v, coefficients, [](auto const& x) { return VelocityRange{1.,1.}; });
interpolate(V_p, coefficients, [](auto const& x) { return 42; });
layout: true
class: tud-dark, typo
class: center, middle, tud-dark
# Exercise 5
# Exercise 5
1. Let \(\Omega=[0,2]^2\) be a square domain triangulated with simplices.
2. Construct a global basis \(V=P_2\otimes P_2\) with blocked-interleaved index merging strategy
3. Define a vector container for the coefficients suitable for this basis
3. Interpolate the global function \(f\) into this global finite-element space \(V \to f_h\).
4. Compute the integral \(\int_{\Omega}\operatorname{div}(f_h)\,\text{d}x\) over the domain \(\Omega\)
f(x) = \big(sin(x_0) cos(x_1) + 3x_0x_1^2, -cos(x_1) sin(x_1) - x_1^3\big)^T
layout: true
class: tud-light, typo
class: center, middle
## Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Simulations
# AMDiS - Poisson equation
#include // Include essential headers
int main(int argc, char** argv)
using namespace AMDiS; // Namespace of all AMDiS functions
using namespace Dune::Functions::BasisFactory; // Use DUNE facilities directly
Environment env{argc, argv}; // Initialize Initfile, MPI...
Dune::YaspGrid<2> grid{ {1.0,1.0}, {8,8} }; // Grid: Unit square domain
ProblemStat prob{"example", grid, lagrange<2>()}; // Lagrange elements of deg. 2
prob.initialize(INIT_ALL); // Prepare data structures
auto c = [](auto x) { ... };
prob.addMatrixOperator(sot(1.0)); // a(v,u) =
prob.addVectorOperator(zot(c, 6)); // b(v) =
prob.addDirichletBC([&](auto x) { return b(x); }, // boundary
[&](auto x) { return g(x); }); // u = g | on boundary
AdaptInfo adaptInfo{"adapt"};
prob.assemble(adaptInfo); // Assemble the linear system
prob.solve(adaptInfo); // Solve the linear system
prob.writeFiles(adaptInfo); // Write solution to file
# Installing AMDiS and its dependencies
Find install instructions in [](
file or at
1. Download DUNE modules: common, geometry, grid, localfunctions, istl, typetree, functions
2. Download AMDiS (into the same `` directory as all DUNE modules)
git clone
3. Configure and build everything
./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol make -j10
# My first AMDiS project
Similar to DUNE, we provide a script `amdisproject` that helps you create a simple initial empty project:
./amdis-core/bin/amdisproject my-first-project
Some question are asked about name, version, maintainer, and dependencies. After answering everything,
a directory `my-first-project` is created in `` with a `CMakeLists.txt` file and some
example code.
- - doc/doxygen/CMakeLists.txt
- CMakeLists.txt - doc/doxygen/Doxylocal
- config.h.cmake - cmake/modules/CMakeLists.txt
- dune.module - cmake/modules/MyFirstProjectMacros.cmake
- src/CMakeLists.txt - init/CMakeLists.txt
- src/my-first-project.cpp - init/my-first-project.dat
- amdis/my-first-project/CMakeLists.txt - macro/CMakeLists.txt
- amdis/my-first-project/MyFirstProject.hpp - macro/my-first-project.Xd.amc
# My first AMDiS project
The source file `src/my-first-project.cpp` contains the following code snippet:
using namespace AMDiS;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Environment env{argc, argv};
// your code comes here
- Main include header `` includes *some* parts of the library.
- All classes and functions can be found in the namespace `AMDiS`
- `Environment` initializes some global states, like MPI and PETSc
- The `CMakeLists.txt` file in the `src/` folder contains the executable.
# My first AMDiS project
The directory `amdis/my-first-project/` can be used to place header files shared my several source
files in this project. An example is given in `MyFirstProject.hpp`:
#pragma once
namespace AMDiS::MyFirstProject
// add your classes here
that can be included in the source file:
using namespace AMDiS;
int main(int argc, char** argv) { /* ... */ }
Configure, compile and link it against all dependencies, by using `dunecontrol`:
./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --only=my-first-project all
layout: true
class: tud-light, typo
class: center, middle
# AMDiS - The `ProblemStat` class
# AMDiS - Variational problem
Find \((u_0, u_1)\in U_0\times U_1\) s.t.
A((v_0,v_1),(u_0,u_1)) = B((v_0,v_1))\quad\forall (v_0,v_1)\in U_0'\times U_1'
with (bi-)linear form
A((v_0,v_1),(u_0,u_1)) = a_{00}(v_0,u_0) + a_{01}(v_0,u_1) + a_{10}(v_1,u_0) + a_{11}(v_1,u_1) + \\
\bar{a}((v_0,v_1),(u_0,u_1)) \\
B((v_0,v_1)) = b_0(v_0) + b_1(v_1) + \bar{b}((v_0,v_1))
Here \(a_{ij}, \bar{a}, b_i\), and \(\bar{b}\) are "simple" components of the (bi-)linear form and are called *Operators* in the following.
# AMDiS - Variational problem
Often, the *Operators* have a common structure
a(v,u) = \int_{\Omega} \mathfrak{a}(c,v,u,\nabla v,\nabla u)\,\text{dx} = \sum_{T\in\mathcal{T}_h} \int_T \mathfrak{a}(c,v,u,\nabla v,\nabla u)\,\text{dx}
with \(c:\Omega\to\mathbb{R}\) a coefficient function. Sometimes we have vector-valued or matrix-valued coefficients. All these are defined with the generic \(c\) expression.
We call the integrand \(\mathfrak{a}\) the *OperatorTerm* associated to the *Operator* \(a\). The operator is an operator term bound to the grid (view) it is assembled on.
## Examples:
- \(\mathfrak{a}(c,v,u,\nabla v,\nabla u)=c(x) v(x) u(x)\) called `test_trial` or `zot`.
- \(\mathfrak{a}(c,v,u,\nabla v,\nabla u)=c(x) \nabla v(x) \nabla u(x)\) called `gradtest_gradtrial` or `sot`.
# AMDiS - Variational problem
The *Problem* is described by
- A *grid* it is defined on
- The (composite) *basis* \(U_0\times U_1\)
- *Constraints* on the trial and test basis, e.g., Dirichlet constraints or periodic constraints
- An operator *matrix* \(A\) and an operator *rhs*-vector \(B\)
* Composed of individual operators, defined by operator terms
- A *solution* vector \(U=(u_0,u_1)\)
* Might be decomposed into components
All these problem components + some additional management/visualization tools are combined into the
class `ProblemStat`.
# AMDiS - The `ProblemStat` class
**Main interface class:** The class template `ProblemStat` is parametrized with `BasisTraits`, i.e.,
a description of the grid and global basis.
class ProblemStat;
Can be constructed in multiple ways
ProblemStat (std::string name); // requires `BasisTraits`
ProblemStat (std::string name, Grid& grid); // requires `BasisTraits`
requires Concepts::GlobalBasis
ProblemStat (std::string name, Grid& grid, Basis& globalBasis); // CTAD
requires Concepts::PreBasisFactory
ProblemStat (std::string name, Grid& grid, BF const& basisFactory); // CTAD
# AMDiS - The `ProblemStat` class
## Main Setup functions
Create the basis and the grid, initialize internal data structures for the solution vector and
the linear system, create adaption markers and file writers.
// Initialize the problem.
// Parameters read in initialize()
// - `[GRID_NAME]->global refinements`: nr of initial global refinements
void initialize (Flag initFlag, ProblemStat* adoptProblem = [...], Flag adoptFlag = [...]);
// Read the grid and solution from backup files and initialize the problem
// Parameters read in restore() for problem with name 'PROB'
// - `[PROB]->restore->grid`: name of the grid backup file
// - `[PROB]->restore->solution`: name of the solution backup file
void restore (Flag initFlag);
# AMDiS - The `ProblemStat` class
## Access to grid and basis
After initialization you can access the internally stored grid and global basis:
// Return the stored grid
std::shared_ptr grid ();
// Return the stored basis
std::shared_ptr globalBasis ();
// Return the gridView of the basis
GridView gridView () const;
# AMDiS - The `ProblemStat` class
## Access to data structures
The `ProblemStat` internally stores the data structures for the linear system to assemble and for the
solution vector. All these data structure can be accessed directly:
// Return the system-matrix -> BiLinearForm
std::shared_ptr systemMatrix();
// Return the system rhs vector -> LinearForm
std::shared_ptr rhsVector();
// Return the solution vector -> DOFVector
std::shared_ptr solutionVector();
The solution can also be extracted as *DiscreteFunction* \(\to\) see later
// Return a discrete function wrapper representing a (sub-)view onto the solution
auto solution (Indices... ii);
# AMDiS - The `ProblemStat` class
## Describe your PDE
(Bi-)linear form is composed of smaller components, called *OperatorTerms*.
// Add an operator term to the bilinear form
void addMatrixOperator (OperatorTerm const& op, RowTreePath row = {}, ColTreePath col = {})
// Add an operator term to the linear form
void addVectorOperator (OperatorTerm const& op, TreePath path = {})
If terms are to be evaluated on (part of) the boundary of the grid only:
// Add an operator term to the bilinear form
void addMatrixOperator (BoundaryType b, OperatorTerm const& op, RTP row = {}, CTP col = {})
// Add an operator term to the linear form
void addVectorOperator (BoundaryType b, OperatorTerm const& op, TP path = {})
# AMDiS - The `ProblemStat` class
## Describe your PDE
Constraints can be added by
// Enforce Dirichlet boundary values for the solution vector on boundary regions
void addDirichletBC (Boundary const& predicate,
[RowTreePath row, ColTreePath col,]
Values const& values);
// Add a periodic boundary conditions to the system, by specifying a face transformation
// y = A*x + b of coordinates. We assume, that A is orthonormal.
void addPeriodicBC (BoundaryType id, WorldMatrix const& A, WorldVector const& b);
// General constraints specification
void addConstraint (BoundaryCondition constraint);
# AMDiS - The `ProblemStat` class
## Adaptation and solving the problem
The following steps can be called to solve the PDE system:
- `markElements`: use added markers to mark elements for coarsen/refine
- `adaptGrid`: coarsen/refine the grid
- `assemble`: assemble the stiffness matrix and right hand side
- `solve`: solve the linear system above
- `writeFiles`: write files to output
Default implementations handle most cases
- `ProblemStat` interface allows to customize markers, interpolation during refinement, file writers,
linear solvers [, assemblers],...
- Many solvers and file writers supported out of the box
# AMDiS - The `ProblemStat` class
## Customization
User can inherit from `ProblemStat` and replace the implementations freely, e.g. override the `assemble()` method
- adaptation subroutines can be called individually, so a user can stop after a certain step, run
some user code and then resume with the default AMDiS implementations
- almost all member functions can be accessed / overridden to allow maximum flexibility
layout: true
class: tud-dark, typo
class: center, middle, tud-dark
# Exercise 6
# Exercise 6
- Create a new amdis module `amdis-exercise` using the tool `amdisproject`
- Copy the initial example of the Poisson equation in the file `src/`
- Implement the missing functions with some meaningful content.
- Configure, compile and run the code.
# Exercise 6
- See the default init-file in the project folder, adapt its content to allow configuration
of the Poisson problem. See for
some infos about the parameter file
- Configure the automatic output of the solution of the problem
- Run your code again with
`./build-cmake/src/amdis-exercise init/amdis-exercise.dat`
- Visualize the result in ParaView
layout: true
class: tud-light, typo
class: center, middle
# DOFVector and DiscreteFunction
# DOFVector and DiscreteFunction
- A `DOFVector` is a container for storing the coefficients of a function \( u_h\in V_h \)
- It is attached to a global basis to give its coefficients a meaning.
- A `DiscreteFunction` is a "GridFunction" representing \( u_h \)
Let \(\{\phi_i\}\) be the set of basis functions of \(V_h\). A function \(u_h\in V_h\) can be
represented as
u_h(x) = \sum_i u_i \phi_i(x)
with coefficients \(\{u_i\}\).
The pair \( (\{u_i\},\{\phi_i\}) \) is called `DOFVector` and the function \( u_h(x) \) is called `DiscreteFunction`.
(see [documentation](
# DOFVector and DiscreteFunction
- Assume we have a product space \( V = V_1\times V_2 \)
- Coefficients \(\{u_i\}\) in a `DOFVector` `U` might be stored in one *flat* vector container .icon-rechts[] some coefficients
correspond to basis functions of \(V_1=span(\{\phi_i^1\})\) the others to basis functions of \(V_2=span(\{\phi_i^2\})\)
u_1(x) = \sum_{i\in I_1} u_i \phi^1_i(x) \\
u_2(x) = \sum_{i\in I_2} u_i \phi^2_i(x) \\
with \(u = (u_1, u_2) \).
# DOFVector
DOFVector U{gridView, power<2>(lagrange<1>())};
# DOFVector
DOFVector U{gridView, power<2>(lagrange<1>(), flatLexicographic())};
// with lexicographic index-merging strategy
// I1 = (0,1,2,3), I2 = (4,5,6,7)
.footnote1[(1) Image from: S. Müthing, *A Flexible Framework for Multi Physics and Multi Domain PDE Simulations*, 2015]
# DOFVector
DOFVector U{gridView, power<2>(lagrange<1>(), flatInterleaved())};
// with interleaved index-merging strategy
// I1 = (0,2,4,6), I2 = (1,3,5,7)
.footnote1[(1) Image from: S. Müthing, *A Flexible Framework for Multi Physics and Multi Domain PDE Simulations*, 2015]
# DOFVector
The class is parametrized:
template >
class DOFVector;
Can be constructed with
// Provide a full global basis
DOFVector::DOFVector(Basis& basis,
DataTransferOperation op = DataTransferOperation::INTERPOLATE);
// construct directly from a basis-factory
requires Concept::PreBasisFactor
DOFVector::DOFVector(GridView const& gridView, BF basisFactory,
DataTransferOperation op = DataTransferOperation::INTERPOLATE);
Extract the type of a DOFVector:
using DOFVectorType = decltype(DOFVector{std::declval(), power<2>(lagrange<1>())})
# DOFVector
Interface functions:
/// Reference to the global basis
Basis const& basis () const;
/// Coefficient vector
Coefficients const& coefficients () const; // -> see VectorBackend
Coefficients& coefficients ();
/// Write DOFVector to file
void backup (std::string const& filename);
/// Read backup data from file
void restore (std::string const& filename);
/// Resize the interface coefficient vector to basis dimension
void resize ();
void resizeZero ();
# DOFVector and DiscreteFunction
Transform the `DOFVector` into a `DiscreteFunction`
auto valueOf (DV& dofVec, Indices... ii) -> DiscreteFunction<...>;
## Example
DOFVector U{gridView, power<2>(lagrange<1>())};
// getting the composite discrete-function u
auto u = valueOf(U); // automatic range type
auto V = valueOf>(U); // specify a range type
DiscreteFunction v{U};
// getting the component functions u_i
auto u_0 = valueOf(U,0);
auto u_1 = valueOf(U,1); // NOTE: u_i == u.child(i)
DiscreteFunction v_1{U,1};
# DiscreteFunction
Interface functions for (global) DiscreteFunction:
/// Evaluate DiscreteFunction in global coordinates. NOTE: expensive
Range operator() (Domain const& x) const;
/// Return treePath associated with this discrete function
TreePath const& treePath () const;
/// Return global basis bound to the DOFVector
Basis const& basis () const;
/// Return const coefficient vector
Coefficients const& coefficients () const;
/// Get a sub-view on the discrete function related to the extended tree path
auto child (Indices... ii) const
# DiscreteFunction
A DiscreteFunction can be localized to an element, to allow evaluation in element-local coordinates:
auto localFunction (DiscreteFunction<...>);
This element-function has the following interface:
/// Bind the discrete function to the element
void bind (Element const& element);
/// Unbind from the element (optional, cleanup)
void unbind ();
/// Evaluate LocalFunction at bound element in local coordinates
Range operator() (const Domain& local) const [[expects: isBound() ]];
/// Polynomial order of the discrete function (if available)
int order () const [[expects: isBound() ]];
/// Return the bound element
Element const& localContext () const [[expects: isBound() ]];
# DiscreteFunction
## Derivatives
A local basis provides derivatives w.r.t. local coordinates. Those can be transformed into global coordinate derivatives using the element geometry. Thus, a discrete function can easily be differentiated:
auto derivativeOf (DiscreteFunction<...>, tag::derivative_type);
// some specific derivative types:
auto gradientOf (DiscreteFunction<...>); // scalar valued discrete function
auto divergenceOf (DiscreteFunction<...>); // vector valued discrete function
// partial derivative of scalar valued discrete function in direction i
auto partialDerivativeOf (DiscreteFunction<...>, std::size_t i);
The derivatives are "GridFunctions" (see later) similar to `DiscreteFunction`.
# DOFVector and DiscreteFunction
## The solution DOFVector
The `ProblemStat` returns both, the `DOFVector` storing the solution and its `DiscreteFunction`:
ProblemStat prob{"prob", grid, power<2>(lagrange<1>())};
auto& U = *prob.solutionVector(); // NOTE: shared_ptr returned
auto u = prob.solution();
DiscreteFunction u_i = prob.solution(i); // provide treepath argument
layout: true
class: tud-light, typo
class: center, middle
# GridFunctions
# GridFunctions
- A GridFunction is a function-object that can be restricted to a grid element
auto f = valueOf(F);
FieldVector x{0.2, 0.3}; // global coordinate
auto f_x = f(x); // evaluate f at x
# GridFunctions
- A GridFunction is a function-object that can be restricted to a grid element
- Restriction is called LocalFunction and must be bound to the element, i.e.,
auto f = valueOf(F);
auto lf = localFunction(f);
for (auto const& e : elements(gridView)) {
FieldVector a{0.2, 0.3}; // local coordinate
auto lf_a = lf(a); // evaluate lf at a
# GridFunctions
- A GridFunction is a function-object that can be restricted to a grid element
- Restriction is called LocalFunction and must be bound to the element, i.e.,
- GridFunctions are built from Expressions that are a composition of some elementary terms, i.e.,
auto expr1 = prob.solution(0); // discrete-function
auto expr2 = 1.0; // constant
auto expr3 = std::ref(expr2); // reference
auto expr4 = [](auto x) { return x[0] + x[1]; }; // functor in global coords
// composition...
auto expr5 = prob.solution(0) + 1.0; // NOTE: one of the arguments
auto expr6 = max(evalAtQP(expr4), expr3); // must be GridFunction
auto no_expr = expr4 + 1.0; // ERROR
# Example of a composite GridFunction
Let \(c\) be a (scalar) GridFunction
u(x) = \frac{1}{2}\left(c(x)^2(1-c(x))^2 + \frac{1}{\epsilon}\|\nabla c(x)\|^2\right)
This can be constructed as composite GridFunction as follows:
auto c = valueOf(C); // e.g. c is discrete function
auto u = 0.5*(pow<2>(c * (1 - c)) + (1.0/eps) * unary_dot(gradientOf(c)));
or, if you have a more complicated expression, just put it into a lambda function:
auto v = invokeAtQP([eps](auto c_x, auto grad_c_x) {
return 0.5*(std::pow(c_x * (1 - c_x), 2) + (1.0/eps) * unary_dot(grad_c_x));
}, c, gradientOf(c));
# Application of GridFunctions
- Use GridFunctions to build Operators: (see later)
auto opB = operatorTerm(tag::BiLinearForm, Expression);
prob.addMatrixOperator(opB, Row, Col);
auto opL = operatorTerm(tag::LinearForm, Expression);
prob.addVectorOperator(opL, Row);
- Use GridFunctions in BoundaryConditions:
prob.addDirichletBC(Predicate, Row, Col, Expression);
- Interpolate a GridFunction to a DOFVector:
prob.solution(Path) << Expression;
# Application of GridFunctions
- Integrate a GridFunction on a GridView:
auto value = integrate(Expression, gridView);
- Define a refinement marker
auto marker = GridFunctionMarker{"marker", Grid, Expression};
layout: true
class: tud-dark, typo
class: center, middle, tud-dark
# Exercise 7
# Exercise 7
This exercise is about examining the abilities of DOFVectors, DiscreteFunctions and Expressions
1) Create a structured grid of \(\Omega=[-2,2]^2\)
2) Create a `DOFVector` of a scalar Lagrange P2 basis.
3) Interpolate the function \(c(x)\) into the `DOFVector`:
c(x) = 0.5(1 - \tanh(3\rho(x)/\epsilon)),\text{ with }\rho(x)=\|x\| - 1
for \(\epsilon=0.1\)
4) Integrate the following expression over the domain \(\Omega\)
\frac{1}{2}\left(c(x)^2(1-c(x))^2 + \frac{1}{\epsilon}\|\nabla c(x)\|^2\right)
# Exercise 7
## Advanced exercise
- Replace the scalar basis with a power-basis
- Interpolate \(c(x)\) into the first component of that DOFVector
- Interpolate \((c(x),0)\) into the full DOFVector
- Compute the divergence of the expression and the partial derivative \(\partial_0\) of the first
component of the expression. Print the corresponding integral value.
layout: true
class: tud-light, typo
class: center, middle
# Adaptivity
# Adaptivity - Grid Refinement
- Grids are always hierarchical grids
- Gids allow multiple different forms of refinement:
* bisection (longest edge, first edge, ...)
* red refinement
* blue refinement, trisection, multiple closures

# Adaptivity - Grid Refinement
- Some grid manager allow only global refinement:
* structured grids: `YaspGrid`, `SPGrid`
* special grids: `FoamGrid`
- Other grid managers support only a specific type of elements:
* simplices: `AlbertaGrid`, `FoamGrid`
* cubes: `YaspGrid`, `SPGrid`
- Red refinement with multiple closures:
* Red-Green: `UGGrid`
* None: `ALUGrid` (cubes), `UGGrid`
- Different refinement strategies:
* bisection: `AlbertaGrid` (restricted), `ALUGrid` (always possible)
* red-refinement: `UGGrid`, `FoamGrid`
# Adaptivity - Grid Refinement
# Adaptivity - Grid Refinement
- In DUNE: Grid and data is separated
- Grid adaptivity happens in two steps:
1. Mark elements for refinement coarsening
2. Initiate the grid adaption by `grid.adapt()` (actually 3 steps: preAdapt, adapt, postAdapt)
- In AMDiS, a grid wrapper establishes connection between Grid and data: `AdaptiveGrid`. This can be
obtained by `ProblemStat::grid()`.
// Refines all grid elements count times.
void globalRefine (int count);
// Marks an entity to be refined/coarsened in a subsequent adapt
bool mark (int count, Element const& e);
// Return refinement mark for entity
int getMark (Element const& e) const;
# Adaptivity - Grid Refinement
- In DUNE: Grid and data is separated
- Grid adaptivity happens in two steps:
1. Mark elements for refinement coarsening
2. Initiate the grid adaption by `grid.adapt()` (actually 3 steps: preAdapt, adapt, postAdapt)
- In AMDiS, a grid wrapper establishes connection between Grid and data: `AdaptiveGrid`. This can be
obtained by `ProblemStat::grid()`.
// Prepare the grid for adaptation and notify observers of the preAdapt event
// returns true if an element might be coarsened
bool preAdapt();
// Adapt the grid and notify observers of the adapt event
// returns true if the grid was refined
bool adapt();
// Perform cleanup after grid adaptation and notify observers of the postAdapt event
void postAdapt();
# Adaptivity - Marking Elements
- Before the grid can be adapted, elements must be marked for refinement and coarsening.
- Only 1 level of refinement/coarsening at a time
- In the `mark` function, set `count=1` for refinement and `count=-1` for coarsening:
auto& grid = *prob.grid(); // ProblemStat returns shared_ptr
for (const auto& element : elements(gridView))
if (indicator(element))
grid.mark( 1, element); // Mark for refinement
grid.mark(-1, element); // Mark for coarsening
# Adaptivity - Marking Elements
- AMDiS provides classes to perform the marking of the grid
- Either based on error estimates, or marking indicators
class GridFunctionMarker;
- Main interface methods: `markGrid(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo)`
- The `GridFunctionMarker` expects a grid-function that returns the target refinement level.
- Grid-function is evaluated in the center of the elements
- Element mark is computed from target level and current level.
# Adaptivity - Marking Elements
## Example
ProblemStat prob{"name", baseGrid, basis};
// marker with analytical function as level indicator
GridFunctionMarker marker{"marker", prob.grid(), [](auto const& x) -> int {
return ((x - FieldVector{0.5,0.5}).two_norm() < 0.3) ? 4 : 2;
// mark elements for refinement/coarsening
AdaptInfo adaptInfo{"adapt"};
for (int i = 0; i < 10 && marker.markGrid(adaptInfo); ++i) {
bool refined = prob.grid()->adapt();
if (!refined) break;
# Adaptivity - Marking Elements
- The `ProblemStat` manages markers attached to the grid
- Markers in the problem are invoked whenever the function `prob.markElements(adaptInfo)` is called.
- Register your own marker:
// register a new marker to the problem
void addMarker (Marker& m);
// Remove a marker with the given name from the problem
void removeMarker (std::string name);
// Remove a marker from the problem
void removeMarker (Marker const& marker);
# Adaptivity - Marking Elements
## Example
ProblemStat prob{"name", baseGrid, basis};
// marker with analytical function as level indicator
GridFunctionMarker marker{"marker", prob.grid(), [](auto const& x) -> int {
return ((x - FieldVector{0.5,0.5}).two_norm() < 0.3) ? 4 : 2;
AdaptInfo adaptInfo{"adapt"};
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
prob.markElements(adaptInfo); // mark elements for refinement/coarsening
if (!prob.adaptGrid(adaptInfo)) // perform the grid adaption
# Adaptivity - Data Interpolation
- When the grid is adapted, the number of entities changes
- Global basis depends on the number of entities, thus needs to be updated
- DOFVector depends on the basis, thus needs to be updated
## Tree/chains of updates
- `grid.preAdapt()`
* `dofVector.update(event::preAdapt)`
- `grid.adapt()`
* `basis.update(event::adapt)`
- `dofVector.update(event::adapt)`
- `bilinearForm.update(event::adapt)`
- `linearForm.update(event::adapt)`
- `grid.postAdapt()`
* `dofVector.update(event::postAdapt)`
# Adaptivity - Data Interpolation
## Basis update
- Get a new GridView from the grid.
- Update the index mapping
- Update a parallel communicator (e.g. parallel index map)
## DOFVector update
- In `preAdapt` call `dataTransfer.preAdapt()`
- In `adapt` update size corresponding to updated basis, call `dataTransfer.adapt()`
- In `postAdapt` call `dataTransfer.postAdapt()`
## (Bi)LinearForm update
- Update all attached operators
- Reset sparsity pattern
# Adaptivity - Data Interpolation
## Data Transfer
- Each `DOFVector` has attached a `DataTransferInterface`.
- Responsible for "interpolating" data between grid changes
- Two implementations: `NoDataTransfer`, interpolation bases `DataTransfer`
### Interface
// Collect data that is needed before grid adaption
virtual void preAdapt (Container const& container, bool mightCoarsen);
// Interpolate data to new grid after grid adaption
virtual void adapt (Container& container);
// Perform cleanup after grid adaption
virtual void postAdapt (Container& container);
# Adaptivity - Data Interpolation
## Example
ProblemStat prob{"name", baseGrid, basisFactory};
DOFVector data1{prob.globalBasis()}; // default data transfer = interpolation
DOFVector data2{prob.globalBasis(), DataTransferOperation::INTERPOLATE};
DOFVector data3{prob.globalBasis(), DataTransferOperation::NO_OPERATION};
// change the data transfer operation
// write your own data transfer code, must be derived from DataTransferInterface
MyFancyDataTransfer myFancyDataTransfer{prob.basis()};
// use the wrapped grid - AdaptiveGrid - to construct an adaptive DOFVector
DOFVector data4{prob.gridView(), lagrange<3>(), DataTransferOperation::INTERPOLATE};
// When using a default grid, then NO GRID ADAPTION!
DOFVector data5{baseGrid.leafGridView(), lagrange<3>()};
# Adaptivity - Observer Pattern
- How to react on grid changes? How to react on changes in the basis?
- Design patter: **Observer - Notifier**
- Observer:
* waits for any calls to its `update(event)` function
* must be registered to a notifier
- Notifier:
* calls the update method on all attached observers, when `notify(event)` is called.
# Adaptivity - Observer Pattern
## Example
class MyClass
: public Notifier // can sent a signal that MyClass is updated
, private Observer // wait for signals from the basis
MyClass (Basis const& basis)
: Observer(basis) // here, basis is the notifier we register to
// Observer method must be implemented
void updateImpl (event::adapt e) override {
/* do some update */
layout: true
class: tud-dark, typo
class: center, middle, tud-dark
# Exercise 8
# Exercise 8
This exercise is about adaptivity and data transfer
1) Create an unstructured (adaptive) triangular grid of \(\Omega=[-2,2]^2\), e.g., `UGGrid` or `ALUGrid`
2) Create a `ProblemStat` with a Lagrange P2 basis
3) Let \(c(x)\) be a phase-field function, defined as
c(x) = 0.5(1 - \tanh(3\rho(x)/\epsilon)),\text{ with }\rho(x)=\|x - center\| - 0.3
for \(\epsilon=0.1\) and \(center=(0,-1.5)^T\)
4) Refine the grid along the interface with \(0.05 <= c(x) <= 0.95\) to level 4 and level 0 outside the interface
# Exercise 8
## Advanced exercise
- Interpolate the function \(\sin(4 x_1)\) into the solution DOFVector
- Iteratively move the center of the phase-field function upwards, by steps \(dy=0.1\)
- Update the grid refinement correspondingly
- Use a `GridFunctionMarker` that gets registered to the `ProblemStat`
- Visualize in each step the solution vector
- Do the same, but this time set as data transfer operation `NO_OPERATION`.
layout: true
class: tud-light, typo
class: center, middle
# Linear Algebra Backends and Solvers
# Linear Algebra Backends and Solvers
- AMDiS includes support for 4 linear algebra backends
- dune-istl: parallel, use block structure, (P)AMG
- PETSc: parallel, many solvers
- MTL4: sequential, HYPRE AMG support
- EIGEN: sequential
- Backend chosen when compiling AMDiS (default ISTL)
cmake -DBACKEND=[ISTL, PETSC, MTL, EIGEN] build-cmake
# Linear Algebra Backends and Solvers
- Backends define their own types for matrices and vectors
- Each backend has its own set of linear solvers (and preconditioners)
- Linear solver and preconditioner can be chose and configured in the parameter file:
- Solvers are named like in the backend libraries
## Backend: ISTL
- We follow dune-istl naming of parameters in the `ISTL` backend
prob->solver: pcg
prob->solver->info: 1
prob->solver->maxit: 1000
prob->solver->reduction: 1.e-10
prob->solver->precon: ilu
# Linear Algebra Backends and Solvers
- Backends define their own types for matrices and vectors
- Each backend has its own set of linear solvers (and preconditioners)
- Linear solver and preconditioner can be chose and configured in the parameter file:
- Solvers are named like in the backend libraries
## Backend: PETSC
- We follow PETSc naming of parameters in the `PETSC` backend
prob->solver: cg
prob->solver->info: 1
prob->solver->max it: 1000
prob->solver->rtol: 1.e-10
prob->solver->pc: ilu
# Linear Algebra Backends and Solvers
- Backends define their own types for matrices and vectors
- Each backend has its own set of linear solvers (and preconditioners)
- Linear solver and preconditioner can be chose and configured in the parameter file:
- Solvers are named like in the backend libraries
## Backend: MTL
- We follow MTL4 naming of parameters in the `MTL` backend
prob->solver: cg
prob->solver->info: 1
prob->solver->print cycle: 10
prob->solver->max iteration: 1000
prob->solver->relative tolerance: 1.e-10
prob->solver->precon: ilu
# ISTL Linear Algebra Backend
- List of iterative solvers:
- `cg`, `pcg`, `fcg`, `cfcg`, `bicgstab` (default), `minres`, `gmres`, `fgmres`
- List of direct solvers (squential):
- `umfpack` (direct), `ldl`, `spqr`, `cholmod`, `superlu`
- List of preconditioners:
- `jacobi` (diag), `gauss_seidel` (gs), `sor`, `ssor`, `richardson` (default), `solver`, `ilu(0)`, `ildl`, `amg`, `fastamg`, `kamg`
- List of parallel preconditioners:
- `pssor`, `bjacobi`, (mabye in the future: `paamg`)
# ISTL Linear Algebra Backend
- You can configure solvers recursively, using the `solver` preconditioner:
prob->solver: pcg
prob->solver->precon: solver
prob->solver->precon->solver: pcg
prob->solver->precon->solver->precon: solver
prob->solver->precon->solver->precon->solver: pcg
# ISTL Linear Algebra Backend
### Directly use the dune-istl backend
auto const& M = prob.systemMatrix()->impl().matrix();
auto & X = prob.solutionVector()->impl().vector();
auto const& Y = prob.rhsVector()->impl().vector();
Dune::MatrixAdapter linOp{M};
Dune::Richardson precon{0.5};
Dune::GradientSolver solver{linOp, precon, /*reduct*/1.e-6, /*maxit*/100, /*verbose*/1};
Dune::InverseOperatorResult statistics;
solver.apply(X, Y, statistics);
# ISTL Linear Algebra Backend
### Directly use the dune-istl backend
class MyProblemStat : public ProblemStat
using ProblemStat::ProblemStat;
void solve(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo, bool=true, bool=false) override
// put the solver code here
# ISTL Linear Algebra Backend
### Algebraic MultiGrid
- Powerful and efficient algebraic multigrid preconditioner
- Konfiguration with Initfile parameters
ellipt->solver: pcg
ellipt->solver->info: 1
ellipt->solver->maxit: 10000
ellipt->solver->reduction: 1.e-10
ellipt->solver->precon: amg % [fastamg,amg,kamg]
ellipt->solver->precon->smoother: ssor
ellipt->solver->precon->smoother->iteration: 2
ellipt->solver->precon->smoother->relaxationFactor: 0.75
ellipt->solver->precon->preSmoothSteps: 1
ellipt->solver->precon->postSmoothSteps 1
ellipt->solver->precon->gamma: 1
.footnote1[(3) M. Blatt†, O. Ippisch, P. Bastian, *A Massively Parallel Algebraic MultigridPreconditioner based on Aggregation for EllipticProblems with Heterogeneous Coefficients*, 2013]
# ISTL Linear Algebra Backend
### Algebraic MultiGrid
- Ellipt problem example:
Level 0 has 263169 unknowns, 263169 unknowns per proc (procs=1)
aggregating finished.
Level 1 has 65153 unknowns, 65153 unknowns per proc (procs=1)
aggregating finished.
Level 2 has 16195 unknowns, 16195 unknowns per proc (procs=1)
aggregating finished.
Level 3 has 3974 unknowns, 3974 unknowns per proc (procs=1)
aggregating finished.
Level 4 has 966 unknowns, 966 unknowns per proc (procs=1)
operator complexity: 1.17411
Using a direct coarse solver (UMFPack)
Building hierarchy of 5 levels (including coarse solver) took 1.69902 seconds.
# ISTL Linear Algebra Backend
### Algebraic MultiGrid
- AMG precondition:
=== Dune::GeneralizedPCGSolver
*=== rate=0.521386, T=11.6638, TIT=0.197691, IT=59
solution of discrete system needed 13.3763 seconds
- FastAMG preconditioner:
=== Dune::GeneralizedPCGSolver
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0.0134938
*=== rate=0.535372, T=5.90178, TIT=0.10003, IT=59
solution of discrete system needed 7.64907 seconds
- ILU preconditioner:
=== Dune::GeneralizedPCGSolver
*=== rate=0.820344, T=17.9574, TIT=0.153482, IT=117
solution of discrete system needed 23.569 seconds
# PETSC Linear Algebra Backend
- Install PETSc: e.g. `sudo apt install petsc-dev`
- Set Backend in AMDiS: `cmake -DBACKEND=PETSC build-cmake`
- PETSc allows *sequential* and *parallel* solvers/preconditioners
- We follow PETSc naming of parameters in the `PETSC` backend
prob->solver: cg
prob->solver->info: 1
prob->solver->max it: 1000
prob->solver->rtol: 1.e-10
prob->solver->pc: ilu
iteration 0: resid 2.020775e+00
iteration 10: resid 3.742518e-02
iteration 20: resid 6.077763e-03
iteration 30: resid 1.013754e-04
iteration 40: resid 1.188473e-06
iteration 50: resid 8.657256e-09
Linear solve converged due to CONVERGED_RTOL iterations 56
# PETSC Linear Algebra Backend
- Install PETSc: e.g. `sudo apt install petsc-dev`
- Set Backend in AMDiS: `cmake -DBACKEND=PETSC build-cmake`
- PETSc allows *sequential* and *parallel* solvers/preconditioners
- We follow PETSc naming of parameters in the `PETSC` backend
prob->solver: cg
prob->solver->info: 1
prob->solver->max it: 1000
prob->solver->rtol: 1.e-10
prob->solver->pc: ilu
- Note: meaning of `rtol` (*relative tolerance*) is different from ISTL
# PETSC Linear Algebra Backend
### Direct solvers
- PETSc does not have the notion of direct solvers, but lu preconditoner with matsolver packages
- Either use `preonly` solver or `richardson` solver
prob->solver: preonly
prob->solver->pc: lu
prob->solver->pc->mat solver: umfpack
# PETSC Linear Algebra Backend
### Direct solvers
- PETSc does not have the notion of direct solvers, but lu preconditoner with matsolver packages
- Either use `preonly` solver or `richardson` solver
prob->solver: richardson
prob->solver->max it: 1
prob->solver->pc: lu
prob->solver->pc->mat solver: umfpack
# PETSC Linear Algebra Backend
### Direct solvers
- PETSc does not have the notion of direct solvers, but lu preconditoner with matsolver packages
- Either use `preonly` solver or `richardson` solver
prob->solver: direct
prob->solver->mat solver: umfpack
# PETSC Linear Algebra Backend
### KSP preconditioner
- Use a solver as preconditioner
- Recursive parametrization of the solver/preconditioner
prob->solver: cg
prob->solver->pc: ksp
prob->solver->pc->ksp: cg
prob->solver->pc->ksp->pc: ksp
prob->solver->pc->ksp->pc->ksp: cg
# PETSC Linear Algebra Backend
- More complicated parametrization of solvers and preconditioners by command-line parameters
- Set `prefix` to name individual solvers:
prob->solver: cg
prob->solver->prefix: xyz
-xyz_pc_type ilu
# PETSC Linear Algebra Backend
- Set `->info` parameter to 10 to enable `KSP_View` for the solver, i.e. list all PETSc parameters
set for the solver and preconditioner...
KSP Object: 1 MPI processes
type: cg
maximum iterations=10000
tolerances: relative=1e-10, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000.
left preconditioning
using nonzero initial guess
using DEFAULT norm type for convergence test
PC Object: 1 MPI processes
type: ilu
PC has not been set up so information may be incomplete
ILU: out-of-place factorization
0 levels of fill
tolerance for zero pivot 2.22045e-14
matrix ordering: natural
# ProblemStat::solve
## The process of solving the linear system
ProblemStat::solve(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo, bool createMatrixData = true,
bool storeMatrixData = false) {
// prepare the solution vector
// copy matrix into the solver (if necessary)
if (createMatrixData)
// solve the linear system
Dune::InverseOperatorResult stat;
linearSolver_->apply(solution_->impl(), rhs_->impl(), stat);
// maybe destroy matrix data
if (!storeMatrixData)
// some output of the residuum...
# PETSc LinearSolver
## Example: The basic implementation of the PETSc LinearSolver
/// Implements \ref LinearSolverInterface::init()
void init (Matrix const& A) override
KSPCreate(, &ksp_);
KSPSetOperators(ksp_, A.matrix(), A.matrix());
// read parameters and configure the ksp object
initKSP(ksp_, prefix_);
initialized_ = true;
/// Implements \ref LinearSolverInterface::finish()
void finish () override
if (initialized_)
initialized_ = false;
# PETSc LinearSolver
## Example: The basic implementation of the PETSc LinearSolver
/// Implements \ref LinearSolverInterface::apply()
void apply (Vector& x, Vector const& b, Dune::InverseOperatorResult& stat) override
KSPSolve(ksp_, b.vector(), x.vector());
if (info_ > 0)
KSPConvergedReason reason;
KSPGetConvergedReason(ksp_, &reason);
stat.converged = (reason > 0);
# PETSc LinearSolver - Implement your own
class MyPetscSolver : public LinearSolverInterface
KSP ksp_;
void init (Matrix const& A) override {
KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF, &ksp_);
KSPSetOperators(ksp_, A.matrix(), A.matrix());
KSPSetType(ksp_, KSPBCGSL);
void finish () override {
void apply (Vector& x, Vector const& b, Dune::InverseOperatorResult& stat) override {
KSPSolve(ksp_, b.vector(), x.vector());
# PETSc LinearSolver - Implement your own
ProblemStat prob{"name", grid, basis_factory};
using Prob = decltype(prob);
// get the types of matrix and vector backend from ProblemStat
using M = typename Prob::Mat;
using X = typename Prob::Vec;
using Y = X;
// register the solver in the problem
MyPetscSolver mySolver{};
layout: true
class: tud-dark, typo
class: center, middle, tud-dark
# Exercise 9
# Exercise 9
This exercise is about solving the linear system that came from a finite-element discretization of
a Poisson equation on the unit square:
-\Delta u = f \text{ in }\Omega=[0,1]^2,\quad u=0\text{ on }\partial\Omega
with \(f=1\).
- Discretize this equation using Lagrange finite-elements of order 2
- Assemble and solve the equation using the parameter file
- Try different backends and different solvers and preconditioners
# Exercise 9
## Advanced exercise
- Extract the matrix and the vectors from the `ProblemStat`
- Solve directly using the solver/preconditioner routines from the backend
- Put this solver strategy into a Solver class and add to the Problem
- Create your own `ProblemStat` class that derives from the default `ProblemStat` and override the
solve method to incorporate your own solver code there.
layout: true
class: tud-light, typo
class: center, middle
# Parallel Grids and Parallel Solvers
# Parallel Grids and Parallel Solvers
- AMDiS is by default aware of parallelization
- Parallel grid __and__ parallel linear algebra backend required
Decomposition of an adaptively refined grid into eight subdomains
.footnote1[(4) Image from: O. Sander, *DUNE - The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment*, 2020]
# Parallel Grids
## Distributed Grids
- Grids with *ghost* elements
.footnote1[(4) Image from: O. Sander, *DUNE - The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment*, 2020]
# Parallel Grids and Parallel Solvers
## Distributed Grids
- Grids with *overlapping* elements
.footnote1[(4) Image from: O. Sander, *DUNE - The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment*, 2020]
# Parallel Grids
## Creating a Parallel Grid
- Some grids can be constructed distributed directly
- Structured grids (`YaspGrid` or `SPGrid`) with parameters for overlap
- Unstructured grid `ALUGrid` from special distributed grid files, e.g., with [dune-vtk](
- Other grids require the initial construction on rank 0 and perform a distribution afterwards, using `grid.loadBalance()`.
- Example: `UGGrid`
- Some grids are not parallel on its own, e.g. `AlbertaGrid`, `FoamGrid`
- Require "parallelization wrapper" in form of a Meta-Grid, see [dune-metagrid](
### Example 1
std::bitset periodic("00"); // Not periodic in either of the two directions
int overlapSize = 1; // Thickness of the overlap layer
Dune::YaspGrid<2> grid({1.0,1.0}, {10,10}, periodic, overlapSize, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
# Parallel Grids
## Creating a Parallel Grid
- Some grids can be constructed distributed directly
- Structured grids (`YaspGrid` or `SPGrid`) with parameters for overlap
- Unstructured grid `ALUGrid` from special distributed grid files, e.g., with [dune-vtk](
- Other grids require the initial construction on rank 0 and perform a distribution afterwards, using `grid.loadBalance()`.
- Example: `UGGrid`
- Some grids are not parallel on its own, e.g. `AlbertaGrid`, `FoamGrid`
- Require "parallelization wrapper" in form of a Meta-Grid, see [dune-metagrid](
### Example 2
using Factory = Dune::StructuredGridFactory< Dune::UGGrid<2> >;
auto gridPtr = Factory::createSimplexGrid({0.0,0.0}, {1.0,1.0}, {10u,10u});
# Parallel Grids
## Partition Type of Entities
- Each entity in a process has a **partition type** assigned to it.
- There are five different possible partition types:
`interior` (grey), `border` (blue), `overlap` (green), `front` (magenta), and `ghost` (yellow).
Partition with `interior`, `overlap`, and `ghost` elements
.footnote1[(4) Image from: O. Sander, *DUNE - The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment*, 2020]
# Parallel Grids
## Partition Type of Entities
- Each entity in a process has a **partition type** assigned to it.
- There are five different possible partition types:
`interior` (grey), `border` (blue), `overlap` (green), `front` (magenta), and `ghost` (yellow).
Partition with `interior` and `overlap` elements
.footnote1[(4) Image from: O. Sander, *DUNE - The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment*, 2020]
# Parallel Grids
## Partition Type of Entities
- Each entity in a process has a **partition type** assigned to it.
- There are five different possible partition types:
`interior` (grey), `border` (blue), `overlap` (green), `front` (magenta), and `ghost` (yellow).
Partition with `interior` and `ghost` elements
.footnote1[(4) Image from: O. Sander, *DUNE - The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment*, 2020]
# Parallel Grids
## Partition Type of Entities
- You can traverse all entities of a specific group of partition types
- Groups are defined as (unions of) sets: e.g. `Partititons::interior`, `Partititons::border`, or
the union `Partititons::interior + Partititons::border`, or all (local) entities: `Partititons::all`
std::size_t counter = 0;
for (const auto& vertex : vertices(gridView, Partitions::interior + Partitions::border))
if (vertex.partitionType() == InteriorEntity)
> **Note:** `gridView.indexSet()` enumerates the entities of the `all` partition!
# Parallel Grids
## Grid Partititoning
- Grids provide default partititon, when calling `loadBalance()`
- Sometimes, you want to use a more powerful partitioning algorithms
- Some grids provide extended interface (not unified)
### Example: UGGrid
bool loadBalance(const std::vector& targetProcesses,
unsigned int fromLevel);
Create initial partitioning using *ParMETIS*
std::vector part
= ParMetisGridPartitioner::partition(gridView, mpiHelper);
gridPtr->loadBalance(part, 0);
# Parallel Grids
## Grid Partititoning
- Grids provide default partititon, when calling `loadBalance()`
- Sometimes, you want to use a more powerful partitioning algorithms
- Some grids provide extended interface (not unified)
### Example: UGGrid
bool loadBalance(const std::vector& targetProcesses,
unsigned int fromLevel);
Refine partititoning by redistribution:
std::vector part
= ParMetisGridPartitioner::repartition(gridView, mpiHelper, 1000f);
gridPtr->loadBalance(part, 0);
# Parallel Grids and Parallel Solvers
- Data structures and linear algebra backend must be aware of distributed grids
- Two paradigms:
1. **Domain decomposition** (local data structures, solvers handle parallelization)
2. **Distributed data structures** (data structures handle parallelization, "standard" solvers)
In the first category falls dune-istl, in the second category PETSc (and in the future PMTL)
- In AMDiS, domain decomposition requires grid **overlap**:
`grid.overlapSize() > 0`
- In AMDiS, distributed data structured allows grids with **ghost** cells:
`grid.ghostSize() >= 0`
# Parallel Grids and Parallel Solvers
## ISTL Backend
- Create a parallel grid with overlap, e.g. `Dune::YaspGrid`, `Dune::SPGrid`.
- Assembling happens on the `Partition::all` (local) entities.
- Only iterative solvers can be used!
- Local data structures are always up-to-date, since overlapping ensures synchronization
## Examples
- Choose parallel preconditioner: ParSSOR (`pssor`), BlockJacobi (`bjacobi`), or AMG
prob->solver: pcg
prob->solver->precon: bjacobi
prob->solver->precon->sub precon: ilu % precon to be applied on subdomains
# Parallel Grids and Parallel Solvers
## PETSc Backend
- Create a parallel grid w/ or w/o overlap/ghost, e.g. `Dune::UGGrid`, `Dune::ALUGrid`,...
- Basis provides `DistributedCommunication` that holds a parallel DOF-map, mapping local to global indices.
- Assembling happens on the `Partition::interior` entities.
- Ghost/Overlapping entities are used to collect data from neighbouring processors during synchronization.
- Classification of each DOF as owner and non-owner DOF on each processor, i.e., a DOF belongs to exactly one
- Vectors and Matrices perform communication of data on insertion and before access.
- Data is automatically synchronized. But: Do not mix read and write access to data \(\to\) expensive
# Parallel Grids and Parallel Solvers
## PETSc Backend
### Examples
- PETSc Matrix type: *MATMPIAIJ* (parallel sparse matrix), PETSc Vector type: *VECMPI* (parallel vector with ghost padding)
- Support all solvers and preconditioners for these matrix/vector types
prob->solver: cg
prob->solver->pc: bjacobi
prob->solver->pc->sub ksp: preonly % solver to be applied on subdomains
prob->solver->pc->sub ksp->pc: ilu % preconditioner to use for ths sub solver
layout: true
class: tud-light, typo
class: center, middle
# Code organization and Object-Oriented Interfaces
# Code organization and Object-Oriented Interfaces
## Classes to organize solution process
: Holds all data to assemble and solve a stationary problem
: Contains some procedures to handle instationary problems
: Describes the (adaptive) solution process of a stationary problem
: Describes the (adaptive) solution of an evolutionary problem
> What is the relation between these classes?
> How to control the solution process?
> How to interact with the classes and change its behaviour?
# Inheritance Diagram
## Stationary Problem
ProblemIterationInterface <|-- StandardProblemIteration
ProblemIterationInterface: +beginIteration(AdaptInfo)
ProblemIterationInterface: +oneIteration(AdaptInfo, Flag)
ProblemIterationInterface: +endIteration(AdaptInfo)
StandardProblemIteration <|-- ProblemStat
StandardProblemIteration: +ProblemStatBase*
ProblemStatBase <|-- ProblemStat
ProblemStatBase: +markElements(AdaptInfo)
ProblemStatBase: +adaptGrid(int n)
ProblemStatBase: +globalCoarsen(int n)
ProblemStatBase: +globalRefine(int n)
ProblemStatBase: +buildAfterAdapt(AdaptInfo, Flag, bool, bool)
ProblemStatBase: +solve(AdaptInfo, bool, bool)
ProblemStatBase: +estimate(AdaptInfo)
ProblemStat: +initialize(Flag, ProblemStat, Flag)
ProblemStat: +restore(Flag)
ProblemStat: +solution(...)
ProblemStat: +solutionVector(...)
## Instationary Problem
ProblemTimeInterface <|-- ProblemInstatBase
ProblemTimeInterface: +initTimeInterface()
ProblemTimeInterface: +setTime(AdaptInfo)
ProblemTimeInterface: +initTimestep(AdaptInfo)
ProblemTimeInterface: +closeTimestep(AdaptInfo)
ProblemTimeInterface: +solveInitialProblem(AdaptInfo)
ProblemTimeInterface: +transferInitialSolution(AdaptInfo)
ProblemInstatBase <|-- ProblemInstat
ProblemInstatBase: +time()
ProblemInstatBase: +tau()
ProblemInstatBase: +invTau()
ProblemInstat: +initialize(Flag)
ProblemInstat: +ProblemStat*
ProblemInstat: +oldSolution(...)
ProblemInstat: +oldSolutionVector(...)
# Stationary Solution Process
## `AdaptStationary::adapt()`
1. Initial iteration
problemIteration->oneIteration(adaptInfo, NO_ADAPTION);
2. Adaption loop
while (!adaptInfo.spaceToleranceReached()) {
problemIteration->oneIteration(adaptInfo, FULL_ITERATION);
### Iteration Flags
# Stationary Solution Process
## `StandardProblemIteration::oneIteration()`
graph LR
id0["mark elements"]
id1["adapt grid"]
id0 --> id1 --> id2 --> id3 --> id4
1. Adapt the grid and assemble the system
buildAndAdapt(adaptInfo, todo) {
Flag markFlag = problem.markElements(adaptInfo);
if (markFlag) problem.adaptGrid(adaptInfo);
problem.buildAfterAdapt(adaptInfo, markFlag, true, true); // build matrix
problem.buildAfterAdapt(adaptInfo, markFlag, false, true); // build rhs
2. Solve the system and estimate the error
problem.solve(adaptInfo, true, false); // createMatrixData and !storeMatrixData
# Stationary Solution Process
## Example: Nonlinear Iteration
Implementation of a Newton iteration inside of `oneIteration()`:
struct NewtonIteration : public ProblemIterationInterface
Problem& prob_;
using SolutionVector = typename Problem::SolutionVector;
std::shared_ptr stepSolution_;
NewtonIteration (Problem& prob) : prob_(prob)
{ // create a vector fo the step solution
stepSolution_.reset(new SolutionVector(*prob_->solutionVector()));
void beginIteration(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) override { ... }
Flag oneIteration(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo, Flat toDo) override;
void endIteration(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) override { ... }
// implementation of some more abstract functions...
# Stationary Solution Process
## Example: Nonlinear Iteration
Implementation of a Newton iteration inside of `oneIteration()`:
Flag NewtonIteration::oneIteration(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo, Flat toDo) override
if (adaptInfo.spaceIteration() == 1) {
prob_.buildAfterCoarsen(adaptInfo, 0, true, true); // assemble DF(u0)
} else
prob_.buildAfterCoarsen(adaptInfo, 0, false, true); // assemble F(u)
stepSolution_->resizeZero(); // Initial guess is zero
Dune::InverseOperatorResult stat; // solve the linear system
prob.solver()->apply(stepSolution_->impl(), prob_.rhsVector()->impl(), stat);
// u = u + d
prob_.solutionVector()->impl().vector() += stepSolution_->impl().vector();
adaptInfo.setEstSum(/*error estimation*/, "");
return Flag(0);
# Stationary Solution Process
## Example: Nonlinear Iteration
How to use the `NewtonIteration`?
ProblemStat prob{"name", grid, basisFactory};
NewtonIteration newton{prob}; // CTAD
auto u = prob.solution();
prob.addMatrixOperator(...); // fill jacobian DF(u)
prob.addVectorOperator(...); // fill objective function -F(u)
AdaptInfo adaptInfo{"adapt"};
AdaptStationary adaptStat{"adapt", newton, adaptInfo};
# Stationary Solution Process
## Example: Nonlinear Iteration
In parameter file we can control the Newton iterations:
adapt->max iteration: 10 % maximal newton iterations
adapt[]->tolerance: 1.e-6 % Newton break tolerance for whole system
# Intationary Solution Process
## `AdaptInstationary::adapt()`
1. Initial timestep
if (adaptInfo.timestepNumber() == 0) {
problemTime->solveInitialProblem(adaptInfo); // maybe initialAdaptInfo
2. Adaption loop
while (!adaptInfo.reachedEndTime()) {
oneTimestep(); // different strategies
With `oneTimestep()` either `explicitTimeStrategy()` (0), `implicitTimeStrategy()` (1), `simpleAdaptiveTimeStrategy()` (2)
# Intationary Solution Process
## `AdaptInstationary::explicitTimeStrategy()`
// estimate before first adaption
if (adaptInfo.time() <= adaptInfo.startTime())
problemIteration->oneIteration(adaptInfo, ESTIMATE);
// increment time
adaptInfo.setTime(adaptInfo.time() + adaptInfo.timestep());
// do the iteration
problemIteration->oneIteration(adaptInfo, FULL_ITERATION);
# Instationary Solution Process
## Example: Monitor solution in each timestep
struct MonitorProblemInstat : public ProblemTimeIteration
using SolutionVector = typename Problem::SolutionVector;
std::shared_ptr oldSolution_;
MonitorProblemInstat (Problem& prob) : prob_(prob) { // create old solution vector
oldSolution_.reset(new SolutionVector(*prob_->solutionVector()));
void initTimestep(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) override {
*oldSolution_ = *prob_.solutionVector(); // copy the solution to oldSolution
void closeTimestep(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) override {
prob_.writeFiles(adaptInfo); // write the solution to file
void transferInitialSolution(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) override { ... }
// some more interface methods
# Instationary Solution Process
## Example: Monitor solution in each timestep
Use that instationary Problem to run your solution process:
ProblemStat prob{"name", grid, basisFactory};
MonitorProblemInstat probInstat{prob}; // CTAD
auto u = prob.solution();
auto uOld = valueOf(*probInstat.oldSolution_); // TODO: add nice interface method
AdaptInfo adaptInfo{"adapt"};
AdaptInstationary adaptInstat{"adapt", prob, adaptInfo, probInstat, adaptInfo};
# Instationary Solution Process
## The `ProblemInstat`
The default implementation of a `ProblemTimeInterface` is called `ProblemInstat` and provides lots of
utility functions to time-dependent processes:
ProblemStat probInstat{"name", prob};
auto invTau = std::ref(probInstat.invTau()); // a reference to 1/timestep
prob.addVectorOperator(zot(invTau * probInstat.oldSolution())); // uOld
prob.addVectorOperator(zot(invokeAtQP([&t=probInstat.time()] { // reference to time
return std::sin(t);
> **NOTE**: the `std::ref` cannot be multiplied with `double`. This would lead to `double` and thus the
> reference character is lost. Use a lambda for this:
`invokeAtQP([&a=a,&b=b]{ return a*b; })`
# AMDiS Extensions
- The `ProblemInstat` always needs a `ProblemStat`. Why not combine these two?
- It would be nice to have a method where we can put all the operators
### BaseProblem
- Wrapper class that implements `ProblemIterationInterface` and `ProblemTimeInterface` and also `ProblemInstatBase`
- You need to implement the methods `fillOperators()` and `fillBoundaryConditions()`
# AMDiS Extensions : `BaseProblem`
struct BaseProblemInterface
: public virtual ProblemIterationInterface
, public virtual ProblemTimeInterface
virtual void initialize(Flag initFlag, BaseProblemInterface*, Flag adoptFlag) = 0;
virtual void initData(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) = 0;
virtual void finalizeData(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) = 0;
/// A method where operators are added to the problem
virtual void fillOperators(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) = 0;
/// A method where boundary conditions are added to the problem
virtual void fillBoundaryConditions(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) = 0;
/// Build up the operators
virtual void initBaseProblem(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) {
/// Calls writeFiles of the problem
virtual void writeFiles(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) = 0;
# AMDiS Extensions : `BaseProblem`
## Example
struct PoissonProblem : BaseProblem
PoissonProblem(std::string name, Grid& grid, const BasisFactory& bf)
: BaseProblem(name, grid, bf) {}
void fillOperators(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) override {
void fillBoundaryConditions(AdaptInfo& adaptInfo) override {
this->problem().addDirichletBC([]{return true;}, 0.0);
// deduction guide
PoissonProblem(std::string name, Grid& grid, const BasisFactory& bf)
-> PoissonProblem>;
# AMDiS Extensions : `BaseProblem`
## Example
PoissonProblem prob{"ellipt", grid, lagrange<2>()};
AdaptInfo adaptInfo{"adapt"};
// put the BaseProblem as probInstat and probTime
AdaptInstationary adaptInstat{"adapt", prob, adaptInfo, prob, adaptInfo};
# AMDiS Extensions
- What if we want to couple multiple problems
### CouplingIterationInterface
- Combine multiple `ProblemIterationInterface`s
### CouplingTimeInterface
- Combine multiple `ProblemtimeInterface`s
### CouplingBaseProblem and VariadicCouplingBaseProblem
- Combine multiple `BaseProblem`s
# AMDiS Extensions : `CouplingIterationInterface`
# AMDiS Extensions : `CouplingIterationInterface`
## Example
AdaptiveGrid grid{baseGrid}; // create a shared grid
ProblemStat prob1{"prob1", grid, basisFactory1};
ProblemStat prob2{"prob2", grid, basisFactory2};
// register the two problems in the coupling iteration interface
CouplingIterationInterface probIter{};
AdaptInfo adaptInfo{"adapt"};
AdaptStationary adaptStat{"adapt", probIter, adaptInfo};
# AMDiS Extensions : `CouplingTimeInterface`
# AMDiS Extensions : `CouplingTimeInterface`
## Example
// create coupling iteration interface probInstat as before
ProblemInstat probInstat1{"prob1", prob1};
ProblemInstat probInstat2{"prob2", prob2};
// register the two instationary probs in the coupling time interface
CouplingTimeInterface probTime{};
AdaptInfo adaptInfo{"adapt"};
AdaptInstationary adaptInstat{"adapt", probIter, adaptInfo, probTime, adaptInfo};
# AMDiS Extensions : `CouplingBaseProblem`
## Example
AdaptiveGrid grid{baseGrid}; // create a shared grid
CahnhilliardProblem chProb{"ch", grid};
NavierStokesProblem nsProb{"ns", grid};
// couple two base problems
CouplingBaseProblem chnsProb{"chns", chProb, nsProb};
AdaptInfo adaptInfo{"adapt"};
// put the BaseProblem as probInstat and probTime
AdaptInstationary adaptInstat{"adapt", chnsProb, adaptInfo, chnsProb, adaptInfo};
# ProblemStat `Traits`
The `Traits` type passed to the `ProblemStat` hold all the type necessary to build the problem
- The **grid**, wrapped into an `AdaptiveGrid`
- The **gridView** to traverse over
- A factory for the global basis
- The datatype for the matrix and vector coefficients
- Traits for the linear-algebra backend
# ProblemStat `Traits`
## Example: `NavierStokesTraits`
struct NavierStokesTraits {
using Grid = AdaptiveGrid_t;
using GridView = typename Grid::LeafGridView;
static auto create(const Args&... args) {
return AMDiS::GlobalBasis{args..., composite(power<2>(lagrange<2>()), lagrange<1>())};
using GlobalBasis = decltype(create(std::declval()));
using CoefficientType = double;
using LinAlgTraits = BackendTraits;
# ProblemStat `Traits`
## Example: `NavierStokesTraits` and `CahnHilliardTraits`
or simply
struct NavierStokesBasisFactory
static auto create() { return composite(power<2>(lagrange<2>()), lagrange<1>()); }
struct CahnHilliardBasisFactory
static auto create() { return power<2>(lagrange<2>()); }
using NavierStokesTraits = DefaultBasisCreator;
using CahnHilliardTraits = DefaultBasisCreator;
# ProblemStat `Traits`
## Example: `BaseProblem`
struct NavierStokesProblem
: BaseProblem>
NavierStokesProblem(Grid& grid)
: BaseProblem>("ns", grid)
// ...
struct CahnHilliardProblem
: BaseProblem>
CahnHilliardProblem(Grid& grid)
: BaseProblem>("ch", grid)
// ...