Miniature sensor systems for biomedical diagnostics
Topic: Development, design and in vitro testing of a piezoresistive glucose sensor
    The objective of this work is to develop and test a reliable and long-term-stable glucose sensor for physiological glucose range between 1 and 20 mM.
    Content description:
  • Design of a dip glucose sensor combining a glucose-sensitive hydrogel and a micro fabricated pressure sensor chip.
  • Investigation of the response of the glucose-sensitive hydrogel at different regimes of the glucose concentration change and of the solution supply.
  • Estimation of accuracy with which a sensor can track gradual changes in glucose in the range between 1 and 20 mM.
  • Evaluation of the sensitivity, signal reversibility, and response time of the sensor in complex physiological solutions.
  • Long term in vitro testing of the sensor in a complex physiological solution.

Contact: PD Dr.-Ing. habil. M. Günther, Room: GLB 7-E08, Phone:+49 351 46335378
Topic: Microsensor system based on metabolically sensitive hydrogels
    The objective of this work is the elimination of cross-sensitivity of a glucose-sensitive hydrogel to pH value of solution and development of a corresponding algorithm for its compensation.
    Content description:
  • Development and design of a set-up for simultaneous measurement of glucose concentration and pH-value of solution with the help of an additional piezoresistive pH sensor.
  • Design of a pH sensor combining a pH-sensitive hydrogel and a micro fabricated pressure sensor chip.
  • Implementation of testing and calibrating procedures for pH sensor in the pH range of 7 – 7.5.
  • Study of the response of glucose and pH sensors in solutions with different glucose concentrations and pH values.
  • Evaluation of the influence of solution pH change on the signal of glucose sensor.
  • Derivation of calibration algorithms and algorithms for the compensation of the cross-sensitivities of a glucose-sensitive hydrogel to pH value and ionic strength of solution.

Contact: PD Dr.-Ing. habil. M. Günther, Room: GLB 7-E08, Phone:+49 351 46335378
Topic: Development and implementation of calibrating procedure for glucose sensors
    The objective of this work is to develop and evaluate calibration algorithms for glucose sensors according to the method of initial rate determination in order to achieve an optimum between the sensor signal amplitude and the sensor response time.
    Content description:
  • Measurement of the sensor output voltage during the swelling/deswelling process of the glucose-sensitive hydrogel layer due to small gradual glucose concentration changes in solution.
  • Determination of the initial slopes of the measuring kinetic curves.
  • Calibration of glucose sensor according to the method of initial rate determination.
  • Evaluation of the corresponding calibration and measurement procedures and deriving calibration algorithms.

Contact: PD Dr.-Ing. habil. M. Günther, Room: GLB 7-E08, Phone:+49 351 46335378